Make 100 dollars everyday minimum from anywhere with the help of pc and internet and with your skills





100 Ways To Make $100

1.    Forum Posting

One of the easiest ways you can make money online, if you have a talent for talking, is by posting on forums.


Many website owners hire people to post on their forums so that they look busier and more popular. By doing this, they hope to attract more long-term visitors.


Another problem for most busy website owners is that updating and participating in their own forums is very time consuming and prohibits them from working on other projects. That's where you can help. You can get paid to participate in the forums on their behalf.


When you’re posting in forums, all you would have to do is start new threads, or respond to existing comments and questions and to keep conversations going.


You can do this by posting interesting thoughts, tips, articles, news and thought-provoking conversation.


One of the perks of this job is that you get to learn a lot of new things. Also, if you can post in forums that you’re already interested in, you'll basically get paid for doing something you enjoy.


In order to make money as a forum poster, here are some steps you can take:


   There a numerous websites that you can sign up to that offer paid forum posting jobs. All you have to do is create an account and they will give you a list of forums that you can participate in. As soon as you have reached a certain number of posts (determined by them), you will get paid.


Here are some of the best sites you can sign up with: Paid Forum Posting - this website specializes in creating content for websites and offers forum posting jobs for members worldwide. You must be 18+ to apply.


Experience is recommended, but not necessary. However you must be able to write and speak English fluently and have reasonably good grammar, spelling and punctuation.


PostLoop – Postloop is another popular forum posting site. You can earn money for posting on forums and blogs here.


To get accepted, you will need to submit 5 sample posts. One benefit of this site is that you can get paid daily, you only need to reach $5 (equivalent to 100 points) to get paid via Paypal. Open to people Worldwide.


Professional Forum Posters – This site is another great place to make money posting on forums. The pay is around

$0.25 a post.


Forums First – Similar to Postloop, you have to submit 5 sample posts before you are accepted as a writer.


If you choose to do forum posting, the owner may let you have a "signature" link, which is basically free ad-space below all of your forum posts. You can use this to send traffic to your own websites.


   Browse through freelancing sites such as, etc.


-     Apply for the forum posting jobs on those sites.


-     Respond back to the buyer on time if you are called for an interview.


-     Agree on the pay per post and the deadline.


-     Get the job done within the accepted deadline.


   Browse job websites such as Indeed, SimplyHired and Monster Jobs for forum posting jobs.


How much can I make out of forum posting?


For each forum post you make, the general prices range anywhere from $0.10 to $0.50 per post. If you have time to devote to this during the day and are able to make between 200 to 500 posts (depending on how much your job is worth), then you can earn $100 a day.

2.   Chat and Forum Moderator

As long as chat rooms and forums exist, moderators will also need to exist.


That's because website owners need people to delete negative comments, make sure things are running smoothly and forum users are getting their comments and questions responded to.


To become a moderator, you would need to regularly monitor comments posted by users, delete spam, answer questions from users, and reply to user messages. You would also need to encourage threads, add new content to the site and block comments posted by people who ignore the forums rules.


If you have an interest in certain forums, this could be very fun and interesting job for you to do. Just like forum


posting, you also have the potential to learn a lot.


A forum moderator will need good people skills, possess good grammar and should communicate well via the written word, be efficient with a computer, and can sit for long periods of time, often checking the forum until their help is needed.


Most of the job listings will describe their technical requirements, but most of them will require     you to have your own computer with an internet connection.


Getting a job as a forum moderator may be as simple as applying for a position on a job search website, or it may require being part of an active online community until you've earned a respected place in it.


Often, you can do some research into the communities you're a part of and see if they have any openings on their "Careers" tab.


In order to become a forum moderator, here are some steps you can take:


   Post a profile on freelancing sites such as, etc.


Describe your interests and your level of expertise. You can also search for forum moderator jobs on the same freelancing sites, and apply for them.


   Google forum moderation job openings. If there are forums you’re interested in, check with the owner.


Examples of search phrases you can use are "forum administrator," "forum moderator," and "forum leader."


   A lot of people dont post on freelancing sites but rather prefer to hire people who already post a lot on their forum.


Participating in online forums will allow you to become familiar with the forum environment, and can help you develop an online presence.


If you are always posting on a particular forum and helping others, the people in charge may notice and invite you to become a moderator when an opening is available.


Providing helpful information and knowledge an demonstrate your experience with the forum topic, and can make you a valuable asset to the community.


   Browse job search websites such as Indeed, SimplyHired and Monster Jobs for forum moderator job openings.


   Search for forums on Google that you are interested in and contact the owner for possible job openings. Find out how they tend to hire. Be prepared to share some writing samples, particularly on the theme of that website.


How much can I make from moderating forums?


Pay can range from minimum wage to $15-$17 an hour. Some jobs pay for the entire time you are monitoring the forums, while others may only pay you when you respond to issues that come up in a work queue (meaning that you can be away from the community until you are called in).


3.   Article Writing

If you are a decent writer, you can earn good money by


writing articles for people with blogs or websites.


Many website owners need to keep their sites current and up-to-date to remain popular and keep visitors returning, but don't have the time to keep creating new content for them. Because of this problem, they hire people who can write on their behalf.


In fact, there's thousands of writing opportunities online, many of which pay well.


It’s knowing how to find the best potential markets, delivering writing that works well online, and growing initial assignments into ongoing relationships that can set you apart from other writers.


A good article writer will need to possess good grammar and should communicate well via the written word.


In order for you to become a content writer, here are some steps you can take:


   Spend some time learning how to research and write a quality article. Here's a great article on how to write an effective article: writing-it-better


   Post a profile on freelancing sites such as, etc.


Describe your interests and your levels of expertise. Look for article writing jobs on the same freelancing sites and apply for them.


   Email the owners of websites that you already like and check if they are looking for writers.


   Submit your articles to revenue-sharing websites, where they will pay you a certain amount for every view or ad click from your post.


Here are 2 of the top revenue-sharing sites: Hubpages

This site is really simple to use: all you have to do is join and upload your first article!


You’ll need to have your article approved, but as long as it's 700+ words and free from grammatical and spelling errors, then there shouldn't be a problem.


The only drawback is that you need to apply for your own Google AdSense account to get paid. But don't worry, it only takes a few minutes to get one.




Textbroker has a few more hurdles than some of the other sites on this list. It’s only open to U.S. citizens, and you’ll need to submit a sample article when you register.


They will then review your sample article and give you a rating between 2 to 5 stars.


You can earn anywhere from $0.007 to $0.05 a word, depending on your rating. The minimum payment is $10 by PayPal.


   Lastly, you can post article to sites that will pay you on a


per-article-basis. One of the most popular sites is iWriter.


Their rate is around $1.25 for a 150-word article, and their minimum payout is $20.


One downside is that clients on iWriter do not have to approve your article — if they reject it, you won't get paid.


Typically you'll get around 80-90% of your articles approved while the other 10-20% will require some editing.


Delivering high quality content will help you earn more money on this site. After you've received 4-star reviews for 30 articles, you'll become a premium writer (doubling your pay), and when you hit 30 articles with 4.5 star reviews, you'll get triple the pay and be an elite writer.


How much can I make out of article writing?


Content writing jobs can pay anywhere from $1 to $100+ based on the length of the article, quality and your expertise. If you're already an expert on the topic you're writing about, you can often charge a premium.


Even if you are new to writing, you can make upwards of

$.50 for each 100 words you write.


4.   Blogging

If there’s something that you're really passionate about, you can create a blog where you can talk about it regularly.


This is a fun way in which you can share your passions


while learning and teaching about what you’re already excited about with like-minded people.


In order to become a blogger, you would need to be a decent writer with the ability to write interesting, thought- provoking or entertaining content. You would also need to be able to post fairly regularly to your blog so that it can grow and build a strong following.


Blogs can make you money in several ways.


Just some of the ways are to have people pay you to post their advertisements by using a service such as (this is best for blogs with a lot of traffic), or by putting Google AdSense ads on your blog. With this option, Google will pay you each time someone clicks on their advertisements on your blog.


The amount of money you can earn per click will depend upon the topic of your blog and the competitiveness in the marketplace for advertising in your certain niche.


A third option is to sell affiliate products related to the topic of your blog. If for example you had a blog about weight loss, you could locate a weight loss product that has an affiliate program, which you can find at, and either put banners up on your blog, or promote it to your newsletter if you're collecting the email addresses of your visitors.


In order for you to become a Blogger, here are some steps you can take:


   First, you will need to choose a blogging platform. The most common, and the one I highly recommend is Wordpress.


Next, decide if you want a free account at or if you would rather host the blog on your own domain (if you purchase a domain, your blog could be something like, whereas a free account would look like


Most people choose to buy a domain so that their blog appears more professional and so that they have more control and ownership. If you choose this option, you'll need to sign up with a hosting company (I recommend HostGator – their plans are as low as $4.95 a month), and then have your own domain connected to the hosting company.


This may sound difficult but it’s actually very easy, and HostGator’s customer support can help you with any questions.


HostGator actually make it very easy to install a Wordpress blog to your website in about 5 minutes or less with their "1-click" Wordpress installation option found inside your control panel.


Here's a video tutorial showing you just how easy it is to install Wordpress with HostGator:


   After your blog has been created, you can decorate it however you would like (Wordpress calls your blog layout a "theme".)


Here is a video tutorial showing how to change and edit your Wordpress theme:


   After you have your new blog looking how you like, you can then start posting news, lessons, stories, articles or anything relevant to your blog.


Here's a video tutorial showing how to make new posts to your Wordpress blog:


   Try to add new content as frequently as possible so that you build up a regular readership base.


   As Google and other search engines discover your blog, you should start to see more visitors coming in to your blog as they find you via searches related to your blog topic.


To get more free visitors from the search engines, your posts should contain keywords that people regularly search for on Google.


To see what people are searching for in your niche, you can use the Google Keyword Planner. Simply type in the topic of your blog and it will show you the most popular and searched for keywords.


Sprinkling these keywords within your posts will help Google understand what your blog is about and hopefully you'll start to see a flow of traffic to your site.


It can take time to grow your blog organically, so you should do everything you can to help bring in new visitors.


   Some other ideas to get more visitors are to post your new blog posts in Facebook groups related to your niche so people can share it around.


Another option is to comment on established blogs related to yours so that their readers can click on the website link in your comments and visit your blog.


How much can I make out of blogging?


It can take some time to establish a blog, but the profit potentials can be quite large. Some people have sold their blogs for millions of dollars.


Your earnings will vary based on the amount of traffic you get, how interesting your content is, how often you post, and the types of advertisements you put on your blog.




5.   Guest Writer

Individual bloggers, big companies – they're all using guest blogging. This creates new opportunities for you to make a living as a writer.


Similar to article writing, website owners will usually need specific experts to create new content for their websites.

They might not know enough about a certain topic, or want to have someone else’s insight.


If you are knowledgeable or an expert in any particular field, you can make some really good money by guest writing and offering your wisdom and insights.


Even if you are not an expert, if you can spend enough time to create a well-researched piece of content it will have a good chance of being accepted.


This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get exposure


online through leveraging other people’s established audiences.


There are generally 2 ways to make money with guest writing.


1.    You can get paid directly per guest post you write.


2.   You can submit your content for free as long as it includes a resource box. You can use the resource box to promote any website of yours or even promote an affiliate product.


It can also help you become "known" in a market, it can help build a brand, it can help with SEO, and it can be used as a medium to write quality content to represent your brand.


In order for you to become a guest writer, here are some steps you can take:


   Establish yourself as an expert in your niche by posting on forums in your area of interest. Sometimes, people will just ask if you're interested in creating content for them.


   You can also write to website and forum owners and let them know what your expertise is and that you'd be interested in creating content for them should they be interested.


Many websites have a "write for us" link on their site which lists what they are looking for and how to submit your content to them for review.


A good way to find blogs to guest post on is using the Blog Search Engine. It's a search engine just like Google, but


shows only blog results.


   When you get a writing job, make sure your content is written and submitted as early as possible. If you establish a good reputation, you can get references for other sites and hopefully end up writing for more.


   Believe it or not, one of the best ways to get more guest writing jobs is by guest posting! Think about it, what better way to hire someone to guest blog for you than to find them through a guest post on another popular blog?


   Here's a list of websites that will pay you $50 or more for every article that you write for them: – $50


The KCL contributor network is a new way for stay-at- home moms, working women and men-who-are-in-touch- with-their-money-saving-side to share their expertise with KCL's audience of millions. Earn money by submitting original, engaging content that helps others learn to save money! – $60


Writers Weekly is a freelance writing ezine and hub for all things writing. They pay $60 for feature articles that are around 600 words and $40 for sharing your writing success story (~300 words). – $50


Tuts+ is a tutorial site with thousands of videos, articles, and tutorials to help people learn new skills. If the editor chooses to publish your article you will be paid at the


beginning of the month after your article is accepted. – $50

Another writing blog. Topics include blogging, time management, and how to find writing jobs.


How much can I make from being a guest writer?


Depending on the length of the piece of content you create and the obscurity of the topic, you can make anywhere from $25 to $200 each time you write.


Some blogs have 1,000,000's of visitors a month and can send you a large amount of traffic to your websites and offers which can result in numerous sales.


6. Podcasting

Podcasting is quite similar to blogging, but you do it via your voice instead of typing or writing.


Podcasts are digital media files (most often mp3 audio), which are typically produced in a series. Listeners can subscribe to your podcasts by using software called a podcatcher.


Podcasting can be used for:


1.    Informational content.

2.   Music.

3.   Talk Shows.

4.   Training.

5.   Story telling.


Many people consider podcasting as an alternative to commercial radio and TV, because of the low cost of producing a podcast which allows more voices and viewpoints to be heard.


You would get the exact same benefits and you should approach it the same way as Blogging, but it's simply a way to suit people who would prefer talking versus writing.


Plus, the other benefit to podcasts is they can be heard while driving, jogging or at times when it is impossible to read.


To get started podcasting, you will need a few basic bits of equipment such as a headphone, microphone, and software with which to record your audio files.


You can make decent money with podcasting in exactly the same way you would with blogging – via advertisements and by recommending affiliate products directly in your podcast that offer commissions.


Another more lucrative way to get paid to podcast is with sponsorships. This is the way most prominent podcasters are monetizing their podcast these days. With this method, you simply promote your sponsor and get paid directly from them.


The most important number to sponsors isn't actually the size of your audience, but how engaged your audience is and how likely they are to take action on the sponsors message from the presenter.


In order for you to become a paid podcaster, here are some steps you can take:


   Create a website or blog with which to put your podcasts on.


   Plan out and record your content  you can use a good free recording program called Audacity if you don't already have something else.


   Create or convert your recordings to mp3 format.


Upload your mp3 files along with good a description to your website.


Now you can start sharing it with your friends, on social media etc.


Remember to add content as frequently as possible so that you can build up a regular listener base and potentially find those sponsorship deals.


   There are many great tutorials out there that show you how to do each of these steps in-depth.


Cliff Ravenscraft, aka the Podcast Man has a free video series, "Learn How To Podcast 101", which is a video tutorial with more than 120 minutes of instruction that will help you lay a solid foundation for setting up a podcast for future success. This podcasting tutorial will give you all the building blocks to help you understand what is needed to launch your podcast business properly.


Another really great free resource can be found at They provide information of setting up a podcast, as well as detailed guides on promoting and making money with your podcasts.


Here are some more ways to monetize your podcasts:


   You can ask for donations. Don't expect to make too much money with this method though.


   Give some quality information away free, charge for the rest. One popular method being used today is to offer every 2nd podcast for free and charge a monthly fee for the rest.


   Allow listeners to partially listen to your show for free and pay for full access. With this method you could offer the first 10-20 minutes of your podcast for free and charge for the rest.


   Build your brand to sell your own products and services. If you run your own business you can promote those on your podcasts.


How much can I make podcasting?


It can take some time to establish a decent podcast audience, but the profit potentials can be quite large if you become popular.


Your earnings will vary based on the amount of listeners you get, how interesting your content is, how often you podcast, and the types of advertisements you offer.


7.   Online Counselor

Many people prefer to go online looking for counseling rather than meeting a counselor in person. The counseling session can occur via e-mail, video conferencing, online


chat or even internet phone.


They feel they can be a little more anonymous that way, and there's also the convenience of not needing to drive anywhere which is a bonus.


If you have the skills and ability to counsel people effectively, this could be an ideal online job for you. You don't need to have any special degree, although it would obviously give you a competitive advantage.


People who make good counselors are usually those who are interested in psychology, self-awareness as well as self- improvement, and also have a strong desire to help others with their problems. A good listening ear also helps.


If you're interested in becoming an online counselor, you should first check the laws in your state or Country to determine the requirements for becoming a counselor.

Learn more about who is qualified to provide mental health care online in this article on the qualifications of online therapists.


In order to become an online counselor, here are some steps you can take:


   Create a website that lists your current qualifications and how you are able to help people. If you do not have a degree or other qualifications to prescribe things to people, let them know.


Many people actually just want to pay you to listen to them so they have a safe place where they can vent their frustrations. Just be sure not to overstep what you're legally allowed to say and do.


   Once you have a website, you can start advertising it on social networks, amongst friends, in local newspapers and with pay-per-click marketing such as Google Adwords and Bing Ads.


Something even as simple as placing an ad in the Yellow Pages or local newspapers can be an effective way to generate new business. If you're having trouble with your marketing and getting new clients, you could even consider hiring an outside consultant to help grow your business.


   Once you start taking new clients, you will start to build up your customer base and see repeat appointments. When first starting out, you should start collecting testimonials from the people you help and then put those testimonials on your website to build your credibility. If you can get a audio or video testimonial, even better.


   There are numerous websites and colleges which offer online counseling courses that you can use to enhance your skills and credibility. Here are a couple of the most popular ones:


-     Blackford Centre for Counseling


They give you the tools and techniques you need to help people as a counselor. The course is full of activities, suggestions, tips and ideas that you can instantly use with your clients.


They also explain how to set up your own counseling practice. They even show you how to launch and market it, and how to get clients. You'd be surprised how many courses don't cover this adequately.


-     The Institute of Counseling


According to their website, the course you choose will extend your natural talents and make you a more effective counselor or carer. Your interpersonal skills - like those of listening, understanding and empathizing - will be explored and developed so that the help and support you ultimately give will be effective. Remember - wherever the problems and concerns of people are involved, just a small change can make a vital difference.


-     Online Counseling College


The Online Counseling College offers opportunities for professional development and personal growth. All of their courses are available to first time students as well as to experienced practitioners.


How much can I make out of being an online counselor?


Depending on your skill level and reputation, you can make anywhere from $25-$200 an hour and upwards.


Just like real-world counseling, the salaries of online counselors can vary quite a lot depending on your location and qualifications. If you're starting out in the field, you shouldn’t expect to be making as much as someone who has 5-10 years of experience, who might make upwards of

$100,000 annually.


Rather, you can expect to make anywhere between

$30,000 and $50,000 annually. If you are working independently as an online counselor, you have the power to set the prices for your services, which means you will have at least a little more control over your income than someone working for an organization.



8.   Online Translation

Imagine for a moment that you've written an article, a book, or even created a video. You made it in your native language; but you’d like people in other parts of the world to access it.


You will need to hire someone who speaks your own language and your targeted language fluently. It is where translation jobs come in handy; and you can make money from it as a freelance translator online.


Especially if you know one of the languages which are in huge demand right now including German, Japanese and Chinese.


If you want to be a translator professionally, you should consider taking a language proficiency test such as the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) or other language proficiency tests to show potential clients that you are indeed fluent in your specific languages.


Like most online work, gaining experience is essential. If you're enrolled at or live near a college, you could take classes in translation and look for opportunities to perform translation work on campus for various departments. It is crucial to get experience where you can show samples of your work to potential clients and get recommendations.


In order for you to become a freelance online translator, here are some steps you can take:


   Post a profile on freelancing sites such as,,, etc.


Describe your interests and your levels of expertise. Look for translation jobs on the same freelancing sites and apply for them.


   There are many sites which provide translation services exclusively. You can submit your known languages and get hired through any of those sites as well.


Here are some of the top online translation companies: Translators Cafe

This website is one of the best when it comes to finding translation jobs. You upload your CV, choose your rates per language combination, upload a profile picture and describe your specialization as well as any other services you offer (such as subtitling, editing, interpreting, localization, transcriptions, etc.).


The best feature of this website is their job board. Every day, new translation jobs with your language combinations are posted and you can then contact the agency or the person that placed the ad.


Translators Town


Translators Town is basically a bidding site similar to the freelancing sites above with the only difference being that it's specifically for translation services.


The size of the jobs available will vary from client to client

– like all the other bidding-type sites. There are even small jobs where the client may only want a photo caption translated. Then there are the larger translation jobs where the client may need a book translated into another language.


Proz is generally meant for professional translators with good experience, but there are also amateur translators as well. Registration takes no longer than a couple of minutes and then you will be ready to bid on their translation jobs. To bid, you will need to pay 1 USD per bid. It's a good idea to deposit a few dollars into your account when starting.


This site allows the employer to contact the freelancers directly and all payments are direct too, so there are no fees, except the bidding fee, which is quite low. With bigger projects I would recommend some kind of guarantee of payment from the employer for protection unless they are very reputable.




TRADUguide is another great platform where translators and their clients can meet. Their automatic job notification service lets you receive translation requests in your chosen language pairs and specializations directly to your email.


Bidding on a job is as simple as clicking the link in the notification email and you will be brought to a form page where you can enter your bid or price quote. Should the client agree to your quote, they will contact you directly. Everything else, including payment is up to you and your client to agree upon.


How much can I get paid for online translation jobs?


   You can get paid anywhere from $0.01 upward per word depending on the demand for the language pair you specialize in. If the number of translators for the language


are scarce, then you can charge a higher rate per word.



9.   Service Reselling

Many companies and individuals look to hire people in order to help them expand their online presence, to manage their blogs or forums, or to help assist them with other time-consuming tasks.


If you are good at managing small groups of people, you can act as an "agent" for a team of specialized outsourcers.


You would do this by identifying people that can do certain work, and then advertise their services to online businesses via your own sales website.


In order to make money, you would simply mark up the price on the fee of the outsourcers so you can make a profit.


For example, you could offer article writing services on your website for $8 each, but then go pay an outsourcer that you've found $4 to write the actual article for you.


Your goal would be to find a good selection of outsourcers that you can rely on and who can deliver quality work. One way to check is to simply order their services as a customer to check the quality.


Running this type of business can save people a lot of time.


If for example, you built a service based around content creation, a website owner only needs to access your website and order their desired content.


If they were to go to a freelancing site, they would have to submit their requirements, wait for outsources to place bids, then they would have to screen all the bids and then finally choose someone to do the work.


If they have large volumes of work that needs to be done they might need more than one worker which makes the task of vetting outsourcers even more stressful and time- consuming.


That's where a service like yours would come in handy for busy business owners, especially if they can come to trust your work.


When choosing people to work with, it's important that you only work with outsourcers that you know and trust. If you deliver bad quality content or services to your customers the chances are they won't return for repeat work and might even leave you bad reviews.


Some of the most popular services that you can build a website for are SEO, content creation, banner design and website design.


A great place to look for ideas are at You'll find literally thousands of services being offered there and at really cheap prices that you could easily mark-up.


In order for you to become an outsourcing middle-man, here are some steps you can take:


   Browse through freelancing sites such as,,, etc. to find people that you can hire.


   Check the quality of their work by making an order as a


customer or by asking for samples of previous work.


   Consider working with outsourcers outside of freelancing sites to avoid unnecessary fees. Freelancing sites help protect buyers and sellers but if you establish good relationships with your workers then that won't be an issue and you can work with them directly.


If your business becomes successful enough, you may even consider hiring the outsourcers on a full-time or hourly basis.


   Create a professional looking website where you lay out the service/s you offer, as well as your prices and turnaround times. Include lots of testimonials as soon as you receive them.


   Start advertising your site on places such as Google Adwords and Bing Ads and websites and forums where your service would be desirable.


   Start building up your customer base. Do a great job, again this would come down to you selecting a team of workers that deliver high quality work and start collecting testimonials from the people you help.


How much money can I make out of being an outsourcing middle-man?


A lot of how much you can make depends on the type of services you offer, how many clients you can handle simultaneously, and how well you can market your services.


10.  Employee Referral Programs

There are many companies out there that are willing to pay you a hefty referral bonus if you can help bring their business qualified new employees.


If you have relationships with any recruiters or happen to know a lot of people, this could be a simple method for you to earn some extra money for very little effort.


Even if you don't know many people, you can even use the internet to find hundreds of potential prospects that you can refer to these companies.


Currently, one of the most likely professions to offer bonuses are in the IT industry because of their high- demand. This can offer a great opportunity for you because you can find an abundance of IT professionals online who are looking for work.


In order to become an employee referrer, here are some simple steps that you can take:


   You might be surprised to know that more companies have referral programs than not, which can open up a lot of opportunities for you to find them employees. If you're not sure if a company has a referral program, all you have to do is give them call and find out. Be sure to inquire about any conditions they have before bonuses are paid out.


   A couple of good examples of online companies that offer referral bonuses are HubSpot and Atlassian. Both of these companies offer a massive $30,000 and $2,000 referral bonus respectively.


The best part is those bonuses are not restricted to current employees. Anyone can make a referral and be eligible for the cash payouts. You will however, need to check with each company for any conditions that need to be met before a referral payout is made.


   If you currently work with a company that has a referral program that would be one of the best places to start. Companies tend to heavily favor referrals from people who already work for their company so your chances of success will be much higher.


   Check with people in your network and see if any of them are looking for a job.


   Go to freelancing sites such as,,, etc., and browse through some of the profiles of people working on those sites. Start communicating with people who have good ratings, qualifications and sound good, and ask them if they would be interested in a more regular job.


   When you locate prospects, you can then refer them to the HR of the company you are working with. If they get hired, you will get paid.


   Another option is to build relationships with other recruiters. By doing this, you can get their lists of current job openings where the companies are desperate for new employees. This type of relationship can turn out to be very lucrative.


   Use JobHubble is an online recruiting platform that's made specifically for companies seeking new employees through referrals sharing their jobs online via social media channels.


JobHubble helps companies increase their social exposure by tapping into networks of recruiters with established social networks and who are willing to share their job openings online.


When a person gets hired for a position, the social recruiter will earn a cash reward.


All you would have to do is share the job openings on your social media networks and get in touch with friends and other potential clients you've found with other methods discussed in this article. If any company hires someone through any of your referrals, you'll get paid.


Another way to make money with JobHubble is to post the job openings in other channels such as online classified ads websites including CraigsList and


   If you have your own blog or website, you could try this new approach from JobCoin where you would place their "jobs board" widget on your site.


JobCoin acts as the middleman for companies looking for more exposure for their job openings. By embedding their job board on your website, you can offer your readers a useful job hunting tool and earn money at the same time.


So how much could you make from being an employee referrer?


Bonuses can range anywhere from as little as $50 all the way up to $10,000's. Some companies are now starting to offer other rewards rather than just money too. How much you can get paid will depend on the type of position needed. The more qualifications the person needs and the more the job pays, the more you will get paid.


11.  Website Broker

There are many people who are interested in buying websites online and the marketplace is huge. They want to buy these sites because they have already been established and already produce income which means they don't have to do the groundwork on their own or because they see a potential for growth and higher profits on these sites.


There are also a lot of people who want to or would be willing to sell their websites to others but simply don't know how. This can be an extremely lucrative business to get involved in if you can find a good supply of buyers and sellers.


Just like a real estate agent, as a website broker, you would be able to connect buyers with sellers and claim a percentage of the transaction for making the connection possible.


As a broker, it's your job to review and screen the sites you are going to offer for sale, to make sure the figures and all other statistics, such as website traffic and monthly income are genuine.


You might also have to help the seller determine the value of their website, assist in the negotiation of the sale and then take care of all the post-sales support and transactions.


In order to become a website broker, here are some steps you can take:


   Create a site that outlines the basics of what you offer.


As soon as you find some buyers and sellers who are interested in your service, begin updating your website showing what websites are available as well as what your buyers are looking for. One important thing to remember is to never put the seller's contact info on your website, otherwise potential buyers could try to cut you out and bypass your commission.


   You can find people who are interested in buying and selling websites by going to the biggest existing brokerage sites such as, and Anyone who has their websites listed on any of these sites would more than likely want additional help and exposure and you can propose to list their website on your platform too.


   Visit websites such as TB Solutions and analyze some of the sites that are for sale there. You can also make some pricing requests. You should get good at identifying websites that have a high Google ranking and other good metrics that have value such as Domain Authority, Trust Flow and good backlink profiles.


By using those types of sites to buy websites with high PR and other good metrics, you can get them developed into professional and attractive websites and then sell them for a much higher price.


   Another great way to attract buyers to your website is to advertise on pay-per-click advertising platforms such as Google Adwords and Bing Ads. By doing this, you can have your website show up in the sponsored listings whenever someone does a search for "websites for sale" or other related keywords to your business.


   Never give out sensitive website details to potential


buyers until you get signed paperwork stating that they won't go around you, and so forth.


   If a deal is made, the payment can be sent to you where you can collect your commission and forward the remainder of the money to the seller.


   Another bonus tip I can offer you here is to let the buyer come up with starting price. If a buyer send you a request for info on a particular website for sale you just have to ask them: How much is this website worth to you? This simple strategy can make a huge difference to the closing sale price.


So how much can I make from being a website broker?


How much you make depends on the value of the site that you are selling. This could range anywhere from $100 well into the millions of dollars for large websites.


As a website broker you can typically charge 10% of the gross sale price for websites valued over $25,000 and 15% for websites under $25,000.


You will also be able to earn more as your negotiation skills improve. As you get a better understanding of the value of websites, you will be better equipped to justify the value of websites you are selling to your potential prospects.


12.  Forum Posting Service

Many website owners are looking for people that can post in their forums. They do this to help their forum grow and so it looks active and popular. This encourages members to


come back more frequently.


In a previous method, I showed you where and how to make money by posting in forums yourself and getting paid directly. That method works great for smaller websites who are only looking to hire a couple of people, but sometimes, they want to hire many people at one time, so hiring a lot of individual forum posters is a bit of a hassle and time-consuming.


This is where a forum posting service can come in handy. If you are able to pool together a team of 3-5 good forum posters, you will then be able to offer a "one-stop" solution where the forum owner will simply pay you and you take care of managing and paying your other team members.


The advantage for forum owners to use your service is that it can save them a lot of time and money because you can provide bulk discounts.


Your team will generally have to create unique, thought- provoking and authentic posts and replies on your clients forum.


In order to start your own forum posting service, here are some steps you can take:


   Create a website that lists your services and research your competitors. Some good examples of established sites that you can model are Paid Forum Posting and Forums First.


You should check out these websites and have a look at their posting plans. Compare how many posts that are offering and at what prices. As you begin, you may want to consider having lower prices until you start to become


more established.


However, you still want to make sure you can make a small profit especially if you will be hiring other writers to help you with your business.


   You can find forum posters to hire on any of the big freelancing sites out there such as,,, etc.


   Another great place to not only find workers but also to advertise your services is on


You will need to occasionally check the work of your team to make sure they are doing a good job and actually earning their money. A couple things you will want to keep an eye on are quality, grammar, spelling as well as duplicate content.


   You can approach webmasters with forums that look inactive and small and ask if they need your services. You could even offer them free sample postings. You should also ask forum owners what posting services they have used in the past, which ones they liked and most importantly, why they liked them more than others.


   Consider posting for free at first. As your service will be brand-new you aren't going to have a lot of reputation in the marketplace. You should consider giving away some of your smaller packages away possibly in exchange for testimonials.


   Sign up with the big webmaster forums to advertise your forum posting plans. You could start out by giving 1 of your plans away each day to build up some credibility and to get some reviews.


How much can you make from running your own forum posting service?


How much you can make will mostly depend on what you will charge your clients and how much you have decided to pay your workers, but you could easily make $100/day by doing this after getting enough clients.


13.  Referral Exchanges

There are numerous programmers, coders, writers and other professionals out there who take in a lot of individual projects from clients.


There are times when these workers have too much work to do and so they can't take on any new projects and have to pass up on them.


The good news is you can create a relationship with these people whereby you would take on some or all of their excess work, which you could either do yourself or outsource to other people for some extra money.


On the other hand, if you have too much work that you can't handle, you could also refer it to others and charge them a fee for your referral.


It doesn't matter which way you choose to do this, because you can profit both ways.


It's said that in business, there's only one kind of lead that you should be interested in. Only one kind of lead that really counts. Only one kind of lead you should care about.


That's white-hot leads, the kind you get through referrals from trusted partners.


Getting a referral means receiving a personal introduction to your prospect. This is exactly the kind of person you want to deal with-someone who is expecting your call and wants to do business with you.


It would be great to get all of your business from these referrals because let's face it, who wouldn't rather take a sales call than making one. You would save a lot of time and close business deals faster.


"The most effective, productive way to build a business is through referrals," Joanne Black, the owner of No More Cold Calling™ insists. "People do business with people and that is built on relationships." She says that referral selling has a minimum of a 50 percent conversion rate; with many reporting up to a 70 - 90 percent conversion rate.


In order for you to make money with referral exchanges, here are some steps you can take:


   Register with some of the referral exchange forums and websites.


   Locate people who are able to take on any last minute work.


   Look for people who are in your industry and regularly accept work.


   Decide on how much you will pay people for giving you work as well as how much to charge for giving work to others.


   It's important that you always do a great job as well as only refer people who you can trust. This will ensure that you grow and don't hurt your reputation.


   Give thanks - Remember to thank your referral source for making the referral, regardless of the outcome. Keeping in touch with your referral sources over time will ensure you have a great source for further referrals.


How much money can be made from referral exchanges?


The amount of profit you get will vary based on how much you are charging for referring work and what you are willing to pay people for giving you references. You need to take into account how much you will be charging to do the actual work. It's quite possible to make $100 a day with this method, as soon as you build up a decent partner base.


14.  Buying And Selling Backlinks

To get a higher ranking in the search engines such as Google, many people and SEO (search engine optimization) experts think that they need to get high quality backlinks from other websites pointing to their own sites.


A backlinks is basically just a clickable link on one person's website that points to another website.


When Google finds these links, it counts as a kind of vote for the site being linked to. Google feels that if a website is worth linking to, it must have some importance and value and therefore it should be given more preference in it's rankings.


Most searches will return hundreds or even thousands of results, and most people are not going to click on your website if it's 247th in the list. You need your website to appear towards the top of the list, preferably in the top 5 listings. In other words, if you want traffic, you need good search engine rankings for popular words.


Every website owner knows that if you have a higher placement in the search engines then you'll get more website visitors to your site which ultimately means more money.


There are only three ways for people to get backlinks. You can build them manually, get them organically or you can buy them. To build them manually, you could comment on blog posts, post on forums, write articles and guest posts, or searching the internet for relevant sites and asking for a link.


Building backlinks manually is definitely worthwhile, but it can be incredibly frustrating and time-consuming.


Since there is such a huge demand for people wanting to buy more backlinks that will improve their rankings, you can profit from this by acting as a middle-man between people who are offering to sell their links as well as people who are looking to buy them.


In order to buy and sell website links, here are some steps you can take:


   You can find people who are interested in buying and selling links in forums that are dedicated to the topic such as, and SEO Mastering.


Become aware of the guidelines for buying and selling links


on each individual forum and get familiar with the pricing of links.


   Market valuable links that are in demand (links that have high Page Rank on Google or other valuable metrics such as domain authority and trust flow.)


For a more in-depth look at what makes a valuable backlink, you should check out this article at SEO Mark.


   You could also create a website that lists all your links available as well as links wanted by your buyers.


   Start advertising your site on social networks, amongst friends, or via other traffic methods such as pay-per-click advertising on Google Adwords and Bing Ads as well as the forums I mentioned above.


   If you have links to sell in a particular niche, you could browse the search listing for sites that are on page 2+ of Google's search results and contact the owner and see if they are interested in improving their rankings with your links.


How much money can I make out of buying and selling links?


How much you make will depend on how much you charge for connecting buyers and sellers. You can also buy links on your own and then charge others a higher price by reselling them. You can make anywhere from $1 or even up to $1000 or more per link, depending on how valuable it is.


15.  Resell SSL Certificates

SSL certificates are something which websites require to prove that their website is secure. The SSL certificate is "signed" digitally by a trusted authority that has verified the identity of the website owner.


In more technical terms, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization's details.


When the certificate is installed on a web server, it activates the padlock icon in your web browser and the https protocol and allows a secure connection between a web server to a browser.


When people visit your website, they want to know it is safe and secure before they will submit any sensitive information such as credit card or personal details, so websites that deal with e-commerce especially need SSL certificates.


It's also possible to partner with any of the companies that provide SSL certificates and then resell them on their behalf. By doing this, you will either get a discount on the certificates, or you will get other incentives based on the amount of sales you make. Some examples of the kinds of incentives you can receive are here.


For web hosting providers, reselling SSL Certificates makes perfect sense. You already sell your customers website hosting and other ecommerce solutions so why not offer them the opportunity to secure their website as well? Many website owners buy an SSL Certificate for their site eventually, so being able to check one more thing off of


their list would be an easy way to earn additional income.


To start reselling SSL certificates, here are some steps you can take:


   Do a search and come up with a list of places that offer SSL certificates.


Some of the most popular places include:


Namecheap - The more business you do with Namecheap, the cheaper your prices get. Their SSL Reseller program has 4 pricing levels. Each level has it's qualifying threshold.


GeoTrust - GeoTrust is the world's second largest SSL authority and considered a trusted brand for internet security. They offer many different purchasing options such as bulk discounts and a pay-as-you-go program.


Digicert - With this company you don't actually need to buy certificates to sell them. There is no investment and no risk; your visitors and customers purchase the certificates, not you, and then you get a commission. That means zero liability for you as a partner.


Another great feature of the Digicert program is that when a customer purchases an SSL Certificate from you the customer is yours for life. As long as you remain an authorized partner then you'll receive royalty payments for your customer's renewals.


   Another options is to partner with SSLGuru or The SSL Store because they offer SSL Certificates from several different companies. A partnership with more than one provider will allow you to offer a wide variety of SSL Certificates.


   Sign up as a partner with one of the companies listed above or do a search for your own.


   Setup a website that lists your services and products offered.


   Advertise your site on places such as webmaster and webhosting forums, by using pay-per-click services such as Google Adwords and Bing Ads.


   Enjoy the sales incentives or profits depending on which payment model you have chosen.


How much revenue can I make by reselling SSL certificates?


If the company that you're working with is offering sales incentives, the it will depend on how many certificates you have sold as well as what that company offers for a particular amount of sales.


If the company that you're working with is offering you SSL certificates at a discount, then how much you make will depend on the margin of how much you pay versus how much you sell each certificate for.

16.  Drop-Shipping

There are many people who have considered selling on eBay or other websites but hated the idea of having to buy and store products, packaging them, and then finally shipping it to their customers.


The good news is that there's an alternative, it's called


drop-shipping. The best part about this method is that you don't have to deal with any of the problems mentioned above. In fact, you won't have to even touch the products at all.


When you drop-ship, all you have to do is sell the products. As soon as a sale is made and you receive payment, your drop-shipping company or wholesaler would ship the product out on your behalf to the customer, all you have to do is give them their name and address.


Just about anyone can start drop-shipping to make some extra money. There's no government oversight and you don't need any type of license to start selling wholesale items online. You may want to consider getting a standard business license from your state or country since you will be running a legitimate business and so you should make sure that you are operating legally.


In order for you to start drop-shipping, here are some steps you can take:


   Get yourself an account with eBay or other online auction sites as a seller or create your own e-commerce website.


   Locate wholesalers who provide drop-shipping services. One thing to make sure is that they don't use their contact details on the packages that are sent out otherwise you could miss out on potential future business with them. You can learn more about different drop-shipping companies here.


   Email or call manufacturers to find out if they drop-ship and, if so, do they deal with retailers directly or through a distributor. Doing this will entail that you know the business first-hand.


   There are many business-to-business (B2B) publications available for free on sites like Free Trade Magazine Source. You should consider subscribing to a few magazines that are in your desired niche. These publications frequently list product manufacturers as well as who you should contact.


   Choose which products that you want to sell.


   Start advertising these products on eBay or on your own website. Other places to advertise could include PPC (pay- per-click) on sites like Google Adwords and Bing Ads.


Where can I learn more about drop-shipping?


One great place to find drop-shipping courses is at Udemy is a marketplace for online learning and provides a platform for experts of any kind to create courses which can be offered to the public, either for free or for a tuition fee.


Two of their most popular drop-shipping courses are:


1.    eBay Selling: Dropshipping Products for Beginners    - This course will show you how to sell on eBay, gain access to retail products at wholesale prices and spend no money upfront.


It actually doesn't cost anything to open wholesale accounts and to work with legitimate wholesalers. You won't need to buy any inventory upfront.


2.   eBay DropShipping: $1,438 DropShipping From Just 3 Listings - Similar to the course above, you'll learn how to make fast and easy sales dropshipping on eBay. All you need to successfully run this business is a computer with an internet connection and about 30 minutes of free time


each day to deliver orders and check your earnings. How much money can I make from drop shipping?

How much you earn will depend on the difference between the wholesale price you pay, and the sale price you set.

You can make anywhere between a few extra bucks all the way up to $1000's of dollars per sale, depending on what kind of goods you are offering.


17. Sell Your Unwanted Items For Cash

If you've got any unused items laying around the house - anything from old clothes to grandma's antique furniture, then you can try to sell them on auctions sites like eBay.


I'm sure you've heard the saying, "One man's trash is another man's treasure", well it could be possible to earn a good amount of money just by doing a little cleaning and uncluttering around the home.


People often find it hard to declutter their home because we see the items we don't need and remember how much cash it cost us to get. Selling these things can bring back some of the money - money you can then put towards other items you really want.


In order for you to sell your unused items, here are some steps you can take:


   Become a member on online auctions sites such as eBay and the Amazon Marketplace as a seller.


   Setup a Paypal account if you don't already have one so


that you can receive payments quickly.


   Look around your home and find things that are not being used that you could sell. If you have other family or friends with unwanted stuff laying around see if you can sell it for them for a cut of the profits.


   Look up each item's used sale value. You should look at sites such as Craigslist, Amazon and eBay to see how much people are selling similar items for. Make a note of how much they're asking for, what the closing price was and what condition the item being sold was in.


   List your items for sale based on the research you did in the previous step.


Here are some additional useful places to list your unused items for sale online:


1.    Facebook: Before putting your items up for sale on auction sites, you might want to first try putting them  up on Facebook. I've seen many of my friends buy and sell old stuff to their network of friends with great success. The benefit of using this method is that it's free to list your items and you'll only have to deal with people that you know and trust.


2.   NextWorth: NextWorth is an electronics trade-in and recycling service. Users of the service exchange used electronics for cash or discounts on newer models. This site has become one of the best-known online marketplaces for used electronics. This site gives you the option to either ship your items in to NextWorth or trade them in at any Target near you for store credit.


3.   Gift Card Granny: Gift Card Granny is a gift card


exchange site that connects buyers and sellers of discounted gift cards. We all have a bunch of old gift cards left of from holidays and birthdays. According to Gift Card Granny, you can sell them for up to 93 percent of their value which is a seriously great deal.


How much money can I make out of selling unused items?


The amount you make will depend on what you’re selling and how many items you've got for sale. You can make anywhere from a few dollars to thousands of dollars selling your unused items.


18.  Buy And Sell On eBay

If you're a frequent visitor of eBay, you could try buying other people's items for sale and try reselling them back on eBay for an even higher price.


Anybody can make money off eBay but you will need a plan. Just putting up random items and spending lots of money on listing fees is not the best way to go. You will have to find items that will sell well.


Sometimes, people misspell their auction listing or don't really know the value of what they're trying to sell which means you can score some really great bargains that you can resell for a nice profit.


Another method involves doing some research on eBay, watching to see what products are the most popular in each category and then buying those exact same items in bulk to sell on eBay yourself for a nice profit.

If you didn't already know, eBay is the world's largest


online marketplace; a place where buyers and sellers come together and buy or sell almost anything.


Here's how eBay works:


As a seller who lists items on eBay, from cars, books, electronics to antiques, you can choose to accept only bids for an item (auction) or you can offer a "Buy It Now" option that allows buyers to purchase your item right away at a fixed price.


In the auction model, the bidding will open at a price that is set by you and will remain on the eBay listings for a certain number of days. Shoppers and buyers will then place bids on your items. When then listing has ended, the buyer with the highest bid wins the auction.


With a Buy It Now listing, the first buyer willing to pay the seller's asking price gets the item.


In order for you to buy and sell on eBay, here are some steps you can take:


   Go through eBay and see what items you can find at a bargain rate.


   Purchase items which you think will sell well at a higher price.


   You may also want to create a website and advertise your products on places other than eBay such as the Amazon Marketplace and NextWorth.


   Research items before you spend money purchasing them. Don't buy high-priced items such as computers or TV's and end up stuck with them. Low cost items in bulk


may be a better option to start with. You just have to find stuff that will sell and sell for a nice profit.


   Stock up on new inventory quickly. You will want to keep your store and listings going, especially if you have found a winning product. Don't wait until you are depleted to get new supplies.


In conclusion, remember to start small. Don't overwhelm yourself. In the beginning, you can find free items to sell from friends and family. It is much easier than spending a lot of money on suppliers and wholesale when you're learning the ropes.


When you gain more experience you will understand that you can gain a competitive advantage with smart listings. Focus on those listings and find the right time to start and end your listing which you will discover through testing.

Even more advanced sellers can gain greater profits by experimenting with Buy It Now buttons and reserve price auctions.


If you're interested in getting a course that will guide you step-by-step through the process of selling on eBay, you should visit You will find literally dozens of quality courses there that you can take from eBay experts.


How much money can I make out of buying and selling on eBay?


Many sellers make a good living out of selling items using this popular auction site, but how much you can make will depend on the profit margins you set and the value of each item. You can make anywhere from a few dollars even up to a few hundred for rare stuff.


If you're an honest seller with popular items people want to buy, you could easily become a full-time eBay seller in just a couple of months. Your success will be measured by your own efforts.


19.  Sell Other People's Items On eBay

Did you know that eBay has an option where you can list items for sale that aren't even in your possession yet?


However, if you take that option, you need to make sure that you aren't violating any of eBay's pre-sale item policies.


Generally, there are just 3 things you need to keep in mind before pre-selling items on eBay which are:

1.    You have to make sure that the item for sale will be available to ship within 30 days from the purchase date. You'll need to clearly state this in your listing.


2.   You have to clearly indicate the item is a pre-sale item in the description.


3.   And lastly, the handling time specified in your listing should accurately reflect the time from the end of the listing until you ship the item to the buyer.


The great thing about this is you can buy stuff online that is selling out and then list those items on eBay while you're waiting to receive them. Another thing you can do is put your friend's or families items for sale without the need to physically have them at your home.


Putting things for sale before you actually have them in


possession is a good way to gauge the demand of products. It's also a great way to make a profit without taking any of the risk.


Drop-shipping is allowed on eBay too and the rules mentioned above relate to these items also.


Dropshipping is a product fulfillment method we talked about earlier wherein a store doesn't keep the products it's selling in stock. The products are bought from a third party and then shipped to the customer.


As a result, the merchant never actually sees or handles the product.


The difference between dropshipping and standard retailers is that the seller doesn't stock or own inventory. Instead, the merchant purchases inventory as needed from third parties – usually a wholesaler or manufacturer – to fulfill orders.


In order to sell other people’s stuff on eBay, here are some steps you can take:


   Sign up with eBay and set up your payment method so that you can receive payments. Typically, this will involve getting a Paypal account.


   Set up your virtual store as a seller.


   Select a few items from others who want to sell their items and list them in your product page.


   Alternatively, find drop-shipping companies that will ship out orders for you. One popular place to find wholesalers and drop-shipping companies is at SaleHoo.


According to their website, the SaleHoo directory has more than 8,000 security-screened suppliers offering 1.5 million different products in over 150 categories. It also features reviews of suppliers from experienced online retailers.


How much money can I make by selling other people's stuff on eBay?


You can make anywhere from a few dollars to thousands of dollars by doing this.




20. Write A Guide On Buying And Selling On eBay

If you are already buying and selling items on eBay for profit successfully, you could consider writing an eBook that teaches others how to do the same.


Although most people might know the basics of selling on eBay, they would still buy the book to learn new tactics and your personal insights.


You would do this by making the ebook as simple and creative as possible. A good book can be updated and sold for several years and all the money you make will be pure profit since ebooks are digital and there will be no costs involved such as shipping and handling.


In order for you to write an eBook on selling on eBay, here are some steps you can take:


   As soon as you become familiar with eBay, begin writing your ebook that details how you use the site step-by-step to make money.


   Keeping the book as simple as possible will give you better reviews and attract more buyers.


   Come up with a catchy title for your ebook.


   There are many great courses online that can teach you how to write, create and publish ebooks.


One of the best places to start looking is at There are literally dozens of quality courses on ebook creation there that can help you. After your ebook is finished, you could even put it up as a course at Udemy too!


Here are a couple of the most popular Udemy ebook writing courses:


1.    How I Write An eBook In 1 Day With No Fancy Tools or Tricks by Jessica Maes.


In this course, you'll learn Jessica's exact steps that she took to write her 1st eBook in just 1 day.


2.   Write and Publish Kindle eBooks by Shanda Trofe.


In this course, you'll learn how to write, format, design, publish and launch a high-quality eBook and hit the bestsellers list of Amazon in 5 days or less!


   Advertise your new eBook for sale in on digital marketplace websites such as JVZoo, Clickbank or even on eBay itself.


JVZoo and Clickbank and similar sites also have a very large base of affiliates who promote products available in their marketplace for a commission.


When you're product is listed at these sites, affiliates will also be able to promote your product which will increase your profits even more.


Some eBooks have shot to the top of sales charts simply because a lot of affiliates found the offer and started promoting it.


However, listing at JVZoo, Clickbank etc. will require you to have a sales page that tells people why they should buy your eBook. You could write it yourself, get someone else to write the sales copy for you, or the quickest way, get yourself the PLR (private label rights) to an existing eBay eBook and re-write the sales letter that usually comes with these products.


Here's some examples of a few eBay eBooks with PLR rights: ebooks/ebay-ebooks/


   Another great place to put up your new ebook is at Amazon as a kindle ebook.


   Get the sale done and enjoy the profit.


How much money can I make by selling an eBook about eBay?


How much you make will depend on the price of the book and how many you can sell per day. The amount you sell will also depend upon customer feedback and the reviews and testimonials you receive.


If your eBook is listed at places that accept affiliates, then


it will also depend on how many people decide to promote your eBook to their blog readers etc.




21.  Online Surveys

Do you have time to spare, opinions and a computer? Completing surveys is an interesting way to earn a bit of extra cash, gift vouchers or other gifts. It is certainly not a full time job but many individuals use these opportunities to make a bit of extra income and it doesn't require extensive skills or knowledge. It is certainly one way of making your opinions known and earning a bit in return!


In order for you to participate in paid surveys, here are some steps you can take:


   Set up a new email address, this makes sure that any invitations to complete surveys are not mixed up with your day to day emails.


   Set up a PayPal account if you dont already have one.


Download Roboform or other form manager. With Roboform you can fill out surveys even faster as it automatically answers questions relating to age, sex, address, income, preferences etc. when you have programmed this information in to the software.


   Sign up to some survey sites and answer some preliminary screening questions.


   Then wait for new surveys or with some companies you can search for surveys that match your personal tastes.


   What you need to know to identify legitimate paid survey sites:


If you do your homework and stick with survey sites that offer 100% free registration, you will avoid most, it not all, survey scams. It is recommended to take some time in accomplishing this as it is important to eliminate any unpaid survey sites; some sites only offer gift cards, lucky draws, coupons and vouchers, but no hard cash.


It must also be noted that the payout potential is dependent on the company payment scale. You must choose the highest pay-out surveys to obtain the best benefits. However you may wish to sign in to those offering gift vouchers for example if it is a company or site you already purchase from.


It’s a good idea to learn how each panel works. Take a minute to check out the FAQs and terms and conditions of each site so that you know the important stuff such as how you get paid, minimum pay-out amount, when you get paid, and so on.


   Get registered with at least 5 paid survey sites. This will spread your potential for earnings. (Remember to acknowledge emails that ask you to confirm your registration as without doing this you may not be offered any surveys and your registration will not be complete.)


Let the survey site know about the type of surveys you would be interested to participate in by completing any profiles such as adding your interests.


This ensures that the surveys match your individuality and therefore will be suitable for your opinions.


So remember: Filling out your profile surveys helps you get more survey invitations. Before you start taking surveys, it is important to go ahead and fill out all your profiles as completely as possible.


   Complete any surveys quickly and before any deadlines. Commit some time of the day to go through your emails and complete the surveys offered. The more surveys you complete, the more you will be offered.


Share your honest opinion about the products, services where applicable. Don’t just guess without reading through a statement or question.


Which Companies Can I Register With?


Cashcrate offers the highest paying referral program in the paid survey industry and payout methods include Direct Bank Deposit, PayPal, Check and Dwolla.


Superpayme offers an immediate bonus on sign up and on confirmation of your email. Cash methods are Check, Payza and Paypal. Withdrawal option is instantaneous.


Swagbucks are a reliable survey site who also offer rewards for playing games and watching videos.


Others include Inboxdollars, Vindale Research, Rewardingways, Offernation, isurveyworld, Surveysavvy, Toluna, The OpinionPanel Community and Valued Opinion.


So look at what each survey panel offers and compare it to others. Remember to activate your registration, complete profile surveys and commit time. The rewards will come rolling in!


How much money can I make from paid surveys?


You can make anything between $1 and $100 depending on the types of survey sand the length of the surveys. The typical payout may range between $0.50 and $4.00 per survey dependent on the complexity or detail of the survey.


The average survey may take anywhere from 5 minutes to 35 minutes to complete. The corresponding payment will reflect all these factors. Other than money, you can also enjoy some extras such as gift vouchers, discount coupons or even being sent products.


22.  Social Bookmarking Service

How does a business maintain a competitive presence on the internet with so many websites available to view on the internet? How do they generate more visitors to their sites?


In order to attract more visitors and build traffic to their site, website owners opt to hire service providers who submit and promote awareness of their websites on various social media sites. Years ago, social bookmarking was pretty much about getting your content bookmarked on every site, no matter the quality, in order to generate as many links as possible, however now it's quality and not quantity that counts!


Remember that the correct way to use social media and content curation sites is to use them on a regular basis. You need to be active, grow your following and most importantly engage with the audience, otherwise you won’t get the results you want and you can actually put your


website at greater risk of a Google penalty.


In order to submit links to social bookmarking sites for yourself and other people, here are some steps you can take:


   Find quality bookmaking sites that are relevant to you, or your clients industry, products and target audience.


   Create complete profiles when setting up      profile/account as you would with Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus.


   Quality over quantity  avoid syndicating content on as many sites as possible, relevancy is the key. Don't use spammy automated bookmarking tools.


   Build a portfolio of good social media sites that will help other users. This can help you build trust; in other words people will be more likely to share, like or vote up your content.


   Be active  re-share other’s content, engage with people, ask questions and post comments.


   Start advertising your bookmarking service on social networks, amongst friends, on SEO Clerks, Fiverr, or via other traffic methods.


   Provide clients with reports on the number of sites you submitted and the links you have created for the customer.


How Exactly Do Social Bookmarking Services Generate More Visitors?


   Your sites get indexed faster in Google with deeper indexing.


   Improves quality. As more users bookmark a page, the site gains more relevance and traffic.


   Categorization. This defines the subject of the site; this effects your Google search engine ranking.


   Number of votes. Search engines see that your content is high quality.


How Much Can I Make Out Of Submitting Links To Social Bookmarking Sites For Other People?


You can make between $5 - $50 per each set bookmarks and posts, and slowly increase the rate you charge based on your turnaround time and expertise.


There are many sites you can use such as:


Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Delicious, Digg, Diigo, Folkd, Reddit, Stumbleupon, A1webmark and many others.


Also on the market are various automated, semi- automated marketing software and social marketing tools that allows users to submit bookmarks to popular social bookmarking sites. (Helping you to automate your efforts!)


These tools significantly minimize the time and effort necessary to create accounts. Some automated social bookmarking tools permit the user to submit at least 10 URL’s daily.


These semi-automated tools include: SocialAdr, Onlywire and ImAutomater. Remember that you don't need to pay, a lot of these sites work very well and are free.


How To Get Traffic From Social Bookmarking Sites:


   Dont use the same username on all these sites and keep variation when you submit a link. Apart from your own links, also submit links (high-quality) from other websites so that your profile looks legitimate. After all, automation is always seen as spamming. If you do it smart, you can get great results.


   Accentuate on the first paragraph. This is the first bit of text which should be constructed exclusively to catch the readers attention.


   Ensure that posts are relevant and accurate.


   Write a 100-150 short description that is informative and will attract the reader to your site.


   Submit the site in the most relevant category e.g. health, medicine, technology, etc.


   Check that facts, topics, spelling are all accurate.


   Respond to comments.


   Submit up to date news, articles etc. Avoid out of date news.


   Make it easy for people to bookmark the site.


In summary, it must be noted that social bookmarking websites have a higher page ranking and this implies that if more links are generated, then the bookmark may appear in the first few pages of any Google keyword search. Social Bookmarking at it optimum potential provides an outstanding platform for the website owner.




23. Data Entry

Data entry does not require any in depth knowledge or training, the only requirements being the ability to use a computer and to be able to type well. Obviously you will need basic language skills dependent on the language being used. Accuracy is also important and reliability to complete the tasks required.


Earning more income is through the time spent entering data, typing speed and whether the task is simple or complex. Many business sectors such as education and retail need physical data converted into an electronic format.


This could include entering financial information into a spreadsheet or entering address details to a database – in fact anything that needs converting raw data into electronic information for the business. It is also possible to make this a source of second income, working part time amongst your other



In order to make money with data entry, here are some steps you can take:


   There are many websites offering freelance data entry work and these include:,,, etc.


   If you type into Google, "Freelance Data Entry Job Positions", sign up for as many job websites that you can. Search for data entry positions and start applying for them. There are thousands of positions and usually it is possible to negotiate a fee.


   Remember though as you are starting out that you need to keep your fees low! Once you have had some successful tasks completed you can use these as examples of the work you have completed.


   Creating accurate work and meeting set deadlines will not only gain you experience but it will also make you the first choice for that business when they need further work completed.


   Keep a diary of the different tasks you have completed and any testimonials or feedback you have received that you can use when applying for other data entry positions.


   Sign up for payments through a trusted third party such as PayPal that offers fast payments and also some protection for those payments.


What Sort Of Data Entry Jobs Could You Apply For?


   Filling forms with information provided by the company or by using prompts given by the company.


   Copying text data from one file format to another  this needs accuracy and attention to detail.


   Simple typing jobs which normally need a competence of 30 words per minute.


   Entering inventories into a spreadsheet, this could be serial numbers, product names, and prices etc.


   Copywriting and proof writing, reviewing articles and correcting grammatical errors and spelling. This could also include correctly formatting a document such as adjusting alignments.


   Writing articles from files saved as image files, such as a jpeg File and rewriting it into a word document.


   Writing articles and reviews for a companys needs, this could be for example, articles that appear on websites.


   Payroll  this could be creating payrolls into spreadsheets including names, rate of pay and so on.


   Captcha entry - this is is one of the simplest forms of data entry. There are many companies who need to register in large quantities on thousands of websites. They can create the automatic software to sign up on the websites but there is no technology to solve these captchas automatically. Generally, you will login with a username and password and then begin to type out the captchas.


how much can I earn with data entry?


It is possible to earn between $1 to $20 per hour dependent on what work you are undertaking and what company you are working for. It is also possible that you will earn by task rather than by the hour.


Make sure that with anything you are accepting online that it is legitimate by researching the company and also making sure you have the software required to complete any tasks. Read any reviews available and remain in contact with your employer. Data entry will provide varied work that can be completed at home so remember to be on time and accurate!



24. Virtual Assistant


A Virtual Assistant is an invaluable asset to any business or company. It’s just like having a Personal Assistant, but one that works from home normally for one or even a number of clients.


Companies benefit as they obtain the help to run their business without the cost and risk of employing someone full-time. You benefit from being able to work from home and choosing the hours that suit you.


What Skills Do I Need?


You need to be organized, good at researching, have good computer skills, be able to communicate effectively and have an excellent telephone manner.


By working as a virtual assistant, you could be asked to do a number of things, some involving general administrative duties such as letter writing, organizing meetings, writing up reports or even researching other companies!


Can You Do The Following?


These may be asked of you when becoming a Virtual Assistant:


   Can you promote using Social Media such as through Twitter or Facebook?


   Do you have the skills to create web designs or create e- mail promotions?


   Can you write a press release and/or articles for the company?


   Do research through the internet or even in printed




   Manage customer service, perhaps dealing with orders, complaints or follow up calls to customers?


   Coordinate travel plans with a number of staff using different forms of transport? Arrange visa's if required?


   Help plan an event from the booking of a venue, organizing catering, decorating and so on?


   Answer letters and e-mails promptly in a timely fashion?


   Do transcription of speech into text?


   Create a database using the appropriate software?


in order for you to become a virtual assistant, here are some steps you can take:


   Look out for virtual assistant openings on freelancing sites such as,,, etc.


   Start applying for those jobs, make sure your applications are detailed and you include any appropriate skills and experiences that you have.


   Advertise yourself on social networks, amongst friends, previous work colleagues or business contacts.


   Sign up to an agency  there are many on line companies such as Time ETC which is the largest UK VA agency.


What You Need To Consider Before You Start Apply For VA Positions:


   Categorize your skills and experiences. Consider any large projects you have handled and break them down in order that you can add this as experience in your applications. Consider what skills you can offer such as event management, handling customer service, handling telephone calls and so on.


   Consider your work space for running as a VA, the basic requirements may include a spare room, or a desk in a quiet room, a phone, good reliable internet access and an up to date computer with web cam access, appropriate software programs and of course the time during the day (or night!) that you can offer as a VA.


   Consider whether you may need any additional training, perhaps in web design or particular software packages such as spreadsheets or databases.


   Identify your target market, for example you may have a medical background and you can focus on doctors or medical companies.


   Register with LinkedIn to create an online presence.


   Create your own website  remembering that it is possible to build and run a website for little or no cost through free website services.


   Sign up to an agency that offers support to VAs around the globe such as Society of Virtual Assistants.


How much can I make from being a virtual assistant?


You can make anywhere between $3 to upwards of $100 per hour depending on your ability, skills and experience.


Your pay rate will depend on training and the skills that you can offer to your clients.


Continue to look at training to further develop your skills and therefore increasing your pay rate. Obviously the more skills you have the more money that can be earned.


So if you have the skills and experience, time to spare and an appropriate place to work you can launch as a virtual assistant. Remember to keep a diary of the work you have completed, look for opportunities to develop and gain new skills and the sky’s the limit!




25. Participate In Contests

Have you heard of the saying "You've got to be in it to win it?" If you have some time to spare, then you can start participating in contests offered all over the internet, television or in magazines.


There are some people who treat competition entry as a profession and win on a regular basis. That's not to say that you will always win but there are competitions where there are only a few entrants so don't think that you have no chance!


In order to make money by participating in contests, here are some steps you can take:


   Browse through the net and make a list of sites which offer contests. Some popular contest sites are:









   Register and check for new contests daily and participate in as many contests as possible.


   Keep checking your email for new competitions!

What Do I Stand To Gain By Participating In Contests? You can win cash as well as other perks like gift cards,

coupons, holidays or even cars. Other prizes include movie tickets, electronics devices, sample products and different gift cards.


So What Should I Do Before I Start Entering And Winning?


   Decide what type of contests you want to enter. Do you want to enter contests offering only cash prizes? Holidays abroad or cars? Some contest may require just an entry of basic information such as name, address, and email whereas others may require a short statement, perhaps taking a photograph or even designing a new brand of product.


   With competitions where you have to complete a sentence, go onto the internet, research the company and product before you make your snappy and catchy phrase.


   Invest in automatic form filling software like Roboform, which makes it easier to automatically fill out forms.


   Research sweepstakes services. These services accumulate various contests across the web into one place.


   Create a new email address and use it specifically for your contests as it will be simpler to see updates and new competitions. In addition bear in mind that prize promoters may sell your information to advertisers. When you sign up for a contest or drawing, you probably will get more promotional mail, telemarketing calls, or spam email instead of a prize! (So put those in your "spam" folder!)


   Keep accurate track of your contests.


   Get a contest SIM card as you may be required to give out your telephone number  this could be a free Pay as You Go SIM card.


   Pay attention to any rules applicable to the contest and closing dates.


   Avoid premium rate calls. Do not enter contests by calling a premium number; find the free ways to enter the same competition online.


   Avoid "pay to enter" contests. Never pay to view lists of contests or to register with a contest site. It's illegal to ask you to pay or buy something to enter or increase your odds of winning. This also includes paying "taxes," "shipping and handling charges," or “processing fees” to get your prize. Normally this means it's a scam and best avoided.


   There's also no reason to give someone your checking account number or credit card number in response to a prize draw.


   Download free antivirus software to ensure your computer is always protected.


   Prize promoters are legally bound to tell you the odds of


winning, the nature or value of the prizes, that there is no fee to enter, and also the terms and conditions to redeem your prize should you be lucky to win!


Some things to bear in mind about contests:


National contests carry more participants than local contests. It is therefore more feasible to invest time and effort into a local contest, however remember that people may not bother to enter as they consider the odds to high.


Sites such as display daily contests and are useful to browse through.


How much can I make from contests?


It is possible to have fun and win large sums of money if you dedicate some time and energy to enter the many competitions available. Be wary of scams, don't pay for postage to receive your prize (It will be a scam!) and have fun!


                                                    click the images for this products or services

26. Editing And Proofreading

Editing and proofreading is a job that is in constant demand. Written articles, stories, reviews or even reports need to be proofread, edited and corrected before they can be submitted.


There has been an increase of work due to the number of freelance sites emerging to assist writers, publishers and students to be able to submit work that is free from spelling and grammatical errors. For some freelancers, this can become a full time job although it can also provide an


excellent second income.


In order to make money proofreading, here are some steps you can take:


   Register on freelancing sites such as,,, etc.


   You can sign up with these sites, apply for jobs and also provide a profile for others to contact you to offer you work. Some of the positions ask you to "bid" competitively with other workers and others you can offer samples of your work to be offered work.


   Register with job sites such as Indeed, SimplyHired and Monster Jobs where you can post a C.V (Resume) showing your qualifications and skills, allowing employers to contact you.


   Register on websites which provide editing/proof reading services to their customers. Websites that specialize in providing these services include Mulberry Studio, Proofread NOW, and Wordfirm.


Check these sites daily and set up email alerts for suitable positions to be emailed to you.


   Build your own website to advertise your service to prospective clients. If you search the internet you can find a number of sites that offer a website that you can build, set up and launch onto the internet.


   There are proofreading and editors groups e.g. Editorial Freelancers Association that you can join which offer help and assistance in looking for work.


What Skills And Expertise Do You Need?


   It is imperative that you have excellent writing skills and a good command of the language you are editing or proofreading. You need to have a good eye for detail, good computer skills, be creative and be able to write in different styles.


Dependent on the work you are applying for, you may need specialized knowledge – such as medical terminology – or be confident in that knowledge.


   You need to have a computer with up to date software and be able to use that software such as Microsoft Word, with formatting, page layouts, spell checking, and grammar.


   Be able to understand and use words  different meanings and understandings. Be careful to only submit work that has been checked and double checked.


   To adapt your personal style and replicate the style required.


How much can I make from editing/proofreading jobs?


As mentioned previously this work can become full-time or used as a second income and it is possible to earn $5 to

$20 per hour depending on the work being completed. The work may be paid per hour or on completion of the work.

Remember if it is a large project to negotiate a sliding rate rather than wait until the end of the project to be paid.


The rate also depends on how specialized the work is, the higher rates earned with academic projects with specialized terminology.


27.  Email And Phone Handling

While this is similar to becoming a virtual assistant, some companies, in an attempt to save costs and expenses in employing a member of staff, outsource some of their administrative functions such as phone and email handling.


These tasks are undertaken remotely and involve tasks such as cold calling for potential new sales leads, answering telephone queries and replying to and forwarding emails.


This opportunity allows individuals to work anywhere in the world, while at the same time scheduling tasks conveniently around home, family and social life. The main requirements are a computer, reliable internet connection and a telephone.


A typical job may involve emailing and calling a potential client and arranging a meeting with a sales representative. The company would provide you with client details, company information and perhaps targets for the amount of successful calls you need to make per day.


In order to make money with email and phone handling, here are some steps you can take:


   Register with popular freelancing sites like,,, etc., provide details of your skills and experience and apply for suitable positions.


   You can also apply for short term projects. On some of the sites you can complete a profile that allows potential employers to contact you directly.


   Check job posts to see what people are looking for and apply for the jobs that meet your skills and experiences.


What Sort Of Work Would I Be Expected To Do?


Although no extensive skills are necessary, the following could be examples of the types of work you are involved in:

For email handling jobs:


   Manage email flows, and respond to emails in a timely fashion.


   Streamline email responses, making sure they are sent promptly.


   Forward appropriate and relevant email responses to the appropriate persons.


   Optimize and monitor email output and performance.


   Group incoming emails into task categories, again sending to the appropriate persons or department within the company.


For Call handling jobs:


   Answer the telephone promptly.


   Ensure communication is clear and welcoming, with no background disturbance.


   Be a good communicator and listener, using professional and appropriate language.


   Be confident in your telephone dealings with customers


and with the company.


How much can I make from email and phone handling?


You can expect anything from $3 to $10 per hour depending on your experience, skills and knowledge.


In general, this is a great way of creating a second income although you do need to give commitment, and be disciplined with your time.


28. Get Paid To Surf The Web

Paid to surf, commonly referred to as (PTS) essentially entails a company placing advertisements on members’ computer screens and using the income generated from that advertising to pay the member for surfing. Basically you get paid to surf the internet!


You visit sponsored websites and also earn for referring others to follow you to pay to surf. With these referrals you earn a small percentage of every site they visit too!


As you log in as a member, the advertisers’ advertisements will be displayed throughout as you continue to browse the web. If you install a company’s software, they will often pay you to keep it on while you are surfing the web and in this way they can track your activity, monitor the websites you visit and how you navigate the internet. You do need to be careful that you have up-to-date virus protection and a pop up blocker.


In order for you to browse the net and get paid, here are some steps you can take:


   Browse through the net and make a list of companies that pay you to surf the internet and they include:,,,, and many more.


   Download and install their tracking software. This software enables the company to track the web sites you visit and also how you use them.


The software usually consists of a bar that rests at the top or bottom of your screen which displays advertisements and keeps track of the amount of time you spend online, called, unsurprisingly, an ADBAR.


You can earn money, points, or competition entries and receive bonuses for people you refer to the service.


   Browse through the net and start earning.

You will not get rich quickly though and you need to register and sign up for a few different websites.


   Some other opportunities for PTS include completing online surveys, watching film clips or advertisements or even playing games!


Remember that for some they pay cash or they can include earning "points" to redeem for gift vouchers.


Different companies pay different amounts for surfing and referrals. Make sure you read all the terms & conditions.

Referrals can again increase this earning potential. How much can I Make from paid to surf?

That totally depends on the companies you have signed on to. Remember to make sure they are legitimate, and that


you have adequate anti-virus software installed.


PTS allows you the opportunity to earn as you surf and also to earn additional income via referrals by allowing advertisements to show on your screen.


You do not have to talk to anyone, you do not need to buy anything, and you do not need to sell anything. Companies track your web usage and pay you for your connection time and for your referrals ratio. So click, surf and earn!


29. Paid To Click

Some companies will actually pay you to click on their advertisements with the intention of obtaining a flow of interested customers to their websites. You earn money for every advertisement that you click on and apart from needing a computer and internet, requires no skills at all!

This business allows you to earn a second income fitting around your lifestyle!


In order to make money with paid to click, here are some steps you can take:


   Browse through the internet and make a list of websites that pay you to click on their ads such as NeoBux and ClixSense.


   Ensure that you register on genuine 'pay per click' sites by looking up reviews.


   In order to identify a legitimate site it is highly recommended to verify the payment method, monitor the frequency of site updates, observe payment proof


information, check click rate details and method of calculation for referral commissions. Pay particular attention to payment processing details, reputation and reviews and even referral limits.


The onus is on you to ensure that the site is not a scam and that the company has a proven track record and established as such a company on it's merit. So beware of scams! You should NOT have to pay to register on these sites.


   Start clicking ads and start earning. With Neobux, you must research when you can click new ads depending on the server time because you only get a certain amount each day. You click on the advertiser’s link and view it for an amount of time specified by the advertiser. The longer you need to view it, the more you get paid.


After viewing the advertisement you are credited with a pre-determined amount of money in your account. This sounds far more complicated than it actually is! But it's actually very easy. It's free to register and free to start earning today.


How much can I make from paid to click?


In terms of earnings, some websites offer unlimited direct referrals, wheras some may offer a cap of 300. Pay per click rates may range from up to $0.01 to $0.03.


Popular payment processors are Paypal, Payza, Perfect Money and many more. The number of ads per day may range from 20 to 30 or even as many as 100. Referral click may vary from $0.01 or 50% to 100%. Be sure that you read the terms and conditions carefully.


Although you COULD make $100 per day on this if you can bring in a lot of referrals, this avenue is intended to be one of the methods that you use in combination with other ones to earn a total of $100 per day.


With this in mind, the sooner you start clicking and telling your friends about it, the better!



30. Freebies

For those that know how to use it properly, the internet can lead you to many amazing freebies.


Companies offer freebies as a promotional tool for the products they are selling. They aim to reach more potential customers simply by offering these freebies with the hopes that you will spread the word or continue using the product, leading to more potential customers. This is a great way for them to increase their sales volume.


However, finding a legitimate site may be a daunting task, especially if the individual is doing it for the first time.

While there are many legit sites you can go to in order to find such companies that are offering freebies, there are an equal number of "scammers." Therefore, it is important that you learn how to identify the reputable companies.


In order to get freebies, here are some steps you can take:


   Here's a list of genuine websites you can turn to in order to find hot deals for items you like or would like to try.




On this site, you will be able to find free samples on different types of household items. You will find coupons and other types of deals available too. The products range from moisturizers to coffee. Also, you have to consider the fact that it is updated on a daily basis, so be sure to check the site regularly.




This one is currently one of the biggest freebie sites in the UK. It has around 14,000 people visiting the site on a daily basis (that’s pretty good). The free stuff that is being offered is divided into categories. You have computers, car, fashion, films and many other freebies.




This one is found in the United States and is one of the biggest freebie sites on the web – it currently has a membership that is close to 8 million users. Through this site, you can connect with people giving away free stuff that are in your area. You can find anything from electronics to furniture on this site – it is a non-profit organization and signup is free.




In terms of popularity, this one right here is sitting next to Freecycle. Members are required to form groups and it has around 2 million members. It is easy to navigate and even has a Twitter page users can turn to in order to get alerts when an item is available in their area.


Some of the groups are strict and require approval before you are able to join them.




While Freecycle and Freegle offer samples from the public itself, this one right here has companies offering products. As a member, you will be able to opt-in to the company’s newsletter in order to receive updates on the latest freebies.




On this site, you will find mostly foods, make-up products and music downloads to sample. The best feature about this site is that you do not have to register to see what is up for grabs.


All you have to do is click on the links and it will direct you to the individual freebie that interests you. The only disadvantage is the fact that you may come across old freebies that have expired.


Now, here’s a list of some of the companies that are known for offering coupons and freebies directly:


-     Kraft


The "Kraft First Taste" Program is what the company offers. They give free samples. You may also win a free coupon to use when you purchase Kraft products.


-     Vocalpoint


You simply signup and receive free samples from Proctor and Gamble. You will then be receiving an email every time there is a freebie offer.


-     Allure Magazine


Through their "Allure Free Stuff" program, they give personal care and beauty products as samples.


How much can I make from freebies?


Although you don't directly make any money, you can definitely save a lot if you sign up to receive as many freebies as you can.


Depending on the freebies you get, you can even sell them for anywhere from a dollar to $20 or so.

31.  Software Load Testing

Think about your own personal computer. It runs entirely on a compilation of different programs and software that work together seamlessly to provide an experience that allows you to live your digital life with relative ease.


Everything from the program you use to write your reports to the games you use to blow off steam was once just an idea. After that idea becomes a tangible product, companies will pay people to take it home and test it, making sure that it is functional, efficient, and free of design flaws.


It seems remedial, but this part of the process is so undeniably crucial, that the demand for software testers is as big as it’s ever been, and you could be one of them.


In order to become a software tester, here are some steps you can take:


   Take a moment to browse the internet and search for


"Software Testing Jobs".


   Browse job websites such as Indeed, SimplyHired and Monster Jobs for software testing jobs.


   Just like anything else, this is a niche market that is developing a huge demand, and if you are there to meet it you can take advantage of limitless profits.


On the flip side, this means that companies probably are not going to come to you, even if you become an expert in the field. My suggestion is to make a routine of looking for new jobs every couple of days, or as often as you think someone is going to get a new software idea.


   Get yourself registered in freelancing sites like,,, etc., and look for software testing jobs on these sites.


Freelance websites are great for seeing a realistic view of the job pool, and most of them will allow you to list certain skills on your profile so that you can filter out unwanted jobs.


These websites will definitely make your life easier if you take the time to use them.


   If youre new to the community, youll also be interested to know that there are companies out there that offer tailored services for software testing. Go sign up with them! When you find these companies (Acutest , for example), you lock yourself into a market with a company that already has a workload. This is going to be beneficial to you especially if you are just starting out.


    If you don’t want to use other websites to market


yourself, you could always make your own!


The world is your oyster when it comes to advertising, and people will use everything from social media to pay-per- click advertising to attract jobs in all kinds of fields, not just software testing.


   When companies hire testers, they are looking for specific feedback about the function and design of their product, and meeting the exact demand of your clients is a crucial part to building a reputation and securing job opportunities in the future.


If you do what they ask of you correctly, and the first time, you are sure to get farther with your newfound career.


How much money can I make as a software tester?


With this particular job, you can expect a minimum of $10 on the hour, depending upon the complexity of the software that you are testing.


Logically, companies are going to pay more for someone who is testing complicated software than they are for software that only takes three clicks to fully explore.


32. Video Game Tester

Who wouldn’t want to make money doing something that they already do for fun?


It seems like the most obvious choice, and reminds me of something our parents told us when we were kids: "Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life".


I firmly believe that, and game testing is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. You make money by having fun.

Sounds too good to be true, right?


Realistically, a game has to be tested before it's released to the general public, else they risk the bane of rage quitters everywhere, who didn’t pay $60 of their hard earned cash to watch glitchy cut scenes and fight through design flaws.


This is where you come in.


Ideally, you should already be someone who is considered a "hardcore" gamer, if testing is something that you’d like to make any kind of a considerable income from.


The main reason for this is because it takes time, dedication, and focus to sit through a game and look for such minute details. It would also be beneficial to know how to work your way through a game effectively in order to find any bugs or inconsistencies. (For further tips you can feel free to refer here.)


In order to make money as a game tester, here are some steps you can take:


   Start by using Google and search for "game testing jobs". Other search engines work just as well, and your overall goal is to look for opportunities and see what people are actually hiring for.


Just like any other freelance gig you may want to have a hand in, most of the major gaming companies aren’t going to be looking for you, so you have to make yourself known to them.


I wouldn’t recommend diving right into companies like


Electronic Arts or Activision, mostly because it’s good to test your mettle first when coming into a new field of work.


Start with something small and work your way up; you will get where you want to be in time.


   Browse job websites such as Indeed, SimplyHired and Monster Jobs for game testing jobs.


   After youve exhausted your search, you can try to use freelancing websites to root out companies that are searching for game testers.


Get yourself registered in freelancing sites like,,, etc., and look for game testing jobs.


This goes hand in hand with step one, and most of these sites require you to list a set of skills so that you can filter jobs a bit and find something that is going to fall into your personal niche.


These sites are time savers, and will help you get a feel for the market and work load available. Take as many jobs as you have extra time.


   Another beneficial step to becoming and effective and profitable game tester is registering yourself on popular gaming sites.


Start advertising your skills and attributes in forums where people might take an interest in hiring you. It only makes sense to go to gaming websites and forums.


This is also important because it gives you the opportunity to find a game genre that you will be able to specialize in.


Try to find something that you will never get tired of. If you have an affinity for RPG’s, you most likely will not enjoy your time as a tester if you limit yourself to war games like Battlefield, or Black Ops.


Once you find a gig that suits you, make sure to make the most of your time as a tester. Gaming companies are also looking for detailed reports that provide constructive feedback. The whole point is so that these companies can produce a product that has quality proportional to the price for which they are asking for.


How much money can I make from being a game tester?


You can expect anything from $5 - $25 per hour depending on the difficulty and the time involved.


Keep this mind and choose your jobs accordingly. If you want something that is going to be extra disposable income that doesn’t cause you a headache, you will probably be more comfortable choosing a few lower paying jobs that you can have some fun with, instead of bogging yourself down with high paying intense projects.      With that being said, by following these simple steps, you’ve started the journey to never actually working a day in your life.


33. App Tester

Have you ever wondered how your favorite application became so perfect for you to use?


It's affordable (if not free), works near perfectly, and has all the functionality you would expect from a professional application.


It's actually because of people exactly like you. People all across the globe get paid decent money to make sure that these professional applications turn out to be just that: professional and complete.


Want in on the action? All you have to do is find people who want to put an application on the market. Just in case your curious about how many people that is: Google searches for "application testing jobs" render upwards of 67k search results.


In order for you to become a application tester, here are some steps you can take:


   Start by searching on Google for "app testing jobs". Use appropriate keywords based on applications that you would like to get paid to test.


Believe me, they are definitely out there. If you don’t find something you are absolutely sold on, you will find out what is on the market right now. Use this step to figure out which direction you would like to go in the testing community.


   Browse job websites such as Indeed, SimplyHired and Monster Jobs for app testing jobs.


   The next phase should be building your profile on freelancing sites. There are several sites available that offer freelancing work in the application testing industry. Here are a few you can sign up with:,,, etc.


Most of these sites will require you to register certain skill sets when you sign up, and from there will recommend available jobs based on your profile.


   After youve had a go at the freelance fish net, go after the whales of the industry. Register at larger companies such as uTest and look for opportunities on their websites.


   The more you expose yourself, the more you help yourself. The phrase "there's an app for that" has never been more applicable. Not only that, but everyone wants a piece of the pie. There are going to be companies both large and small that will be scooping up testers left and right so that they can throw out the next big thing in applications.


   The final, and probably most important step in this process, is making the most of your input. They hired you because they want information from you. Make sure you know what that information is and how to effectively communicate that to the application developers.


The mindset that will be the most profitable in this instance is to treat the application as if it is YOU who is developing it. You just handed someone a job, and now you are expecting to find out what the shortcomings of your latest project are. You want to fill the holes and revolutionize your product. With that in mind, what are you going to say about it?

How much money can I make out of application testing? Recent expectations have been set at anywhere from $5-

$25 on the hour, depending on the complexity of the job. Think about it this way: you’ll probably get paid a bit more by testing finance manager applications than you would if you were testing the latest puzzle game. It depends on the market for the application being provided, as well as the complexity of the application being tested.


34. Create Software With Resell Rights

With the omnipresent need for vastly different types of software, it's fairly easy to penetrate the market of software development and make yourself a self-employed tech god (If you have any programming savvy, that is).


Selling resale rights to your unique creations can allow you to let other people do the marketing for you. Let them sell it and collect on commission, while you collect on a premium.


Even if you have no programming experience, you can get a freelance programmer from sites such as to create your software for you.


All you would need to do is create a blueprint of how the software should operate and how it would look.


In order for you to sell software with resell rights, here are some steps you can take:


   All those software bright ideas that you have? At least one of them could be a gold mine. Finding out which one of those ideas is in the most demand will help you maximize your profits and grow your business.


Take a page from the process that works and start posting your software ideas and questions in public forums dedicated to software programmers such as By doing this, you actually help yourself in two different ways.


First, you’ll get answers to your questions from people who are directly impacting the market that you’re trying to




Second, you will find out what everyone is actually looking for.


   Find out what people want in a software and what software is the most popular right now at sites such as Ask yourself if you’re capable of meeting the demand. How can I make existing popular software even better? Will your creation be something that people will use? Will your creation be something that they actually need?


Answering these fundamental questions will put you in a good place to maximize your profits and build a lasting reputation as a software provider that people can depend on.


   After youve figured out what your own potential goldmine is going to be, and used your brilliant mind to bring the beast to life, the next thing to do would be to tell everybody you know. Good advertising is a tricky thing.


Offering free trials of your software on sites such as can help you gain new customers.


Social media websites are a great way to reach people of all demographics and interests, and starting with your friends and family will help you spread the word even faster.


   You can email owners of resale rights websites such as PLR Assassin and sell them your new software which they can in turn, sell to their customers.


How much money can I make out of creating software?


One of the benefits of being your own boss is writing your own paycheck. You are the one who gets to decide what to sell your product for, depending upon its complexity and the time, effort, and money that you used to create it in the first place.


Remember to be reasonable, though. Odds are, someone is going to pay more for something that can be used as a military grade security system than they are for Tetris.


35. Website Design

Web designers are in high demand in today’s modern society. Many people turn to the web when looking for information, therefore there is a high need for people who can make these websites look as visually appealing as possible.


Website owners need their websites to stick out compared to the rest; something that makes them unique.


Do you have a strong proficiency in Photoshop, graphic design, and HTML? Because if you do, then web designing may make a great job for you.


With these skills, you also need to have a strong sense of creativity, as well as knowledge on how to use the various tools efficiently.


Using simple pre-made templates that you can customize to create the websites can surprisingly get you a long way, and people will happily pay you for it. Your employer(s) usually don’t want to spend the time trying to figure out how all the programs work, so this is a nice alternative for


many of them.


There are many sites such as Free CSS Templates that offer access to thousands of professional templates for free that you can edit and modify for your clients needs.


In order for you to become a web designer, here are some steps you can take:


   First, look at freelancing sites for web design jobs such as,,, etc.


These types of sites allow you to set your skills and choose what jobs you want to do. These websites narrow down as many jobs as possible that apply to you and your skills.


It overall makes things more convenient for you. If you’ve just begun web designing, these types of sites are a great place to start.


   Browse job websites such as Indeed, SimplyHired and Monster Jobs for web design jobs.


   Create a website that lists your services and showcase some of your previous work. It's also a great place to put up any testimonials you receive.


   Another thing you can do is ensure that you know what you’re doing before you do it. This includes knowing how skilled you are, looking over the descriptions for the jobs you’re applying for, matching the difficulty to your capability, and making sure you can do them.


There is nothing worse than entering a job where you need to design a website for a massive magazine and you realize, mid project, that you aren’t skilled enough to


complete it. If, however, you are fully confident you can complete the job being asked, then feel free to apply.


   One last thing to do to ensure that your design is the best it can possibly be is to make sure that it meets all set guidelines and requirements.


This not only makes you look good and interests your employer to possibly re-hire you, but it’s disrespectful to not get the job done properly.


Quality is one of the most important things you have to ensure when completing a task given to you.


For example, if you submit a web design for your local bakery, but the design has nothing to do with the bakery, then you’ve done it wrong. It doesn’t matter how pretty and appealing it looks , if the design doesn’t meet what is being asked then the job isn’t done.


   These requirements may also include deadlines. If the design is due in a week, have it ready a day early. This shows you’re dedicated and determined to make sure things are created to the highest degree possible.


As well, being prepared and having done the job a day early allows you more than enough time to double check that everything is top-notch and ready to go.


How much can I make with web design?


This is one of the beauties of web designing, you are in control. If you are working for an employer who is charging you by the hour, than you could be looking at $10 or more for every hour of work. If you are setting your own prices, then it’s up to you. Websites are can usually go for $200-


$500 or more for every website. However, the more custom the design is, the more the job will probably cost. These customizations may include custom designs, extra pages, graphics etc.



36. Write Web Components

If you have the knowledge and ability to use Java, html, PHP or other web-based programming languages and the know-how on how to create web components, you might want to take a shot at creating and selling them.


Web components allow for the creation of reusable widgets or components in web documents and web applications.

The intention behind them is to bring component-based software engineering to the world wide web.


Sometimes, website owners require specialized drop down boxes or combo boxes for their many different projects they may be doing. It’s all a matter of what the project is and what needs to be done.


In order for you to make money creating web components, here are some steps you can take:


   There are a few ways to make money by writing web components. One way is to do it yourself. By creating them yourself, you are working at your own pace and are in complete control. There is little to nothing stopping you (except restrictions on the project) and you’re able to adjust the work to how you’d like.


   Create a website that lists your services and showcase some of your previous work. It's also a great place to put


up any testimonials you receive.


   Another way is apply for a piecemeal job. This doesn’t include the freedom individual work does, as it’s a job you’re hired for, it is definitely a good way to make money. The only difference is that the job is broken down into smaller sections and you are working for someone else, and not for yourself.


A good stepping stone to finding web component creation projects is by registering at freelancing sites such as,,, etc.


Once the skills are selected, than the website narrows down as many job offerings that it can find that meet your skills and suit you best.


You are then able to browse through the many jobs and see which ones suits you best.


This a great place to start if you’re a beginner as you are able to choose a variety of jobs from all levels of difficulty and doesn’t require a very strong commitment.


   Another crucial step is to make sure you read over all descriptions that are made for the job.


This is important because it is essential that you know what you’re getting yourself into. One of the biggest mistakes people make (usually beginners) is that they enter a job unprepared.


Nothing is worse than entering a job, committing to it, only to realize later on that you don’t have the ability or know- how to do it effectively and properly.


This could lead to bad ratings and won't look good when you go on to do more jobs. It’s better to do it right the first time than to do it right after many failures.


   A third step to follow is to insure that your delivery meets (and exceeds) the standards and requirements for the job. If you are looking to get paid in full, make sure that you don’t spend any more time on the job than what is needed, you need to make sure that the work you’ve done is to a presentable standard.


Also, not only does this make sure the job is done correctly and properly, but it makes you look good, increasing the chance of building a long term relationship with the employer. If you are looking to learn and get more job offerings, building a good reputation and doing jobs to an immaculate degree is a must.


How much can I charge for web components?


The amount of money you can charge people for your work can vary drastically. Depending on how good it’s done, the difficulty of the job, and the time it took you to write it, you can charge anywhere from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars. But, keep in mind. If you are new to the web component writing world, you need to build a strong reputation before you start charging big bucks for your work.



37. Create Automation Software

The world is quickly evolving. With this evolution, software is starting to be created that allow people to do tasks without doing very much, if any, manual labor.


Many people are interested in the type that provides this service. If you don’t know any, think of the software that corrects your spelling or grammar mistakes when you’re typing something (on Google Docs, for example).


Other forms of this software is automated software used for rewriting articles, article re-writing, converting PDF documents to word documents, and so on.


Now, many people think that all of these automation software programs are already out there and are already in use, but there is still a lot of tasks that have yet to be identified.


If you have the capability of finding tasks that could use a software to make the work easier to do, and create it, then you can make yourself some good money, especially if you can save businesses a lot of time and money.


In order for you to make money with automation software, here are some steps you can take:


   One of the first steps you can take to create money from automation software is to look through the jobs posted on freelancing sites such as,,, etc., and find what services are in demand that you could potentially automate.


It is overall more convenient for you and is a great place to start for people who are new to this field. An example of a service that could be needed by someone is they need a software that allows them to extract certain data from a site and put it into a spreadsheet.


After creating the software, you can search to see if there are other people who need this same software capability or




   The next step is to mass-market your new software if there is a high demand for that specific service. When there are many people who are looking for this one thing (for example, spell checker), then mass marketing that software can not only get the product/idea out to more people, but it also boosts sales. This leads to more money in your pocket.


   A third thing you could do is turn your software into a service and charge people for it. Let's say, for example, you have someone who wants you to do a spell check for their book and you have the only software capable of doing that. Then you could charge that person a fee for you to do it.


   Another option is to take jobs and charge the same rate that would be charged as if it were being done with manual work. But, while doing the job, you use the software to speed up the process. This is great for both you and your customers. You are getting jobs done quicker and easier, allowing you access to ‘easy’ money, and the customer is getting their job done. By doing this, you’re also not selling the product, but rather using it yourself.


How much money can I make from creating automation software?


Most software can usually be found at a price of $100 or less. If you are doing the job and providing the service yourself, then you can charge people on a per-entry basis. This allows you to be in control of how much you are making and set limitations.


An example of this is if you were getting names and


contact information from a site, you could charge $0.01 per contact collected. Overall, with a little knowhow, this job could be great for you.



38. Modify Existing Software

Because of technology and software of the modern world, we are able to create large texts in English and translate them over to French or German (for example) in seconds.


But unfortunately, more times than not, we find something, usually software, are good, but could use various improvements. Yeah, the software does what it’s supposed to do, but wouldn’t it be great if it could do a few extra things, as well?


A good way to make money is to take this software that needs improving, make the improvements, and sell it back to the company or sell the improvements to the people who use the software already. Although this may be tricky and require some knowledge in how to create and update software, or how to hire a programmer, it is definitely a good way to make some extra cash.


In order for you to make money modifying software, here are some steps you can take:


   The first step is to check freelancing sites such as,,, etc., for software modification jobs.


When you register for these sites, they often, if not always, ask for what skills you have. When you input them, it narrows down job offerings that best suit you.


   Some software programs, such as Photoshop, have the ability to load certain "presets" called filters and actions.


As an example, you could create a filter that creates golden text or an action that converts a 2 dimensional image into a 3-dimensional ecover graphic.


   Browsing forums related to different software programs can be a great place to find people looking for new functionality of existing software.


How much money can I make from improving existing software?


This will depend on the software you work with, how many modifications you make, and if you’re being paid hourly or per project. You can expect $10-$20 an hour or more, usually.


If you are working and charging per project, than the freedom to choose your rates is yours. If you choose this option, then you need to be cautious of what people will probably pay and make realistic pricing based on that.



39. Start Your Own Search Engine

Have you ever thought of creating your own search engine online? Believe it or not, it is a fun way to earn an additional income. You can offer it to your friends and family members, and then, when you are ready, you can start offering it to others.


Take a second and think about a popular niche – could you imagine offering a search engine solely within that niche?


By doing this, your search engine will be more appealing to those who are passionate about the niche you have chosen. They would look at your search engine as a great way to get more information on something they enjoy.


You don’t have to be a designer or coder to create your own search engine – some people are under the impression that it will take a large amount of work, so they turn away from this idea. But there are several scripts that you can buy that will give you a ready-to-go search engine.


In order for you to make money with your own search engine, here are some steps you can take:


   Get a script or software that will allow you to have a search engine on your website. Here's a cheap one you can try:


   Dont spam people with invitations to use your new site, however, it doesnt hurt to start out by inviting your friends and family members to try it out.


Encourage everyone you know to use your search engine and add content.


   Encourage Users to Share - Tell people you have invited to use your search engine that they would be helping you if they shared your search engine with others they know. The more people you have using your search engine, the more money you’re going to make.


   Promote your new search engine on websites and forums that are related to the niche of your site. You could even consider buying advertising on these same websites.


   Attract new customers by using social media and PPC


advertising such as Google Adwords and Bing Ads.


How much money can I make with my own search engine?


I’m not telling you you can make millions from a search engine like Google does, but I’m telling you it is possible to make decent money from it.


You may be wondering how it’s even possible to make money from your search engine. Basically, it all depends on the amount of advertisement clicks and visitors you get into your search engine – this is why we’re telling you the more people you have using your search engine, the more money you can make make.


You can earn anywhere from $0.1 to $4, maybe even $5 per click from advertising revenue such as hosting banner ads or by using Google Adsense – again, this amount will all depend on the niche you are working on. Some niches actually pay more than others, so this is something you should look into before you create website.


On an ending note, here’s a nice story for you - years ago, a guy was sitting on the Internet and he got tired of sorting through everything just to find what he needed.

With those thoughts in his mind, he decided to create a system that would make it easier to find what you’re looking for – something like an “index” in a book. Yeah, that’s exactly what it was – an index! When he got done, he came up with the name – "Google" and now, today he has billions! Does this story inspire you to make your own search engine?


Sure, you may not be able to kick Google off the top, but you could definitely make money if you were to build your own custom search engine.


40. Monitor Website Uptime

It’s imperative that a webmasters website is up and running at all times and the importance of it's functioning cannot be stressed enough.


Should their website ever go down, webmasters have a usual tendency of spending hours looking into the aforementioned crash, as many webmasters main source of income come from the websites themselves.


In other words, no website, ultimately means no money.


It is important that the website remains active and it is not uncommon for webmasters to hire people with the specific purpose of monitoring the status of a particular website and letting them know if there is a problem immediately.


This process is referred to as, "uptime monitoring."


Software specifically designed to monitor a website’s uptime is actually available too. After a day or so of the software monitoring a website, it then only becomes a matter of the employee putting in a websites details, downloading the necessary files, and presenting them to the webmaster or anyone else who may have hired them.


It is also not uncommon for webmasters to know about these uptime monitoring software programs as well, but many of them would prefer to have someone else handle it for them as it can become time consuming.


In order for you to make money by providing uptime services, here are some steps you can take:


   Anyone interested should start by browsing the internet and downloading a free uptime monitoring software. There are quite a few available, but a good place to start would be Ping Monitor.


    The next step would be to get registered in one of the many freelance websites online such as,,, etc., Look for uptime monitoring jobs on these same sites.


    After being hired by someone it is advised that, as an employee, you should generate reports from the software frequently and provide them to the buyer as agreed.


   Create a website that lists your services offered, pricing and what reports you offer. A good example of a uptime monitoring service provider is


   As stated before, many people looking to hire an uptime monitor will more than likely know of uptime monitoring software, therefore, any employee hired should be aware that they have been hired with the sole purpose of saving their employer as much time as possible.


How much money can I make monitoring websites?


You should gather as many clients as you can. Should you charge a monthly fee, (even $10 to send a detailed report weekly) and get 300 clients that would amount to $3,000 a week on its own!


An alternative to becoming an uptime monitor could be becoming a salesman for the uptime monitoring software that many webmasters use to stay on track and up-to-date with their website.



41.  Answer Questions

If there’s one thing you’re very knowledgeable in, then start an internet site for yourself and let people ask any questions that they have about that subject. You may either charge a per-question fee or a monthly fee. Because there's a lot of sites that offer answers for free, you want to be certain that if you do this, it’s on a topic that you are an expert in and are worth paying for advice.


Another, much easier option is to sign up with sites that will pay you to answer questions such as Just Answer. The only difference here is that you'll get paid less that if you owned the website.


In order for you to make money for answering questions, here are some steps you can take:


   Establish yourself as a professional in a niche by writing articles, making a blog, or perhaps a Kindle e-book. You can advertise your service through these same mediums.


   Advertise on websites or forums related to your niche, social networks such as Facebook and amongst friends.


   Times change, blogging changes and lately it has become popular for people to want to have their own Q&A or forum website which is related to the same topic your blog is about. In this way the people who are already interested in your blog can now ask questions about the topic or topics which you write about. Everyone at some time has the need to have questions answered.


   If you answer questions for free on your own forum, you can make money indirectly by placing banner ads on your


forum or by using services such as Google Adsense which will pay you per click.


   Just consider the possibilities that you can give people a chance to engage in a community with others who are knowledgeable on a certain subject and as the question and answer process goes on you can learn a lot from it as well.


You can easily grow your reputation this way and as time goes on you can provide different postings about the topics that are currently of interest and that people are seeking answers to. In this way you will direct more traffic to your blog.


   One amazing web application that lets anyone without any technical know-how to build and customize their own Q&A community is Qhub. It lets you manage your Q&A website with very little effort or time. Qhub also lets your users start their own groups, connect with each other and receive a notification in their e-mail when someone they know asks a question.


After they have logged in, users can decide which tags (keywords) they’d like to watch and once someone asks a question that is tagged with that particular keyword they will receive an instant notification. Qhub gives you the opportunity to create an active community which supports itself because it has the ability to connect multiple users.


Whatever you choose, the most important thing to remember is that people are always seeking answers to many different things.


How much money can I make from answering questions?


You may charge anything from $.10 per question to $100 per question, depending on your expertise. You may additionally prefer to charge a monthly fee for “x” amount of questions per month.


Lastly, you can earn anywhere from $0.10 to $1 a click from advertisements on your blog, forum or Q&A site which can quickly add up if it becomes popular.


42. Install Scripts And Software

Many people aren't technologically savvy in the slightest degree. Plenty of individuals don’t understand more than how to check their email and browse online but would like to make an internet site or blog.


This is also one of the simplest jobs to make very quick money. Most people are aware of only the basics of the internet like browsing, email, etc. Such people might require assistance in getting applications installed into their system or on their website. If you are very good in those things, then you can provide such assistance for people for a fee.


In order for you to make money installing software and scripts, here are some steps you can take:


   Create a website for yourself and list down the services you provide. You can advertise on  forums related to software, social networks, amongst friends, or even in your local newspaper.


   Get yourself registered on some of the freelancing sites such as,,, etc., and


check for installation jobs.


   When people create websites, they will often need to install scripts such as Wordpress, that will allow them to run a blog.


These types of software scripts are a little more complicated than standard software that you run on your PC, tablet or phone.


Often, they will require someone to set up a database on their webhosting server. This is where your service would come in handy.


   Not only can you make money installing software and scripts, but you can make even more money by customizing them for the user.


For example, people who get Wordpress installed might have no idea how to use it or make their website look exactly how they want it. Again, here is where you can help by setting everything up for them for extra money.


How much money can I make installing software?


   You can make anywhere from $20-$50 per installation and upwards.



43. Forum Hosting Service

If you know how to set up a hosting server, then you can provide forum hosting services.


By doing this, you are allowing less technically savvy


people to set up their own forum on your website quickly and easily.


By getting a forum on somebody else's servers, people can skip most of the technical aspects of running a forum by getting someone else to take care of the difficult and technical stuff.


The downside is that they won't actually own the forum, but they will however, have control of it.


You can easily find free and excellent forums to install, such as this one. That script allows you to host multiple forums on one site.


In order for you to make money with a forum hosting service, here are some steps you can take:


   Create a website for yourself to promote your services. Decide whether you're going to charge a fee for each forum or whether you'll give them away for free in exchange for advertisements.


   Set up a server and get a forum hosting script from or from some another alternative.


   Get people to create forums on your server by giving them attractive deals.


You could even let people create forums for free while displaying Google Adsense ads or some other adverts on them. This way, you can make money to cover your costs and make a nice profit as the forums grow more popular and attract more members.


One site that follows the "free forum" model is They currently have over 10,000 forums hosted on their servers!


Many of their users would require the paid upgrade they offer because their forum has become successful and they need the extra features. You could offer something similar. Offer free forum hosting at first, but offer a "pro" version that has more features and benefits or even no ads.


   Market your forum hosting site by advertising on various websites which are frequented by people who are interested in hosting forums such as webmaster websites.


How much can I earn out of a forum hosting service?


   This depends on what you charge customers. You'll additionally prefer to offer the forum hosting services for free and easily create cash off of advertising revenue. With time you will be able to see when you profit and youll be able to decide what the best way is for you to generate cash.



44. Backup Storage Service

Online backup services let individuals and businesses store their important files in the "cloud". This is an internet- based network of remote data centers that are hosted by third parties. People back up their data so that it is protected against computer breakdowns and emergencies so they won’t lose any of their files. You can start your own data backup business two ways – one is by purchasing your own servers and the other is working as a reseller for a bigger company.


In order to make money with your own backup storage service, here are some steps you can take:


   First of all, you have to decide what kind of backup business you want to run. If you have the knowledge you can host the backup service on your own or to gain experience you can become a reseller for a pre-existing backup service.


   If you have chosen to host your own backup service then you must purchase sufficient hardware. You must make sure the you have enough bandwidth for average uploads of 1-2 megabytes per second. A most important factor is speed if you are to have many loyal customers so you will need to have the best hardware that you can possibly afford.


   Next up you must decide on what cloud service you'll be using if you choose to back up data in the cloud. Some good choices are Amazons cloud service or Vembus StoreGrid. Even though these are costlier month to month than buying your own hardware, they can be more reliable and provide uninterrupted power for you customers. So this is an important consideration.


   If you choose to be a reseller then you must decide on which backup service to partner with. The month to month costs might be higher but this will depend on how many customers you have. There are lots of services that offer turnkey solutions for quick web development and setup. Two that offer quick reseller business opportunities are Livedrive and MyPC Backup.


   Youll have to price your service in order to allow for tiered pricing that will be based on the gigabytes stored. Keep in mind that you don't want to offer a flat fee for all


of your customers because you won't make as much money. What you want to do instead is to offer tiered plans like $20 a month for 0-20 GB stored, $35 a month for 21- 50 GB stored and so on.


   Next you have to market your service. Some places to start would be advertising via PPC on sites such as Google Adwords and Bing Ads. You can also market your services by approaching various companies which might use your services and offer then a great deal.


   It might even be a good idea to offer a free trial to get customers to try out your service. There are so many services out there at this moment that you must make sure that people understand why yours is different and why they should consider it.


Perhaps something like 24/7 customer support or even personalized services for users who have experience problems. In other words once your backup service has been launched you want to see that day by day your customer count is growing and that more and more people are becoming aware that you are out there and you provide great service.


How much money can I make providing backup services?


You can earn anywhere from $5 a month to hundreds of dollars a month per client.



45. Create Website Templates

One thing that you can do to earn money is to create and sell website templates. If you have knowledge about


website and graphic design then you can design some templates and sell them online. The internet always requires new and creative templates as more and more people are creating their own websites. Keep in mind that in this case, freelancers can earn good money by selling their unique creations. There are many different website available that can give you enough exposure to showcase your work.


In order for you to become a template designer, here are some steps you can take:


   Create or purchase templates - Today, it is very important that a business has a website of their own and business owners usually face problems because they know nothing about web design.


Therefore this is where you can step in and provide website templates that can let anyone build up a professional looking website no matter of their computer skills.


In fact, if you choose, you could even resell other people's templates. What you can do is buy a website template package with full resale rights from a company such as Hoover Web Templates or InDigitalWorks.


You just have to be sure that these packages include the full resale right so you don’t get into trouble when you resell them.


   Set up a website - Next youll need to purchase a web hosting account and a domain name which ideally includes the word "templates" in it, such as"" On this site you’ll be selling the templates you have purchased.


To make a good business, you’ll want to choose a specific name for each template and it will be easier to identify the files for each template. You’ll also be required to create ZIP files for each individual template since the ZIP file will be the package in which you will deliver the template to your customers.


   Pricing - One of the more difficult things is to decide on the price for your templates. Remember that the price must cover the cost that you paid for the templates and let you generate a profit. In order to start making money you have to open a PayPal account so that your customers can click on a "buy button" to purchase the template of their choice and the money will go into your account.


Keep in mind that if you choose to start as a template reseller, you’ll gain the experience you need to sell templates and still generate money.


   Advertise your business - After a time you can choose to start creating your own or expanding your business as a reseller. Either way, youll need to advertise your website in business-related forums and blogs.


You might also choose to let the social sites know that you are in business selling templates.


Another option is to advertise your website on PPC (pay- per-click) sites such as Google Adwords and Bing Ads.


If you are not sure how things will turn out then the best way will be to begin selling ready-made templates. Another reason why people choose to be resellers is that you get access to all of the new products the company has to offer and also get to know all of the latest updates so your customers can readily have all kinds of new designs and




How much can I make from creating and selling website templates?


Templates typically sell for anything from $10 to $500, depending on the complexity of the template. If you are doing one-off, custom-designed sites, then you'll charge a premium fee. If you have chosen to be a reseller of templates you can earn $100 a day.



46. Online Virtual Store

You can set up an online store by using either dropshipping companies as we talked about earlier, or by selling something that you create (some examples are homemade candles, scrapbooks, or quilts).


You can either mass-market items, or you can offer your services and have people pay you per order, and then only start acquiring the product once you get paid (for example once someone gives you money you start knitting a quilt).


In order for you to create an online virtual store, here are some steps you can take:


   Design a website for yourself and set up a virtual store along with payment methods. You can also register as a seller on eBay or Amazon.


Online you can find a lot of free software which you can use to create an incredible website. There are different templates to choose from that will help you plan your virtual store. As you build your virtual store make sure you


take everything into consideration like different payment methods and a shopping cart.


   Once you are ready to launch your virtual store make sure you have tested it's functionality. If you find it difficult to do this on your own you, hire someone who can help you through the entire process.


   If you intend on dropshipping, identify wholesale dealers. You can do a search on Google or use this site. Otherwise, identify people who supply the materials you need for your own product.


   Remember that even in your virtual store you need to take inventory and after a while you will see just want kind of products are the most in demand.


   Another good thing to do is to add an area on your site or blog where people can ask questions or comment and even leave reviews about your products. Make sure you thank them right away and answer their questions. If you make a very good impression you’ll have many loyal customers.


   You might also consider doing some research on the social networks to see what kinds of products are being promoted there. Whenever you hear about anything new make sure you have all the information before you place this product in your virtual store. You might also consider looking through some other online virtual stores to get some ideas and see how it all works.


   For some examples of some great virtual stores, check out this site. They all run on a platform called Shopify.


Shopify is a complete ecommerce solution that allows you


to set up an online store to sell your goods. It lets you organize your products, customize your storefront, accept credit card payments, track and respond to orders — all with a few clicks of the mouse.


   If you have products that come with certain accessories make sure that you virtual store has them on-hand. Always take inventory after a while and if there are products that just don’t sell well change them with different products.


How much money can I make out of an online virtual store?


Your profit will be the difference between the price charged by the wholesaler and the price you charge the customer.

It’s hard to give an estimate on this since different products have considerably different prices. Some people make $10,000's a day with virtual stores.


47. Affiliate Marketing

If you don't want to sell products either via dropshipping, where the product is directly delivered from the manufacturer to the customer, or selling your own products then another opportunity is to become an affiliate.


Becoming an affiliate means that you refer people to other sites and earn a commission each time a sale is made. You can become an affiliate for major stores such as Target, Wal-Mart or Amazon, as well as very specific niche sites.


Basically, affiliate marketing is an internet-based marketing practice and the business you choose to affiliate with rewards you for each customer you send to them. Every


year you can be sure that hundreds of millions of dollars are being earned in affiliate marketing and it is looked upon as being one of the easiest ways to start making money online.


Affiliate marketing is very simple and what a lot of people like is that they don’t have to own a website, blog or even product to begin with.


In order for you to become an affiliate marketer, here are some steps you can take:


   The first thing to do is sign up with an affiliate program that offers a wide range of affiliate products or you can search Google for "affiliate programs".


One of the affiliate sites that I use a lot is They have over 10,000 different products you can promote, and earn anywhere from 20-75% commission of the sale price.


Some other popular ones include Commission Junction and JVZoo. Those sites are both directories and can give you more information about hundreds of merchants with affiliate programs.


   Then you have the task to do research on who or what your target market will be. It is not advisable to try to promote a wide range of products that have no connection with each other.


   If you dont have your own website you can make use of sites such as Squidoo and get a free webpage. The affiliate program will provide you with links and banners that youll insert into your website and you can begin marketing your site.


   Alternatively, you could simply write reviews of products and then send people directly to the pages of the products that you are mentioning.


   The most important thing is that you can decide what type of products you want to promote and how expensive you want the products to be.


Then you can also choose to promote products which come with accessories so that you are not just providing one product but a group of products which are associated with each other.


   Choose and promote products which you know about instead of choosing products that you have never tried yourself or you have no idea about how they work. You can take a look online and see which products are popular or which aren’t. You can even choose to promote products which people use day in and day out and that way you can even earn recurring monthly commissions.


   You can use several different methods to advertise affiliate programs that range anywhere from social media to PPC advertising on sites such as Google Adwords and Bing Ads.


Remember that with affiliate marketing, like any other kind of business, can take time and patience to set up correctly.


How much money can I make out of being an affiliate?


   Some affiliate programs will pay per lead - anywhere from $.20 to $100 - while others charge a percentage of sales - while others pay a flat amount per sale. It is highly different for each type of program.



48. Build A Directory

Internet directories help people find listings of businesses, products and many other kinds of sites that the directory includes.


A good example of a directly site is DMOZ. They are the largest web directory in the world.


You can choose any kind of topic you prefer and build a quality directory on it. On this directory, you would create hyperlinks to all the best websites related to the category of the directory.


Afterwards, you would place advertisements on your site or you could charge people who want to list their website in your directory.


If you prefer, you could create a simple business directory similar to the yellow pages phone book. You can also create a more complex directory consisting of blogging features, calendars and games and user accounts to aide directory website visitors and members.


In order for you to start an internet directory, here are some steps you can take:


   Some of the things you will need are  a directory script, domain name and web hosting.


These scripts will provide the essential tools you will need for a directory website. Directory scripts are both free and paid. What you must do is consider your skills and knowledge of web design when making your choice. Keep in mind that paid scripts will provide support and more


advanced features.


A good example of a free directory script is eSyndiCat.


   You must purchase a domain name and web hosting. Domain names can usually be purchased at the same place where you purchase web hosting service such as


Be sure to make the domain name an easy one to remember as this will help your directory’s "brand" and it will also help visitors to remember the site. You can start off with the most basic web hosting plan and afterwards you can always upgrade your hosting account once you have established your directory and regular, daily traffic is coming in.


   Decide on your business model and then begin setting up the site. If you decide to charge people to appear on your directory, make it worthwhile for them. Maybe you want to give them a few months for free as you build up traffic, or give some other perks that shows them why they should sign up with you.


   Once you log-on to your scripts administrative panel you can make any modifications that are necessary. Then youll have to upload a logo or header image and make any changes you need to the design elements. If you lack the knowledge to do any of this you can hire a freelance web developer.


You’ll add categories to your directory website and the administrative or control panel for your directory provides options for adding, deleting or changing categories and listings. The kind of online directory you decide to create will also determine the categories you’ll add.


Some possible categories might be shopping centers, restaurants or retail and department stores.


How much money can I make out of an online directory?


If you choose to list websites for free then you'll be paid for the advertisements that can range anywhere from $.01 to much more money per click by using advertising platforms such as Google Adsense..


You could also charge people to list advertisements on your site - anywhere from $20 a month to thousands of dollars, depending on how much traffic your site gets.


Another choice is charging a monthly fee – anywhere from

$5 to $50 to more for premium listing.


49. Stock Photography

If you are interested in photography, then you can take some interesting pictures and sell them as stock photos.


Stock Photography is simply the act of licensing your photos so that people can use them as they wish. This is a fun way to make money on a passion that you might already have.


If you really enjoy taking photos then selling them online through royalty-free stock photography websites can be a fantastic way to earn residual income.


All of these kinds of websites have large collections of stock photos ready for customers to download for a small fee.


Keep in mind that when you sell stock photos through these websites you’re not selling the photo itself but the right to use the photo.


Since you are the photographer, you retain the copyright to the photo and you can sell it in more than one place and as many times as you wish.


There are, however, websites which let you sell exclusive rights to your photo which means that they person who bought the photo is the only one who can use it.


In order for you to make money with stock photography, here are some steps you can take:


   There is an excellent website here that explains how to sell stock photography in an extremely detailed and concise way.


   Once you start taking the photos, build yourself a portfolio.


   To become a success in selling stock photos online you have to take the kind of pictures others want. Most likely they could be photos of many different things which people can use on their blogs.


To get an idea you can look through magazines or browse through websites to see what kind of photos are in demand. Also check with the stock photo websites to see what is already being offered and how many times these photos have been downloaded.


Some of the most popular stock photography sites include:








   Youll have to sign up as a contributor at these stock photo websites. There are several companies that let you sell your stock photos online, so youll have to visit each website, read their guidelines and sign up. Be ready to submit sample images which are required before you as accepted as a contributor.


   Once you are accepted as a contributor, you can add your images to their collection. They all have different requirements for uploading images so make sure you know the rules. Each and every photo you submit will be reviewed for quality and content.


Any photo that the reviewer feels is not qualitative will be rejected. At this point you can correct any issues and resubmit the same photo. When you are first starting out most likely many of your photos will be rejected.


Once your photo skills improve and you get to know exactly what the stock photo websites are looking for, the rejections will be fewer. Keep in mind that this is a very competitive business you just have to persevere and soon you’ll see that many of your photos will be on the stock websites.


   Another thing that can help is to add appropriate keyword to you photos when youre trying to sell them. When a potential buyer visits a stock photo website, they do a search and any photos that match the search terms will show up. Try to think about what customers would search for if they wanted to find your photo.


You can choose keywords like describing certain emotions, colors, seasons and such. Use as many terms as possible and make sure that they all are appropriate for your image.


How much can I make out of stock photography?


   You can make anything from a few cents to thousands of dollars depending on the demand for your stock images.


You will generally be paid on a royalty basis, getting paid whenever someone downloads your photos. You will earn more money if a corporation uses your picture versus just an individual using a picture for fun on a website. As you improve you will see what works and what doesn’t and soon you will be doing what you really love, taking photos and getting paid for it.



50. Misspellings

There are a lot of people who misspell domain names when they’re looking for things, and get redirected to blank pages.


You can buy the misspelled domains and redirect them to the right one (including your affiliate link - see tip #47 for more info). You will get credited with affiliate commissions for doing nothing but capitalizing on the misspellings.


As you can see, there are different ways to make money out of misspellings. One way is to make affiliate sales with misspelled domains and the other is to do some SEO work with misspellings.


With misspelled domains what happens is that if people type directly into the search window for say but misspelled it and you were the owner of the misspelled domain, for example "" or "" you would receive daily traffic just from people who wanted to go straight to


One of the misspellings had a different ending in the domain and the other had a misspelling in the name itself. Therefore you can imagine that a misspelled domain for a site such as Amazon

would bring you a much higher conversion rate.


In order for you to make money with misspellings, here are some steps you can take:


   Look for affiliate programs to join or sites with a lot of traffic.


   Read the affiliate terms of service and make sure theyre ok with you finding misspellings of their product and website domain (most are but some aren’t).


   Type in potential domains into and see what misspellings you can find.


   Buy any domains you find and have them redirect to your affiliate link or other advertisements.


   Another strategy is by doing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) work for misspelled domains.


Since many people make spelling errors while using search engines there are people who put up websites, using intended misspelling to get these visitors. Therefore it is up to you to decide which way you want to go when it comes


to misspellings.


How much money can I make from misspellings?


   This is hit or miss. I have one misspelled domain that silently made about $2,000 one year (the domain was missing a letter from the brand name). You can leverage by buying a lot of misspelled domains and make a nice passive income, especially considering your investment is about $10 (google "namecheap coupon code" when buying your domain if you buy it on Namecheap.)



51.  Create Videos

In this day and age, anyone can make money filming videos. I don’t want to make it sound too simple, but if you own a video camera or a decent smartphone, have at least a minimum set of skills, and possess a keen-eye for entrepreneurship, then you can easily start making money with your video camera.


If you can shoot an interesting video, then you can upload it online and make money; that’s all there is to it, really.

The beauty of the internet in the 21st Century is that there are a plethora of different video hosting sites, some of which offer an ad-revenue service for uploaded videos.


For instance, YouTube is one of the biggest video sharing websites on the net, with more than 35,000 videos uploaded each day, this will definitely be one of your first options to start your video career.


Your video can be anything from an interesting event, video tutorial, wedding coverage, legal video, stock


footage, video resumes, and so on. As long as the public can learn something, or be entertained by your content, then you have potential to make money with your videos.


Remember, the more views you get, the more potential money you will make with ad revenue.


In order for you to make money with online videos, here are some steps you can take:


   Make sure you have a good video camera with quality lenses as well as a microphone, recording and mixing equipment, etc.


Unfortunately, the equipment necessary to make top- quality videos in a professional setting can be really expensive, but the good thing is that we are not working on a professional setting, and thus, we can afford to compromise on certain items and brands.


Your requirements may vary, but these are the absolute essentials we can come up with: A good video camera, a tripod, a camera light or, depending on the setting and type of footage, a three-point lighting kit, and shotgun microphone.


Of course, there are a lot more instruments and gear that you will need to purchase if you wish to polish your trade in the future, but with this basic equipment on hand, you are well on your way to producing top-quality video content.


   Create your video. The type of footage and filming style will obviously depend on your niche. It all boils down to deciding what type of content you want to produce. Depending on whether you want to make documentaries, video ads, or stock videos, the techniques and methods, as


well the recommended equipment, will vary.


   Register on sites like Fiverr and offer your video production services there. See what others are offering and create similar listings to the already-popular ones.


   As I mentioned above, the internet is full of websites in which you can capitalize on your videos by making money from ad revenue. Alternatively, there are also websites such as this one that will purchase your content outright, whether for stock footage or advertising purposes.


Furthermore, the more entrepreneurial-inclined of you may want to create a website to host the content. This option can either be very lucrative, or very costly; it all depends on how you advertise yourself.


How much can I make out of online videos?


Like pretty much every job in the world, the earnings will vary depending on the type of content and the type of work. If you create videos on demand for people, you could ask for a certain amount of money per minute, per hour, or per video.


The important thing is that you build portfolio and a reputation. As your fame increases with time, so will the amount of customers looking to hire your services. And at that time is when you will start seeing true profits.



52. Invest In Stocks

Investing in stocks is one of the fastest but riskier ways of making money online. But despite the high risks, this is


one of the most popular ways that people use to make money online.


This is attributed to the fact that some people believe that the higher the risk, the higher the reward.


To be successful investing in stocks requires experience and the ability to make the right decisions. This means that you should get familiar with how the stock market works so that you can make better decisions. After you become familiar with it you can potentially make a lot of money.


In order for you to make money with investing in stocks, here are some steps you can take:


   Do proper analysis before investing in stocks of a certain company.


This is the primary step since the company whose stock you invest in will determine the amount of money you will make. Through doing proper analysis you will know which stocks whose value is likely to increase and therefore invest in.


If you want to invest on a short-term basis you should consider different factors that determine which stocks are likely to increase in value.


To learn more about how the stock market works you can read the article here.


   Be patient - Being impatient is a common mistake where people buy stocks of a particular company and if the value does not increase over a short period, or if the price drops suddenly, they sell. It is advisable to wait, especially if you are certain that the value of the stocks will eventually




Do not be tempted to sell even if the value decreases a little bit. This is because some stocks are affected by different factors while others are seasonal where their value decreases in certain seasons. You should only sell if you are sure the particular company is going down or if you have an urgent financial need.


   Understand the bullish and bearish trends. These trends are the ones that determine whether the value of the stocks are generally increasing or decreasing. This makes it important to know how these trends work so that you can know when to buy and when to sell.


   Get advice from experts. The people who have been dealing with stocks for a considerable long time are more likely to know the tricks and tactics which are required to make the most money. So, in case you see that your predictions are not working or you fail to understand certain things, it is advisable to look for appropriate experts and ask for advice.


   Invest smartly. Being smart while making an investment decision is always a big determinant of whether the investment will be profitable. Being smart include things such as not rushing to make decisions and also diversifying in case stocks of one company do not perform as expected.


How much money can I make investing in stocks?


In the stock market there are usually no certain limits of how much you can make. It all depends on the number and type of stocks you hold since some stocks have higher returns than others. It also depend on the market trends because trends affect the prices of the stocks.


53. Invest In Websites

One lucrative niche of making money online is by being a website investor. This means that you buy a website, improve it and then resell it at higher price than what you bought it for.


If you can make even a few tweaks to improve the sites profit, traffic and appearance and then hold on to the site for a little bit of time, you can flip the site and make more money than what you purchased it for.


Not only can this be lucrative, but it can be really fun to find out about new niches and learn new things.


This practice greatly resembles that of realtors who buy houses that are devalued, make cost- effective renovations on them and then resell them at better prices than what they bought them for.


In order for you to make money with buying and selling websites, here are some steps you can take:


   Buy the website - Obviously before you sell a website, you need to own one. Buying websites is not really difficult as there are numerous sites that are dedicated to putting up listings of websites on sale. One such website is When you visit the site, you will find a place where websites for sale are briefly described, and how much they are worth.


Depending on how much money you have to invest into buying websites, you can choose a highly priced website or a low priced one. Alternatively, you might know of some website owners who want to sell their sites. Ask them how


much they are willing to sell them for and you are good to start your business.


   Improve The Website - In order to make any substantial profits from your website, you have to improve it's value. This means that you should take steps to increase the revenue that potential buyers can earn from the site.


To do so, you can change the layout of the website and it's theme; making them more attractive and modern. You can also alter such things as colors, fonts, spacing and background; the friendlier they are the better. You should also make page navigation easier. You could even do some SEO work on the website to bring in more website visitors. It may be hard work, but eventually, it will pay off.


   The Paper Work - Selling websites is a relatively new trade, and as such, it is important that you keep your paperwork in order. People may be skeptical about buying websites, which are virtual properties, with their hard, cold cash, but you can dispel their doubts by showing them that it actually makes money. This proof lies in your records of sales and your paperwork in general.


   Sell Your Website - When the value of your site rises, it is time to sell it. Sell is at a reasonable price, making sure that the buyers do not take advantage of the fact that it is virtual property. Know the value of your website. To do so, calculate how much you earn from the website each month, and subtract from that what it costs to maintain the site to calculate your monthly profit.


Then you multiply that figure by three of four times, so that you get a rough estimate of the worth of your site. Take care of legal matters by signing contracts of the sale of the website for future reference, and also make


agreements on the modes of payment.


You can find a list of the 10 best places to sell websites here.

How much money can I make buying and selling websites? If you are keen on the job, you can earn anything between

$50 to $10,000's of dollars; there is no telling where the job can take you. Your earnings depend on the value of your site, and that in turn depends on how hard you have worked to improve it's value. Additionally, you can own multiple websites at a time with the intention of selling them, so it all goes back to your commitment to the job.



54. Design And Sell T-shirts

T-shirts are at the epicenter of any casual wear for both men and women. Because of their versatility, designing and selling t-shirts has become a popular business venture among many people. People do it either part time to substitute their pay, or full-time as their main source of income.


You can also make custom shirts for people. For example, some people might want their child or spouse’s picture on a shirt. You can use Photoshop to do any touch-ups, and then sell the shirt for a premium price.


In order for you to make money with designing and selling shirts, here are some steps you can take:


   Create inspiring designs - Create impressive images, logos, or compelling text via Photoshop or other graphic


design software. Get your creations printed on t-shirts and then start selling them online on places such as eBay and Facebook Ads.


   There are many companies that will print custom t-shirts for you. Some of them include Custom Ink and Uber Prints.


   Experiment with new and unique ideas that make your style stand out. As they say, "there is nothing new under the sun", so don’t shy away from copying, altering and improving on pre-existing designs of logos, images and text.


Be it animals, skulls, pyramids, spaceships or antique weapons, you can tap into your imagination and create a unique design. With the state-of-the-art materials and techniques available today, you can create designs that were previously impossible.


   Another quick way to start earning from your T-shirt design work is to create custom designs on request. Custom designs are specific to the person who has placed the request. For instance some people might want a certain image on their son’s shirt, you can easily use Photoshop for such designing and connect with a T-shirt printer.


   Get registered in any of the online shopping sites like Amazon and eBay.


Upload your shirt images and design details on these online marketplaces which will open you up to a bigger market of customers. Amazon and eBay have a lot of traffic so you are guaranteed that someone will see your new t-shirt designs. What you need to boost sales is a lot of positive customer reviews and sharing the links to social media sites.


   Tell your friends and family about your new venture and show them your designs.


This can be by word of mouth or through social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.


If you have a lot of followers on social media, this can be a free and easy avenue for selling your shirts. You can upload your design images on a Facebook page and share it with your friends.


Instagram also works great especially when you upload nice photos of your unique design. This is the least costly method because all you need is a social media account and internet connection.


How much money can I make out of it?


You can actually earn a living online just designing and selling t-shirts. The amount of money you make will however depend on your designs, material and market. You can start by selling t-shirts from around $10-20 and upwards as you make your brand stronger.



55. Design Banners

Making money by designing banners is quite simple. If you have skills in basic graphic design, then you are good to go. These can include Photoshop, animation tools, and many other image creation software tools. You can, therefore, design banners to be used by companies and websites for effective marketing and advertisements.


In order for you to make money with designing banners,


here are some steps you can take:


   Start your personal website and describe the type of services you provide.


You do not need any special skills to create a website. You simply choose a content management system platform like WordPress.


You may also decide to choose a theme that displays the type of services you offer. You can use Wordpress plugins to help you create an online store or just post pages that describe the services you offer.


   Get registered in sites that provide banner services to customers.


These include sites such as and You have to sign up to one of these sites to create an account. The account has your portfolio which indicates the type of jobs or services you provide.


When you are registered, you can make direct contact with clients who require banner design services. Through the information you provide on your portfolio, clients can gauge your capability and contact you for the specific design requirements.


   You can search for banner design jobs in freelancing sites such as,,, etc.


These sites offer jobs in various fields including designing website banners and other graphic design work. You only need to create an account.


You can choose the categories that suit Photoshop and


graphic design work. This way, you will search and apply for jobs in your precise area of expertise.


   Once you are familiar with the sites from where to get jobs, you can start to increase your reputation. You do this by providing quality designs that will attract high ratings and customers to request for your services.


High quality banner designs will increase conversion rates for your clients’ companies. Subsequently, your earnings will grow from repeat work. Similarly, many clients will be referred to your services if you provide quality designs.


How much money can I make from designing banners?


This depends on the quality of work you deliver and how much time you can put into your work. Many companies will pay you a definite amount per banner. Other companies may pay you according to the number of clicks on the advertisement, but this is rare. Once you have built your reputation by providing high-quality services, you can charge between $10 and even $100's based on the quality of your service.



56. Design Website Logos

Every company needs a logo to establish their brand strongly. You can design these logos and collect some pretty significant profits.


In order for you to make money with designing logos, here are some steps you can take:


   Start your own website that describes the type of


services you provide. Be sure to upload a lot of samples of previous work.


The success of any site depends on the quality of the design. An appealing and user-friendly website will keep visitors on your site.


Ensure that you have enough details about the services that you provide so that the visitors can know about you and more about your background and experience.


   Get registered with sites that provide banner services to customers, such as,,,, etc.


Once you register with the above sites, complete your profile by providing the necessary information so that you increase your chances of finding jobs.


Some sites like Upwork, for example, have features that you may find annoying. For instance, you have the chance bid for jobs depending on the type of account that you own. Work hard to upgrade your account and you'll be able to earn more.


   Look for Photoshop and other graphic design jobs on those sites.


   Place as many bids as possible or apply for many jobs and specify your rates to let the requester know in advance what you expect as payment.


   Once you land a job, ensure that you strive hard to produce quality work so that you can get customers to send you jobs consistently.


   If you provide quality, some requesters will appreciate your work by tipping handsomely.


How much can I make designing logos?


Like with banner design, it will highly depend on your reputation in the field. You can charge anywhere from $10 to hundreds of dollars.


Besides, the type of job that you are doing will also determine how much you will earn. Complex logo design jobs pay better than simple logo design jobs.


To make more money as a logo designer online, ensure that you work for different websites. The key reason is that job boards run dry sometimes, and it can be a daunting task to earn real money. However, by working for multiple sites, you increase your chances of making more cash.



57. Design Cartoons

Drawing is so critical to human life that it predates any form of writing in existence. The printing press gave life to people who love to draw as millions of people could see their work from all over the world.


Newspapers and comics became the primary avenues for cartoonists to express their art and their ideas.

Unfortunately, the printing press is slowly dying. but drawing will never die or wither away. Many websites would love to have cartoonists working for them.


Some would like comic strip inspired ads while others would simply like to sell an idea through comics and not


necessarily a product. You can cash in on these new ways of making money through your art.


In order for you to make money with designing cartoons, here are some steps you can take:


   Build up your own website. There are over 3 billion people who use the internet regularly. More specifically, your potential buyers would be the owners of the 1 billion websites that exist in the world today.


You should have your own shop in this marketplace and that would be your website. Here, people would come to see your products and services.


In this way, your website acts as the primary means of communicating with your potential clients, so build a good one that looks professional. Describe your services, state your terms, and encourage people to work with you.


   Register on websites that offer cartoon services. Here you would find websites such as,, and that specifically focus on people who do freelance work online.


You should register with these websites and then make sure that your profile specifically mentions your cartoon services. You should also place yourself in a category on these websites that reflects your form of work.


Here, you will get many inquiries and as such, you will start building a client base slowly but surely.


   Search for websites that could benefit from your services. Being proactive is critical in any business endeavor. You should not just wait for clients to come to


you. Instead, go out and seek them. Doing this online is easy and cheap because all you have to do is to identify websites that may need your services.


Then you can contact them through email or through their social media platform. It is a simple thing to do and it will not take your time. More importantly, it can lead to unbelievable results for you and your business so make sure that you are a proactive cartoonist.


How much money can I make designing cartoons?


The amount you can make varies depending on the number of cartoons you provide and the demand for your cartoons. You can usually get at least $50 for a few designs, and then work your way up.



58. Design Digital Scrapbooking Templates

Got good design skills? Then you can consider creating and selling digital scrapbooking templates. Whether you're a novice or a highly-skilled artist, you can design graphics or templates that will help others turn their cherished memories into precious keep-sakes and works of art.


Digital scrapbooking or computer scrapbooking is an artform which has evolved from the age-old craft of cutting, pasting & memory collecting.


While in the past, many people had to make use of physical photo albums, lots of people now prefer going online and keeping their memories in digital form. And most people adore scrapbooking as a fun & rewarding way of preserving their precious memories. However, creating physical books


could also require plenty of space for storing tools & materials.


The popularity of scrapbooking coupled with the need for better organization has given rise to the art of digital scrapbooking, which needs little more than a computer, the right digital tools and a printer.


Because of the huge numbers of people who scrapbook and who are willing pay dearly for templates they like, you could learn how to use tools for creating digital scrapbooking templates.


And so, if you can design different kinds of templates you’ll build a reputation and make money. These include unique quick page layouts, stunning backgrounds and embellishments, words, phrases, alphabets, templates and kits for the digital scrapbooker, computer artist and crafter. These can include everything from authentic vintage- ephemera designs to the most modern of scrapbooking elements.


In order for you to make money with scrapbook templates, here are some steps you can take:


   First, select a program or software (there are plenty of great free ones) to design your digital scrapbook templates in. This is great especially for people who already own Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop and know how to use them.


   Then, find a niche market and define it. This is important as it will help you establish what kinds of digital scrapbooking templates you're going to concentrate on. Many templates feature decorative shapes on them for showing the user ideas for embellishment placement.


   Once you have defined your target market, start your own website and give a comprehensive description of the type of services you provide. You can also join forums and social media pages and update them regularly to keep your clients informed.


   Download some free digital tools, icons and clipart that you can use to accessorize and personalize your templates for digital scrapbooking.


   Finally, once you have created some templates, you can start selling them online and make money. You can market your digital wares on your own website or blog, or you could join a collaborative or online store.


   An important suggestion would be to see what is selling through digital stores like Designer Digitals, Jessica Sprague, and Oscraps, and what their price-points are. Also, for a starting-point, especially for novices, you can check out the digital design classes available online.

How much money can I make from designing templates? Potential earning: The sky is the limit! You can charge from

$5-upwards for digital scrapbook templates for the masses. You can also do custom ones for customers from $20 and upwards. It's important to look for content delivery services featuring built-in support for trusted solutions for payment processing like PayPal so that your customers can make purchases with security and confidence.


If you can create custom digital scrapbooking templates for people, or even design generally impressive scrapbooking templates for the masses, you can really have a very fun business.



59. Sell Clipart

With clipart, You can make custom designs for people based on their website and niche, or you can make clipart packs to sell to the masses.


The saying "if it’s downloadable, it’s sellable" has become the philosophy freelance graphic designers live by and no surprise, it has seen them rake in massive profits from selling their designs online.


As a graphic designer, this is your cue to profit from the increasing demand for these little gems. The more custom made and original your Clipart designs are, the more valuable you become to thousands of webmasters who are looking for distinctly original designs for their websites.


There are two ways you can sell your Clipart, both of which will give you varying levels of income.


The first is designing Clipart according to a special niche. For instance, you can focus on creating Clipart solely for media playing websites and pitching your designs to them. The second method is letting your creativity run wild and creating Clipart for a broad range of niches on the internet. In order for you to make money with Clipart, here are some steps you can take:


   Create a Website to Serve as Your Online Store - You have your Clipart images, both individual sets and packs, and you are now ready to display your handiwork to the world. The only problem is: How?


Creating a website gives you the freedom to design it and give it a piece of your personality. Although there are


graphical marketplaces like and iStockPhoto where you can upload and sell your Clipart images, this takes down your originality a notch as you become bundled up with thousands of other designers competing in the same niche.


When you create and design your own website, you have the opportunity to incorporate some of your creativity into it. It adds a measure of legitimacy into your business and lets your prospective clients see exactly what you are capable of.


   Create Your Online Portfolio - Take a few of your best ideas and bundle them together in the most attractive way you can, then post them up on your website. A portfolio serves as your sales pitch; you dont need lengthy introductions telling people what exactly you do. Images will have a greater impact on your prospective clients.


   You can either opt to sell individual Clipart images or bundle them as packs that can be downloaded and used to renovate an entire site. Either way, ensure that everything looks visually attractive from the get go in order to get repeat business from satisfied customers.


How much money can I make from designing clipart?


This is variable although the lowest you stand to make per single Clipart image is around $0.50 per download. This amount becomes higher depending on the quality of your designs and your reputation in the industry.



60. Design Website Security Seals


Most people browsing online are usually more comfortable when visiting webpages with security seals.


Not only do the seals give the impression that their information is in safe hands, but they also help when it comes to adding payment and personal information on a website.


If you are an expert at graphic design, you could be designing security seals for various websites with SSL certificates.


If you need great marketing ideas you can visit VeriSign for more insight.


In order for you to make money with designing website security seals, here are some steps you can take:


   You should design your own website. List and describe what services you offer and show some previous work in your portfolio section.


   You should also start thinking of getting the contacts of different website owners who may need your services. Talk to them about your services.


   Eye Catching Design - When coming up with the design of the website security seal you have to ensure that it is eye catching as it is among the factors that your clients will be looking for.


The design should relay the message in a simple but effective way as well. If your design is dull and ineffective it will not impress any of your clients who are eager to show their customers that their website is secure.


   Show Benefit to Clients - For some clients, you will have to go a step further than just talking to them and showing them other clients. You will have to show them the direct benefits of having the seal on their website. You should, therefore, arm yourself with research.


   Offer Something More - While the core business may be making website security seals, you may also want to add more services that will bring in more clients. Such services include educating your clients about the latest threats to cyber security.


You can then elaborate on how having the seals will help them in keeping the website secure. You can show them how they can make their website more profitable by using proper wording and placement, along with layout and color suggestions. Some people show their clients different ways of safeguarding their website forms to stop SQL Injection, XSS attacks and so on.


   Uniqueness - You have to stand out from all the other designers in the market. You should make you seals recognizable as well.


How much can I make from designing security seals?


As more people start using and recommending your security seals you can start charging from $10 to $300.



61.  Create Facebook Cover Templates

Facebook is one platform that is an answer to many people’s craving for self-expression. And people choose to express themselves in this platform in diverse ways: some


use it to share ideas; others only want to follow the goings-on in their friends’ and families’ lives, and others seek to promote their businesses and sell through this platform.


Owing to its versatility, Facebook has become the most popular social platform in the world, and individuals often opt to have unique cover templates that will help them to express themselves or their businesses.


Many people care about their brand and image that they won’t mind shelling out a few bucks to have a professionally created cover for their Facebook profile or business page.


Well, they could access free templates, but the free templates are too generic and aren't unique and usually have watermarks. If you possess a knack for graphic design, you can make a decent income by designing custom templates for Facebook users who want to express who they are, or what their business or company is and what it stands for.


In order to make money designing cover templates, here are some steps you can take:


   Create A Website For Yourself - In this business, you will definitely need a website and a firm online presence. If you choose to be paid through online means such as PayPal, then you will need to include a PayPal button on your site so that clients are able to make payments for projects.


   Create A Dozen Covers For Your Portfolio - Before anybody hires you to design a cover template, they will need to be sure that you are skilled enough and can deliver high-quality work. The best, and perhaps only way to get


the clients to trust that you are proficient enough is to create about a dozen cover templates to serve as samples on your website. These sample cover templates should be diverse, designed to suit every kind of person and business.


   Network - You could also find it useful to reach out to folks with Facebook-related sites and promise to give them a cut of each sale they send your way. With such an incentive, those folks will can help to market your business within their circles knowing there is a cut for them.


   Browse through freelancing sites such as,,, etc., and search for Facebook cover creation jobs.


   Add your service to


How much money can you make through designing cover templates for Facebook profiles?


It is not easy to predict how much you can make through the design of cover templates as it usually depends on one’s skill level and reputation. If you are a skilled, then you can make as much as $50 per template while newbies can reasonably expect to rake in $10 for each cover template. Therefore, strive to hone your skills and grow your reputation to make more money.


62. Restore Old Photos

Some say that a picture is worth a thousand words. If this is true, then our photo albums are a living physical manifestation of our most treasured memories. Many of


the most emotional events that transpired in times past will seldom ever be repeated, but thanks to the technological advances in photography, we can relive these occasions at any time in our thoughts.


However, photos suffer from an important setback; mainly that, since they are basically printed paper, they are exposed to all the usual wear and tear that affects this type of material: whether the paper getting crumpled, the colors of the image fading, or the photograph getting torn are just a few of the hazards that your precious pictures are exposed to.


Some people value their photographs dearly, and will happily pay an expert to restore the pictures that get damaged from the passage of time. This is where you come in.


If you know how to use Photoshop or other photo editing software, you can restore old pictures for people and earn quite a bit of money in the process. The marvels of modern editing techniques can also let anyone give the photos touch ups, add backgrounds, or do whatever else the client wants.


In order for you to make money with editing and restoring old photos, here are some steps you can take:


   Design a website for yourself. The first step to making money with type of service is getting yourself out there. List the services you offer.


Technology has made it so that advertising is both easier, and cheaper than ever. With just a few clicks of a button, you can put your professional profile on various websites and social media outlets for everyone to see.


   Websites like Facebook and Google Adwords can be very efficient publicity and advertising tools.


   Tell your friends and family about your new services. At the beginning, your internet advertising tools might not reach a whole lot of potential customers. Because of this, it is important that you tell everyone you know about your services; word of mouth will be a very powerful medium to market yourself in the beginning. The more people spreading the word about your services, the more viral you will become, and the more likely they will want to hire your services.


How much money can I make restoring old photos?


As is expected, the money you make will vary on a photo- per-photo basis. To give a fair price to your customers, you should start by defining a base price that will apply for each photograph or restoring assignment. Then you will need to analyze each picture and give the client an approximate time in which you will finish the task, along with your hourly rate.


This will ensure that your client gets a fair price, and that you are well-compensated for your services. If this works out for you, you could charge anywhere from $10 to $100 per assignment, depending on the photo of course.



63. Video Montage Service

Ever thought of providing video montage services at a fee? This is another service in which you can make great money by helping people create lasting memories.


Unknown to many people, you can turn your passion or hobby of creating videos into a good source of income. All you need is to gather some videos or video clips from your client and transform them into a video slide show. In addition to helping preserve their beautiful memories, you can also make good money.


In order for you to make money with video montage services, here are some steps you can take:


   Create a Website - The first step to earning an income out of montage videos is creating a good website. You will use this to showcase your talent, display products and also attract clients. Its vital to use a website that is modern, brief but informative as this will not only allure clients but also make you an authority in this field. A good idea is making videos part of it and adding some content or text. Incorporating social media is also a step in the right direction.


   Display Some Sample Montage Videos - Not everyone knows what montage videos are. And some who do may want to sample what you are offering.


To do this, you need to put some montage videos on your website. However, you only need to select your best work as this is what the viewer/visitor to your website will judge you by. There are a number of tools that can help you come up with the best videos. Alternatively, you can seek help from a friend who is familiar with this activity.


   Let the World Know - A well-designed website together with online marketing tools can help you advertise your services. You can turn to friends and use word of mouth to market your services. In fact, you may also offer free samples of your services by coming up with a video


montage of an event they may be having, for instance a birthday party, a wedding, anniversary or any other.


   Turn to Social Media - Social media has become the main platform of marketing goods and services.


Sites such as YouTube and Vimeo and others allow you to post and share videos at a low cost. After creating a good montage and tweaking it, you can share it with other people and also encourage them to share the same with their friends. Over time, your popularity will grow and customers will come knocking.


How much money can I make from video montage services?


Determining the right amount of money to charge depends on a number of aspects. The quality and length of the montage, the amount of time and effort used as well as your experience. It is however important not to charge a high fee especially when you are beginning as this may scare-off potential client. Generally, the right fee should range from $20 to $200 per video montage.


You can turn your passion of making videos into a moneymaking venture through montage. All you need is to come up with an amazing slide show, adding some cool music, and burning it onto a DVD.


64. Write SEO Optimized Content

Many people look for keyword optimized articles in their niche to generate more traffic to their websites.


If you have knowledge of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and can write keyword optimized articles in any niche, then you can make good money out of it.


In order for you to make money writing SEO articles, here are some steps you can take:


   Get yourself registered in freelancing sites like,,, etc.


All you will need is your email address and for some of them, your phone number. Some of these sites will require you to do a proficiency in English test. For these sites, you will not be approved until you pass this test. Before you take the test, it would be wise to familiarize yourself with writing SEO articles.


   Make a profile with samples of your previous work. It is important that you provide as many samples as possible. Ensure these samples are original and have not been published on any platform. This will give those reviewing your application an easy time deciding on whether or not you meet their standards.


   Apply for SEO writing jobs on these same sites. Here, you want to start with short, simple articles and progress towards longer and more complex ones. Again, you must make sure you meet all the requirements of the customer. This is where you start building your profile. Get as many positive reviews as possible as this is what will determine whether you move up the ladder or remain stagnant.


The best way to do this is to write articles you are comfortable with. Specializing in a particular niche or category will ensure you write quality.


   Write articles based on keyword requirements, submit them back on time, and get paid. All your articles must meet or even exceed all customer requirements. If any aspects of the instructions are not clear, it is advisable that you seek clarification from either the customer or customer. All the keywords must be used in your article as requested by the customer. You should avoid keyword stuffing at all times.


Keyword stuffing is where you use excessive keywords over and over again. Use it exactly the number of times specified by the customer. In cases where the customer does not specify the number of times you can use the keyword, 1 to 3 percent keyword density would be acceptable.


Most importantly, you must ensure you write your articles within the time frame provided. Most sites will not accept any late submissions.


   Register with websites that deal with SEO content creation for clients such as iWriter.


Their rate is around $1.25 for a 150-word article, and their minimum payout is $20.


One downside is that clients on iWriter do not have to approve your article — if they reject it, you won't get paid.


Typically you'll get around 80-90% of your articles approved while the other 10-20% will require some editing.


Delivering high quality content will help you earn more money on this site. After you've received 4-star reviews for 30 articles, you'll become a premium writer (doubling your


pay), and when you hit 30 articles with 4.5 star reviews, you'll get triple the pay and be an elite writer.


How much money can I make writing SEO optimized content?


You can either charge a flat free or hourly. If hourly, then you can expect anywhere from $4 to $15 an hour. If by the article, you can charge from $.01 word (low end) or higher.


65. Write Interesting Ebooks And Sell Them Online

Everything is moving digital, and most people now prefer reading books digitally. This may be because hard copies take up space and cost more. Many authors now prefer publishing e-books to printed form books because they come with many benefits.


Some of the advantages associated with e-books include reduced publishing costs, minimal revenue splitting and eliminated shipping costs. E-books are even advantageous to you because you can always target the marketing to a core group of readers online.


Publishing your e-book may be simple but writing it is never easy. This is because many of the self-published e- books are terrible. Most of them are poorly written, badly formatted and full of errors. This is the biggest problem though, many people rush to get their books published online.


In order to make money writing and selling e-books online, here are some steps you can take:


   First of all, create a small eBook of between 50 and 100 pages on any interesting topic and start promoting it online.


   Before you start doing this though, it is important that you think about which type of book you'll be writing about. You'll need to decide whether you'll be writing a fictional or non-fictional book.


   If you decide to write a non-fiction book, think of the niche you are writing for. For this case, it is advisable that you write how-to tutorials and guides. If you choose to write a fictional book, you also need to decide which genre you are going to write on. In this case, fantasy and romance sell well and therefore are good choices. These are just some of the eBook types that seems to be selling well right now.


   If you want to have good writing, it is advisable that you read the top selling eBooks written by other people. You can check on books that are top sellers and mimic the ones that match you well.


By doing so, you will see what works for you and what doesn't so you can improve your writing.


   As soon as you are through with writing your book, proofread it to correct all possible mistakes. You can also go to the extent of hiring an editor to vet your work before you publish it.


   To learn about all the steps for writing an ebook in detail, check out this blog post here.


Making Money with your eBook


Below are some of the steps you need to follow to make money with your eBook:


   Create a Website With a Sales Letter     - In your sales letter, ensure that you mention the benefits of your eBook and why it is worth buying.


You can also include some testimonials in your sales letter if there is any to improve the trust of your targeted customers.


   Offer your Book for Sale on Amazon, eBay, etc - These are places where you will get your books sold. First know the royalty rates of those selling platforms.


How Much Can I Make Writing Books Online?


The money you can make with your eBook depends on the topic and eBook length. You can, therefore, test out different prices from anywhere from $5 to $100 and see what sells best.


66. Write eBooks For Others

If you have good writing skills, you can take advantage of that skill to write eBooks for others. Similarly, if you are not confident with your writing skills, you can outsource the project by hiring competent writers to do the job for you then you check their work and submit it to the buyer.


In order for you to make money writing ebooks for others, here are some steps you can take:


   Register with freelancing sites - Although there are many


online, not all of them have competent writers. Therefore if you are actually serious about writing, register yourself with as many as you can including:,,, etc.


By registering yourself to any of the above mentioned sites, you will get the opportunity to use your skills to write eBooks for buyers who are looking for competent writers.


You will not only get to write eBooks on topics that you like but you will also get to earn money from doing so.


   Create your own website - If you are not comfortable registering with freelancing sites, you can decide to go your own way. You can advertise yourself on the internet to people who are looking for competent eBook writers.


However, when advertising yourself, make sure that you include writing samples that to show interested people what you will deliver if they hire your services. Including samples is very important because it allows people to gauge the quality of work that they are likely to get if they hire you. Unlike the past, nowadays there are many companies that have specialized in eBook writing. You can apply for a job with any of the companies that you are interested in such as


   Outsource the work - You dont need to have excellent writing skills in order to make money from writing eBooks. Unlike content writing, eBook writers are usually given more time. This means that you will have ample time to search for writers on some of the freelancing sites mentioned above who have excellent writing skills to do the job for you.


However, you need to ensure that you deliver instructions


given by the requester to the writer so that they can complete what is required by the buyer. After the writer has successfully completed the eBook, you will then review the work and then submit the project to the buyer. If the buyer is satisfied with the project, he will accept it and you will get paid.


How much money can I make writing ebooks?


EBook payment usually differ depending on the freelance site that you decide to join as well as experience and expertise that you have. However, in most cases eBook payment usually range between $2 to $25 per page.


67. Re-write eBooks

Whether you are re-writing non-fiction or fiction, you're a complete novice or a skilled writer, you can make money easily by re-writing an ebook!


With the immense popularity of the iPad and the Kindle device as well as many other apps for your latest portable gadget, ebooks have become immensely popular. This huge popularity of ebooks has opened up a completely new horizon of potential opportunities for writers like you.


Rewriting an ebook is much easier than writing a brand new book from scratch. It's relatively easier and less tedious as it doesn't require any extensive research to develop the storyline or the major plot if the article is already written.


You just need to rewrite the existing content while retaining the essence of the original meaning. Doesn't it


sound interesting? Well, the process is not that complicated too.


In order for you to make money re-writing ebooks, here are some steps you can take:


   Register With Freelance Websites - This one is the first step. Whether you want to pursue a full-time writing career, or you want to spend a few hours per day rewriting ebooks, you should register with several freelance websites.


There are an endless number of freelancing websites available over the internet, for example,,,, etc. All of these websites are extremely popular. These freelancing websites offer some of the well-paid, reputable, quality freelance ebook rewriting jobs that you really want.


Moreover, these websites are absolutely free, only a portion of your earnings will be paid to them as their maintenance & support fee. The registration process is pretty simple, you may need to enter some basic details like name, experience, a short bio, and preferred payment method etc.


   Applying For An Ebook Rewriting Project - Once, you have registered, the second important step is to search, find & apply for a project.


Nevertheless, these websites are the premier places for various professionals who are looking for skilled writers. They will regularly post an ample amount of ebook rewriting jobs, contracts, and short-term projects based on their requirements.


Some professionals may expect an elite quality of writing skill where a prior experience in the writing niche must be necessary before applying to their projects.


Once, you have spotted out the ideal project, you should immediately apply for the job. It is recommended that you upload a few samples of your quality work so that the buyers can easily assess your skill and accept your application.


   Get Paid For Your Rewriting - This is the last yet most crucial step of the entire process. Once, your application request has been approved, you may need to communicate with the buyer quite often to understand the exact requirements. By having a clear idea, you can easily start rewriting the ebook content.


You need to maintain an high writing quality so that the buyer is satisfied with your writing. Also, this process potentially increases your chances for future ebook writing projects from the same client.


Some people may ask you for 2-3 revisions as per their needs and obviously, you need to cooperate with him/her patiently & submit the work on time. Once, your content is approved, instantly you'll get paid. If you're lucky enough, you may get a tip too for submitting a brilliant quality ebook.

How much money can I make re-writing ebooks? Well, the amount can vary depending on the subject-

matter, article length, urgency of completion, deadline etc. But, in general, you can easily charge an amount between

$2-$20 for a rewrite per ebook page based on your writing skill, experience, and knowledge.


68. Teach Online

If you are an expert in any subject, then start teaching online and make money from it.


You can teach any topic to anyone in any part of the world. There is a constant requirement for online teachers, especially from the US and China.


A lot of students need online help with homework, assignments, etc. There is also a great demand from Chinese students who want to learn English. Another idea is to teach online computer classes to people.


In order for you to start teaching online, here are some steps you can take:


   Browse through freelancing sites such as,,, etc. and look for teaching jobs.


   Browse through the internet for e-tutor service providers and start applying for them (Example: http://www.e- ,, etc).


It would be advisable to check out any reviews for the websites to ensure they are legitimate and not online scams. If you find a number of negative reviews on a website, avoid it. In addition, check whether your website has contact details. If possible, try find out where they are located. You can even try calling the number listed on the website to find out whether it is working or not.


   Start your own website and list down the subjects you teach and your fees. Such a website must look professional if you are to be trusted with what you are offering. Avoid


unnecessary graphics except those which will help enhance the services you are offering.


   Provide as much information as possible about yourself, especially professional credentials. List all the disciplines that you can teach. Specify the level of expertise for each of these disciplines. For instance, if you hold a postgraduate or doctorate degree in a given field, say so.


Here, you can concentrate only on clients who need expert assistance. Under normal circumstances, such clients pay more than those seeking general assistance. You get to spend less time online, yet earn more than general teachers. You must specify the times of day or night you will be available. You can also agree with your students when to engage one on one.


   Provide proper services for your students as agreed. Monitor results so you can mention them to new prospective students. You want to develop a close professional relationship with your students. This will go a long way in improving their performance. Monitor and record their performance where you can. You can use this as a testimonial for your future clients.


   For best results, it is recommended that you engage a only a number of students that you can manage. Avoid engaging too many students when your schedule will not allow you to attend to them adequately. Remember each and every one of your students will need your personalized attention to succeed. Your website you give a provision for students to select whether they need partial assistance or full assistance. This will inform the rates you can charge different students.


How much money can I make out of teaching online?


   You can charge between $4-$20 per hour depending on your experience and expertise on the subject.


69. Pool E-Tutors And Offer Tutoring Services

The demand for e-tutors in on the increase nowadays. Instead of working for a company as an e-tutor, you can start your own e-tutoring company. You can make much more money if you will start your own tutoring company instead of working alone or for others.


In order for you to start your own tutoring service company, here are some steps you can take:


   Hire some tutoring experts for various subjects - You will not understand all subjects, in order to provide quality services, which will attract more clients to your services; you need to hire highly qualified e-tutors on different subjects. You can access these tutors online. You need to carry out proper interviews so that you will locate the right professionals.


   One place to locate tutors is at freelancing sites such as,,, etc.


   Make sure tutors have clear guidelines on the way you want them to behave. Take time to inform the tutors on how you would like them to behave. This is necessary for you to make their work easier. Always inform them about the quality of services you will expect them to provide clients.


You can spare some time and introduce each tutor whom you are about to hire to the rest of your team.


   Design a website for yourself - You need a professional website for you to interact with potential clients. You should design a website which has a simple navigation so that it will be easy for your clients to access and buy services from your company. If you do not have enough knowledge in website design, try to look for a professional website designer.


   Get feedback about the quality of tutors teaching. In order to gauge the level of customer satisfaction of your customers, you need to interact with clients and ask them about the services which they have been offered. Try to act on the feedback which you have been offered by clients. If there are complaints about a given e-tutor, always try to intervene in good time so that you will rectify the situation.


How much money can I make out of offering tutoring services?


The amount of money you will make out of the e-tutoring services will depend on the number of customers you have. If you have a lot of students who access services from your platform, then there are high chances you will make a lot of money. You should try and carry out online marketing so that other people will find out about the services you offer.


You should also try and improve the level of customer satisfaction. It will also depend on the amount you will pay the tutors and the amount you will keep as commissions. If you will earn $15 per hour and pay tutors $10 each hour, then you will remain with a commission of $5 per hour.


70. Researching


With new businesses popping up every day, there is a constant requirement for internet research and data collection.


This shows up in many ways. For example, before someone starts a new business, they might need    to collect some basic data about the business: it's supply and demand, it's profitability, areas or countries where it can run well, etc.


People that are looking for this are ready to hire someone to collect such data and provide a report for them. They will use this report to decide if they should even begin the business.


There are other types of research jobs available as well, and this can be a fun way to learn about a lot of new things.


Some other examples are, data entry, article writing, excel spreadsheets, email handling, just to name a few. The decision to start with the business or not, depends on the results of the research.


In order to make money with online research work, here are some steps you can take:


   Get yourself registered on freelancing sites such as,,, etc.


These type of sites are excellent for stretching out and developing a reputation for yourself. They generally have a small fee, and will sometimes require a percentage of earnings that you make with them. They have already developed a clientele that trusts them which will make your entry into the online workforce a little easier.


   Apply for web research jobs. The more you apply the better your chances of getting a project awarded to you. Be sure to read the description of the project and make sure you understand it. Be ready to ask questions if necessary, it’s very important to your clients to know that you know what is expected.


   Do in-depth research and provide a report as required by the buyer. Follow instructions to the letter. Remember, the only thing the client has to judge you on is the quality of your work. Most of the time they are not meeting you or speaking to you in person, so the only way you have to prove yourself is through the work you have submitted. Good work equals happy client equals payment and possibly more future work!


How much money can I make out of such research jobs?


   If you work on fixed price jobs, you can expect anything between $5-$200 depending on the difficulty and the depth of research required. One thing to keep in mind while you are building your business or reputation is that there is a lot of competition, and you may have to be willing to charge a little less for your services just until you start building up your clientele.


   If you work on hourly jobs, you can charge anything between $3 and $50 depending on your experience and reputation.


71.  Sell Online Learning Videos

We live in a technological era and our society is, in many ways, dependent on technology.


Simply put, without technology we would collectively stop functioning as a civilization. On the other hand, this exponential increase in technological developments has become the perfect breeding ground for self-education.


This has created a market - a market for people who have extensive knowledge about certain topics. They sell their knowledge and educate others. If you have knowledge about a certain subject, you can monetize it by selling instructional and educational videos.


In order for you to make money selling instructional videos, here are some steps you can take:


   The first thing we are going to focus on is the content. For your videos to be successful you need to provide value to your customers.


What does this mean? This means that you need to lay out in-depth, useful information to your customers in a simple way. Make the videos easy to digest by people who have no extensive knowledge about the subject you're teaching about. Your videos need to be concise and straight to the point.


This combination of high quality content and simple presentation is what leads to success.


   Those who manage to convey their ideas in a simple manner are the best teachers and, if you are selling educational videos that's what you essentially are - a teacher, a mentor, if you will.


Think of it this way: In order to gain trust from your customers you need to assert yourself as a knowledgeable authority and as a person willing and able to share their


knowledge with others, for a certain compensation of course. This compensation is what we will focus on below - actual ways to make money selling your videos.


   There are countless ways to monetize your educational videos but the best way is to build your own website from scratch. Develop your website and make it look professional. List your credentials and references. Provide proof to your visitors that you are the real deal. After that its time to fill your website with high quality content.


   Publish blog entries related to your area of expertise. Write attention-grabbing content that will make your visitors eagerly come back for more. This will serve as a certain bait - people who visit your website will want to learn more and, if you indeed offer them high quality content and good advice, they will be ready to pay for any additional knowledge that you can provide them with. Once you establish a connection between yourself and your website visitors it's time to start selling them your videos.


   You can publish short previews of your videos, perhaps in a "Premium" section of your website. These previews will be an additional bait and another way to get people to pay for the content. Make sure to let them know they will be getting top notch, high quality information if they decide to purchase your videos. Basically, once you make your videos you need to upload them to your website and offer your visitors to download them for a certain fee.


How much money can I make from creating instructional videos?


Now, your fee can be anywhere from $10 to $100's - it depends on the quality of your content and on the willingness of your website visitors to pay for them. How


much are they willing to pay? What sort of content do they want? Analyze your target demographic and give them what they want - this type of analysis is what increases sales more than anything else. Experiment with the fee, until you find the best price.


72.  Review Apps

With the word becoming more tech savvy, many programmers have found it a booming market to come up with new apps that solve the needs of people across the world.


In addition, many of these programmers are always ready to pay for outside reviewers, as they want honest feedback about the new apps that they create.


If you are a software expert, you can provide honest reviews for the programmers regarding their apps for a fee. Every time you do offer these services, you should ensure you provide a review that is in-depth about both the Pros and Cons of the app being reviewed.


You can charge a fee based on the demand for your review and your expertise in the area (Example:,


In order to make money from app review services, here are some steps you can take:


   You can start by writing some short software reviews on your website or blog for free to show your potential customers your experience that would enable them to trust


your work. In addition, this will show people the level of quality which you can provide. When people see your samples, they will be able to appreciate your work and at the same assess your skills and knowledge on software.

You must do your research well before writing the reviews of software if you want people to trust your work.


   You should also look at software forums that people use whenever they are creating new apps. You might even be able to advertise your app review service on these same forums.


   The internet has always been an important source of information for people who need to learn about new apps available for download. When you do a Google search or search the different app stores, you will find potential prospects that might require your services, especially if you write good reviews. Through this, they will be satisfied with the information that you provide.


How much can you make reviewing apps?


When you provide the services, you can always charge from $10 to even thousands of dollars. The amount of money that you will charge depends on your expertise and reputation. You could also consider having a company where many people do software reviews, and then you would create one large comprehensive report with everyone’s insight for a company. This could net you significantly more profit.


73. Telecommuting Jobs

Telecommuting jobs permit you to work from a remote


location rather than working from a centralized traditional office. These remote locations can be from a coffee shop, home, or even a hotel room.


The internet, phones, instant messaging, webcams, and faxes are some of the advanced technologies that enable this kind of work arrangement.


You might be interested to know the hype behind telecommuting jobs. Well, today employees are constantly leaving their traditional offices for a variety of reasons: higher productivity, shorter commute, greater flexibility, and money savings.


The employees who telecommute are generally happier too. Also, these jobs are real and well-paid. If you can properly manage the distractions & stay disciplined, you can build the ideal qualities to become a successful telecommute worker.


A recent survey has revealed that around 30 million people work from home at least once per week. Moreover, these number of telecommuters is only going to increase.


In order for you to make money with telecommuting positions, here are some steps you can take:


   Search "Telecommuting jobs" : Undoubtedly, the internet is the largest platform to search for potential jobs. There are a few genuine websites that offer you to find the much- desired telecommuting jobs online too.


Moreover, these websites provide an innovative and professional job service in order to help you search the best telecommuting jobs available safely, securely and easily. Each & every job is legitimate and hand-screened.


here are some potential websites to find these kinds of remote jobs:


FlexJobs: It is an excellent place to start your remote job hunting. They regularly post high quality & interesting telecommuting jobs so that you can continue to focus on applying.


Indeed: While Indeed doesn't only focus on telecommuting, but you can enter a search query which includes "telecommute" or "telecommuting" to filter the required job listing.


Upwork: If you're not wishing to continue a full-time telecommuting career, then Upwork will be the apt place for you.


Craiglist: The website provides local classifieds & forums for telecommuting jobs.


Stack Overflow: This is another great platform for finding all kinds of technical jobs. Set the location as "remote" in order to filter the remote jobs. The job listings will include only those companies that allow you to work remotely.


Apart from these sites, you can also browse through any search engine & find "Telecommuting jobs".


   If you have already sorted the websites which list the desired job opportunities that permit you to work from home, then the next step should be the registration process. The registration process is pretty simple, easy, and hassle-free.


You will be asked to enter basic details, education details, professional details (if any), and certifications etc in order


to complete the sign-up process.


   Visit The Websites Daily - These websites post new jobs on a daily basis. Hence it is always recommended that you spend at least 1-2 hours daily at these websites and check the jobs which interest you & satisfy your requirements and criteria.


   Applying For Telecommuting Job - Once you've found an ideal job that suits your skills, talent, and other criteria; don't waste any time and immediately apply for that job.


   Work On The Job & Get Paid - Your application will be scrutinized by the requester. Once your application is accepted by him/her, you should contact the concerned person to have a preliminary discussion about the requirements.


Remember to submit your work on time. Once your job is verified and accepted by the requester, you'll be paid.


How Much Money Can I Make Telecommuting?


These kinds of jobs usually pay you around $3 to $50 per hour depending on the type, complexity, and other factors.


74. Send Out Greeting Cards

Many people like to surprise their close friends and relatives by sending out an unexpected greeting card.


However, since people are more pressed for time than ever now, the number of physical cards sent has reduced, while the number of digital cards has increased.


You can offer to send physical cards for people on their behalf so that they can still provide the fun gift of giving a physical, tangible card without having to worry about going to the store and the post office.


Just ask people for what type of card they would like, and then the message. You can hand write the message for a nice homemade feel.


You can buy the cards and mail them out on their behalf, spreading joy for everyone.


A home based greeting card business will need to be marketed to generate an income. Your business is going to be competing with many other businesses that are trying to do the same thing you are - get their product in front of as many people as possible.


In order for you to make money with sending out greeting cards for people, here are some steps you can take:


   Create a website for yourself. Have pictures of all the different cards you offer as well as Paypal buttons so they can place an order immediately.


   Videos are becoming the best advertising medium on the Internet. Everyone loves to watch a video. Create videos that are unique and draw the attention of your audience. Keep the video fairly short and provide a link where they may find more information and order gift cards.


   A referral service is a excellent way to get your prospective clients to work for you. When a prospective customer clicks on your website, give them an incentive to refer others.


Something free is always appreciated especially in today's economy. A free greeting card for every referral can provide a great incentive.


   A press release is a powerful way to let the public know about your home based greeting card business. The number of online and local publications that search constantly for content and interesting concepts are huge. Make sure you send your press release to several prospective sites so you can spark interest from the largest audience possible.


   Making money with greeting cards can be as simple as targeting the people you are in contact with every day. From your chiropractor to the day care service provider you use, everyone sends greeting cards. Why shouldn't they send your greeting cards? Let them know why your greeting cards are far superior to the others that are available.


How much money can I make with a greeting card business?


   To make this worth your while, you really need to get a lot of customers and do this in bulk.


If you bought a $3 card and a stamp, you'd make $2.xx if you charged $6 per card. Obviously the more you charge, the more you make.


When you start getting a lot of customers, this can be lucrative and fun for you.


75. No-Risk Matched Betting


Making money from free bets gained from matched betting has earned it's place as one of the fastest ways to make money online due to the fact that minimal risks are involved, not to mention it is legal, tax free and readily available for anyone to try out.


This method of making money online works by taking advantage of free bets offered on a regular basis by different betting sites. Matched betting eliminates the risks as one is betting both for and against an outcome.


In the end, you are able to squeeze in the free bets and multiply each bet by the number of betting sites so as to maximize your income.


In order to make money with matched betting, here are some steps you can take:


   Matched betting is a way of taking advantage of the free bets offered by many online bookmarkers. The free betting offers come when a bet is placed, for example, you could deposit $20 and get a bonus $20 in free bets. These offers are common and often promoted during big sporting events.


To understand how the system works, you will need to acquaint yourself with a few betting terms such as a "back" bet and a "lay" bet. A back bet refers to betting for a particular outcome to come true for example "I bet Brazil will win" is a backing bet. If it comes true, you win the bet but if Brazil draws or loses, you lose your stake.


Back bets can be placed at any bookmaker such as William Hill or Ladbrokes etc. On the other hand, a "lay" bet refers to betting against a particular outcome to come true for example "I bet Brazil will not win" is a lay bet and if Brazil


loses or draws, you win the bet. Lay bets can be placed at a betting exchange such as Betfair.


Matched betting works by canceling out the risks involved on your "back" bet at the online bookies. This is done by betting against yourself at similar odds at a different betting exchange. In simple terms, you are merely trying to match the bets you have already placed so that you win no matter the outcome.


This leaves you being able to squeeze out the free bets at both sites, which can be as much as £200! Multiply this by how many betting sites there are and you can quite easily come away with a profit of a few hundred dollars.


Here's a walkthrough on how to make your first $20 profit (using a real life example) in this gem of a guide to matched betting: money/what-is-matched-betting.html.


How much money can I make from matched betting?


Although it can't be used every day since you only get the free bonus bets during special promotions. But you can quickly make $100's of dollars in a couple days with this method.


76. Flip Domains

Flipping domains is very similar to flipping real estate, though, in this instance, you will be flipping online properties.


The concept is very much the same as real estate though,


where you buy low and sell high. First, you will purchase a domain at registration cost of about $9, or more if you buy at the premium domain sites such as SnapNames. when you have a good domain, you can quickly flip it on sites like Flippa or DNForum for a nice profit.


There are many people willing to pay a high price for brandable or keyword rich domains (for instance, was sold for $7.5 million).


While excellent domains are not as easy to find as they used to be, with a little search you can unearth some real gems, that you can sell for a good profit. In some instances, some buyers may not have thought of a domain name, but when they see one and it's potential, they will buy it.


In order for you to make money buying and selling domains, here are some steps you can take:


   Purchase Easy To Remember/Memorable Domains - You can purchase domains from many sellers. I tend to prefer Namecheap since their domain transfer process is very simple. You can also buy from other domain sellers such as Freshdrop or Snapnames.


While these are high-end dealers with domains costing no less than $69, their domains are highly brandable and are more likely to get a good price upon resale, as compared to ones you may find on Godaddy Auctions.


A good domain name that will be easy to sell for profit will typically be one that is easy to remember. Such a domain is easy to promote and easy to market. Keep away from long and hard to pronounce domain names, as companies prefer names that people easily remember. Keep your


domain names short, and avoid any domains with numbers, hyphens, or any other hard to remember characters.


   Buy Keyword Rich Domains - These domains have keywords that are highly relevant to the actual business. For instance, a company that is in the mortgage industry would be very interested in a domain name such as since it contains the word mortgage.


They may also be interested in domains with related terms such as house financing, refinancing, or house payments.

This makes it easier not only to sell at the marketplaces but also directly on the web. You can contact potential clients directly by googling your keywords, and pitching your domain to businesses that appear on the search engines.


   Buy Brandable Domains - As said previously, brandable domains are easier to sell. Unlike keyword rich domains, you would need some creativity in buying and selling of brandable domains. A brandable domain is one that is not necessarily related to what a business does, yet is catchy and trendy. For instance, Facebook, Brandbucket, Fundingtide, you get the idea.


These domains are sold for thousands of dollars just because they are highly brandable. If you visit a site such as Brandbucket, you can find thousands of brandable domains for sale – you can use these to find some inspiration. All you need to do is to get creative in your promotion of your domains to get the right people to purchase them for a handsome profit.


   Focus On The .Com Extension - The .COM TLD is the most preferred extension for most businesses and nearly


half of all domains sold in 2015 were .COM. As a beginner, it is always prudent to go for the .COM extension rather than the less common ones such as .TV or .CC which may be hard to sell. Of course, when you get some experience, you will know what type of domains buyers want, and will be confident in buying and selling the less common TLD'S.


   Determine The Value Of The Domain - As a domainer, you have to master the skill of determining the value of the domain. There are several ways of determining value, and you have to be knowledgeable in most. Not having these skills can make you lose money on domains with no value.


The value of the domain will typically depend on the market you intend to promote it to. If you plan to promote it to companies, keyword richness and brandability is what will be imperative. If you intend to market your domains to internet marketers, factors of SEO such as backlinks, domain authority, and trust flow will be of importance.


   Sell The Domain - There are several marketplaces where you can sell your domains for a good price. You can sell it on Namepros, Godaddy domain auctions, Snapnames, or Brandbucket among others. One last thing to note is that selling on the newer marketplaces such as Brandbucket will potentially make you more money. Since they only sell high-end domains that are highly brandable, you will have to be more careful in finding high-quality domains. These will be sure to sell and make you good profit.


How much money can I make out of domain flipping?


While the earning potential of selling domains is huge – you can make a few hundred dollars or several thousand if you do it right. However, you may incur heavy losses if you have not mastered the skill of selecting the best domains.


Flipping domains has earned some people millions of dollars, but you have to remember that, it is only possible to make money by following proven strategies and the guidelines I have outlined.



77.  Fiverr

Fiverr is a global online marketplace offering tasks and services, beginning at a cost of $5 per job performed, from which it gets its name. The site is primarily used by freelancers who use Fiverr to offer services to customers worldwide.


It would therefore be interesting to find out how this could help thousands of people to earn some extra money from their homes using the power and reach of Fiverr.


In order to start making money with Fiverr, here are some steps you can take:


   There is absolutely no limit or restriction on the products that can be bought and sold in such gigs. The only requirement is that the product or service should be legal and not be banned under the laws of your respective country.


Hence it could encompass a long list of products and services. It could be content writing, translating, posting comments and feedback on various social media networks, teaching and tutoring of various subjects and languages, teaching music and even playing pranks with somebody and making money out of it.


   There are also many people who are on the lookout for


short video clips and also voiceovers. There is a big market available out there and it is about identifying one area and taking advantage of it.


   While the default price is just $5 (that is why it is referred to as Fiverr), the rates can go up if one is able to offer additional services which offer better value for money to the customer. While $5 might not seem like a lot, once the volume start picking up it can certainly add up. There are many people who make a decent living through Fiverr. The secret lies in developing a system where time spent on each gig is reduced.


   Using the concept of reselling gigs to others is making some people decent money also. You could offer logo design services for $50+ on sites such as Upwork, but pay someone $5 on Fiverr to actually do the work. There are many people who spent $5 but end up making $50 over and over again.


How much money can I make from Fiverr?


You can earn anywhere from $5 to $100's a day. At the end of the day there is hardly any doubt that those who are smart on the uptake and those who believe in diversifying their sources of income would certainly find Fiverr a wonderful opportunity.


78. Get Paid To Read Emails

Are you looking to make some extra money at the comfort of your home? All you need to do is read the emails that you receive in your inbox. Sounds easy, right?


Will someone actually pay you for reading simple emails?


The emails that you will get paid to open are nothing but advertisements of different sorts. These emails come from different companies as they want to showcase their products and in turn get more leads and customers.


You have to open the emails and click on the links inside to get paid. The advertisers pay the company who will, in turn, pay you for opening the emails. When a company advertises something, they hope that when you open the link that you might actually buy something from their website or get details about their product. When you click a link, you actually share some of your details with the advertisers.


In order for you to make money by reading emails, here are some steps you can take:


   Open Google and then search with the keyword "Get paid to read emails". This will provide you with a list of sites that currently pay you to read emails.


You will find various websites that offer paid emails. Get yourself registered with some of these websites by giving them some basic information about yourself. (Some examples of these kind of websites include,, etc.)


   You need to provide some personal details on these websites like your name, your email address and your contact details and after you start working they will need to know where they can pay you as well.


   You will start receiving emails after you have completed


registration. All you need to do is open those emails when you get them. You can open them whenever you want but there will possibly be a limit to how many emails you will receive in a day, depending on the company.


   Open the emails and click on the links that are provided in the email by the advertisers. Opening the links will actually gain the advertisers some traffic on their server and that's exactly how digital marketing works.


   You keep doing this for a while with multiple websites and you will earn some really easy money.


   Refer others to the website and you can earn a percentage of everything they earn too. This is how the real money is being earned with these types of sites.


How much money can I make out of reading Emails?


You can expect something around $0.01 - $0.10 per email. Other than getting paid for reading emails, you can make money for referring your friends as well.


79. Network Marketing (MLM)

Network marketing, also known as Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), is a business model that allows you to generate ongoing income in two ways: by making a commission selling products and by recruiting other members and getting a percentage of everything they sell.


The later allows you to make money from the sales made by those you have recruited. That is, the company provides an opportunity for the person to create a team, network or


downline by sponsoring several individuals who are willing to start the same process, and this in turn extends for several levels.


Importantly, this is not a pyramid scheme (they are illegal) because there is an end goal which involves a customer buying a product or service with value.


It’s also not a get rich quick scheme. You will have to work I’m afraid! If you don't sell the product or service you will not get any commissions and consequently not really make much money.


However with the growth of social media, network marketing is becoming easier and lots of people are now making a decent living from it.


Here are some advantages of MLM:


1.    Can generate passive income.


2.   Typically requires little investment.


3.   Business growth is exponential if handled intelligently.


4.   You'll learn teaching skills, effective communication and time management.


5.   You can choose who to work with.




1.    If you are not working the business at least several hours daily, you probably won't succeed.


2.   If the company goes bankrupt, you will lose all your




3.   Approximately 90% of people, who enter and have no commitment and discipline, leave in the first three months.


On the other hand people who are serious about this business model; they say the biggest advantage is the feeling of gratification when your team members begin to succeed with them.


In order to succeed with MLM, here are some recommendations you can take:


   Find a good MLM company to work with. You'll need to do some research and read through reviews to make sure you stay away from any scams.


You can find a list of the best 25 MLM companies here.


   You must have a minimum of 1 hour a day to start and be willing and able to learn and apply something new.


   Be persistent when faced with obstacles and adversity - it can take many months to start seeing results with MLM.


   Be willing to grow personally and professionally.


   Start recruiting your family and friends into the company. For tips on how to recruit more people in your downline, read the article here.


How much money can I make with MLM?


This is a serious way of making good money on your own terms and it’s well worth reading up on. Some people have made $100,000's a month with MLM. I recommend getting


"The Business of the 21st Century" by Robert Kiyosaki.


80. Create Mobile Apps

Nowadays, thousands of apps are being produced and monetized by developers. In fact, a recent story in The Atlantic suggested how app makers of popular games like Candy Crush are earning millions in profits every year.


So if you have an idea for an app that can truly revolutionize the lives of people, here are a couple of things that you need to do in order to make money from it:


   Figure out the goal of your app - To begin with, you first have to figure out the goal of your app. Ask yourself what exactly would be the end game. Are you looking out to make an app for pulling in new customers, improving the value of a product or for simply making money from ad revenue? Usually, you cannot do these three things simultaneously. So once you figure out what your goal is, making the app will be simpler and easier.


   Sketch the idea of your app - Once you set the goal, start sketching the idea of your app and how it will flow. In this way, you actually are a step ahead of conceptualizing the basic fundamentals of your application.


   Create a mock prototype of your app - Well, this can be done by coming up with a wireframe and a proper storyboard for the app. This wireframe and potential prototype will now become the foundation structure of your app. You can come up with data diagrams, APIs and server sketches as a reference for the final product. Right after this, you can test the prototype you've come up with.


   Design your apps skin - Well, this skin would be the individual screens that are required for the app. So right after creating the wireframe and testing the prototype you have to test it again on high resolution versions of the skins.


   Come up with apps that boost marketing - Compared to getting other digital products to the market, developing an app can be comparatively less pricey. With the right app you can easily expand your digital footprint while meeting the right people for content and also benefiting from great PR. Your new app might catch the attention of bloggers and journalists who focus on your market. If you end up getting a lot of attention, it would simultaneously kick start your revenue and help you earn more.


   Come up with the app flexibly - While planning your digital strategy, make sure your app meets a market where it is most needed and while doing so, also makes most from the market. Always be flexible.


   For more in-depth tutorials on building your own mobile apps, refer to the article here.


How much can I make with mobile apps?


Once you create a mind boggling app, register it with the Android or apple app store. If it manages to make the cut, you will soon earn a lot of revenues from it.


81.  Start An Email Newsletter

If writing is your passion, why not use it as a means of earning money by writing email newsletters? All you need


is an internet connection and your computer, and you can start using your flair to create compelling and interesting email newsletters on topics people will want to read!


It is better if you first send email newsletters to your friends and anyone you know for free. Though this may seem to be a limited number of readers for your newsletter, once the newsletter gets more interesting and informative to the reader, you will find your subscriber base slowly but surely growing.


This is when you can start charging a fee for your newsletter.


When you start charging for your newsletter, you need to change to a "paid" model where your prospective subscribers sign up to read you newsletter and pay a monthly fee. Another option is to keep your newsletter free but promote affiliate products or find advertisers out there who would like to promote their business in your newsletter.


In order for you to make money writing email newsletters, here are some steps you can take:


   Make sure you write on a topic you are well versed about, which is trending and something you really want to write about. Only when you are comfortable with a topic will words keep flowing from your mind while you write. Writing about unknown topics may lead to writer’s block, and this will in turn hamper your actual writing style.


   In the beginning you can use free email services such as Gmail and Hotmail. As your subscriber base grows in the 100's or even 1000's, you might want to consider getting a professional email broadcast service such as GetResponse


and Aweber.


   Participate in forums which discuss the same topic you write about. Express your views here, and create an impression of yourself as an expert on the topic. Try to add some interesting information or examples to support your posts.


Place a link with your signature at the end of your forum posts, and make sure the signature links to your newsletter signup page. This is where interested people can sign up for your newsletter to receive more interesting information from you. Alternatively, they can email you with a request to subscribe.


   It is important that once you build a subscriber base, you keep on circulating your newsletters at specific times. You can publish your newsletter based on your convenience like on a weekly, monthly or a fortnightly basis; anything you are comfortable with. Just make sure you stick to the routine, and don’t keep changing it.


   As your subscriber base grows, start contacting advertisers and let them know how many subscribers you have on your newsletter. They will thus get an idea of the number of people they will reach if they decide to pay you for advertising. Naturally the more subscribers you have, the bigger their reach will be!


   Alternatively, you can sign up as an affiliate for products related to the topic you talk about and promote them to your subscribers. The best way to do this is to actually buy the product and write up an in-depth review about it.


   For a more in-depth look at building an email list and using it to make money, take a look at the blog post here.


How much money can I make with an email newsletter?


There is no fixed amount of money you can make by writing email newsletters. It mainly depends on your niche and the number of subscribers you have. The more popular and interesting is your niche topic, the more subscribes you get which consequently increases your earning potential. However on an average, it’s okay to ask for $100 or more for an ad if it has the potential to reach 5,000 or more subscribers.


82. Submit Articles

If you consider yourself a decent writer, why not make some money with it? There’s loads of websites that offer revenue sharing for submitting articles.


What Is Ad Revenue Sharing?


One method that a website uses to pay their writers is to use revenue sharing. The people behind the website pay you every time someone clicks on your article or if someone clicks on an advert within that article. This is great for a second income.


Another way a website pays you is through fixed fees. Every time you submit an article, you’ll receive a fixed amount of money. This is more reliable as a primary job because you’ll make a lot more money than you would using the first method. Of course with a fixed payout like this it obviously draws a lot of attention. Meaning it's harder to find a job like this unless you stand out from the rest.


In order to make money submitting articles, here are some steps you can take:


   Register with as many sites that accept articles and submit your content to all of them. Here's some of of the better ones:


-     Teckler


Teckler is one of the best revenue sharing websites out there when it comes to fairness. This website allows you to get paid 70% of what your content earns through ad revenue. Obviously the company needs some way to profit too, but 70% is still a very generous amount.


Additionally, you’re able to share videos, photos and even audio clips if you wish to.


You’re also more in control of what you earn. The minimum payout is $0.50, so no need to accumulate a certain amount before withdrawing money. Adding affiliated links to your articles can also increase your earnings.


-     iWriter


iWriter already has an advantage over some of the other Fixed-rate websites by not forcing the writers to sign up before submitting articles. You can just hop onto the website and start submitting articles immediately. The standard rate for this website is $1.25 per 150 words written. Which in my opinion is a very generous rate to offer. The minimum withdrawal amount is $20, but it won’t take long before you’ve accumulated this amount.


However, as you would expect, iWriter does not necessarily have to approve and pay you for your article. If they


believe the article is either low quality according to their guidelines, they will either ask you to rewrite the article or just reject it completely. On average, 20% of articles are rejected or asked to be rewritten.


Furthermore, this website offers a progression system. If you accumulate a four-star rating over 30 articles, you’ll receive double your pay. If you receive an overall 4.5 rating across 30 articles, you’ll triple your pay. This gives that extra bit of motivation for writers to increase quality.


How much money can I make submitting articles?


Usually you start off quite low as and the pay gradually increases when the employer likes the quality of your work. Payment varies from $1.5 per 500 to anything above $5. If you choose the revenue sharing model instead, the more articles you submit then the more you stand to make.


83. Build Links For Websites

Making money through websites has become a lucrative investment that will enable you to grow your business and attract many potential customers and retain current ones.


Link building has gained immense use for these websites because they direct viable customers to your website. Link building entails a process where you attract inbound links from other related websites to your website that will drive more traffic and is also essential in boosting your Google rankings.


Backlinks are the links that are on the website of other people that point to your website. The linking of the


websites shows Google and other search engines that your website deserves the linking hence Google will give your site a higher placement in it's search engine rankings.


When your website has a higher search engine ranking, it's traffic increases and that's why people try to get more links to their websites.


But there are many ethical ways to manipulate other websites to give you links and when you are well conversant with them then you can offer link building services for a fee.


In order for you to become a link builder, here are some steps you can take:


   Register yourself with freelancing sites such as,,, etc.


You are then expected to look for link building jobs on these sites and apply for them so that you can get clients that need your services. You should consider applying for as many as possible so that it can increase your chances of getting a job.


   Adhere to your buyer's instructions - The buyers of your service will often provide you with the places that they want you to build links from. You are expected to go the places they want you to go and follow the instructions they give you. These instructions may include creating a profile for their business on certain social media websites such as Facebook and Google Plus and making blog comments that will attract potential customers.


   When you are hired you can now start building the links to your buyer`s website. Quality link building will increase


their website`s Google and other search engine rankings and they will likely want to access your quality services again in the future. The buyer will also refer other buyers to your services and you can develop a good and a loyal customer base.


   After you have gathered a list of places where you can build links for clients, you can advertise link packages on sites such as Fiverr and SEO Clerks.


How much money can I make from building links?


The process enables you to offer your services from as low as $2 to $8 per hour depending on the quality of your services and your expertise.


Link packages can sell from between $10 and $100.


84. Expired Domains

I know you are curious to know why people prefer making money from expired domains rather than new ones.


When buying a domain name, an individual registers it for a specified period. In most cases, the domain name is registered for a period of 1 to 5 years. After this, you need to renew your domain name again. If you don't, the domain is deemed to have expired and can be bought by another buyer.


Usually, most domains expire with some traffic. In this case, the buyer of these domains will get instant access to the traffic that can generate revenue. Also, Google gives more attention to older domains, so you can build a site on


it that will have a head start in the search engine rankings. In order for you to make money with expired domains, here are some steps you can take:


   Find an expired domain database - Usually, recently expired domain names are listed in a database showing their status whether they are still active or expired. You can find reliable websites which have tools which you can check the due date for the expiry of thousands of domains. For instance, is a great site to check for recently expired domains..


   Buying domains - Once the domain name expires, it will not become readily available for re-registration instantly. Most domain registrars will provide a grace period for the registrants to renew their expired domains one last time. After the grace period has expired, there is a redemption period where a registrant can still reclaim the domain, but at a fee.


If the registrant fails to renew the domain name after the redemption period, it will be available to buy or depending on the registrar, made available for auction. At this point, you can participate in the auction by placing a bid on your desired domain name.


   Decide whether to build or flip your domain name - Once you have purchased a domain name, you can opt to use it for your business or sell it to make a profit. If you opt to use your domain in your business, you will need to customize it to suit your website. As the domain name may already have traffic, you could reap instant profits for your business.


On the other hand, you can flip your domain for money. Flipping is simply buying your domain name at a lower


price and selling it a higher price on sites like to make profits.


How much can I make from expired domains?


The amount of money you can make would be different in each case. You could have a total loss (total cost: $8.81 if you buy a domain via Namecheap with a coupon code), or you could potentially make thousands of dollars.


85. Transcribing

Transcribing is a fantastic way to make some extra money. There are all kinds of businesses that require someone to do transcription work for them. Some businesses may require a video or webinar transcribed. Transcribers will often be required to type out what has been said in a meeting.


In order for you to become a transcriptionist, here are some steps you can take:


   Sign Up With Freelancing Websites. These days, there are many freelancing websites that you can sign up for. These include:,,, etc. Through these websites you can find transcribing jobs.


   Once you have created an account with them, you can create a profile. Your profile should be thought of like a resume which can include all of your skills and experiences that you have had in the past. Make sure it has been written well, is professional, and contains no errors.


Most freelancing websites will allow you to choose what


payment method suits you. These methods might include PayPal, Direct Debit, Wire Transfer and more.


   Sign up with sites such as The Way With Words.


Way With Words is considered one of the best online transcription sites and is trusted by thousands of people.


This website provides transcribers a range of transcription work. This can be sorted by video, budget, audio or custom transcription.


   Apply For Transcribing Positions. Search Google for "transcription jobs" for various transcribing positions and apply for them. These days, most transcribing jobs are often done online which means you do not have to leave your home to do them. You never know, you might find yourself working for a great company in another country.


   If you have done all of the above and have been hired, then all you need to do is simply type up the transcription you have been sent and return it to the company who hired you. Before you return the transcription, be sure to proof read it. This will help you to make sure there are no errors in your transcription.


How much money can I make from transcription jobs?


Every transcription job will be different. Transcribers can earn anywhere from $3 through to the $100's for a single project. It all depends on the experience you have with this kind of work. It also depends on how fast you can work and your expertise within this field.


Those who do this work at a quicker rate, will often be able to charge employers with a premium rate.


86. Sell Handmade Items and Crafts

Are you a talented artist or craftsman? Is your work an expression of your creativity that you do just for fun? Or are you interested in selling your handmade arts and crafts as a source of income?


If you are interested in turning your passion into a business or even if you want to make some money to help pay for your supplies, here are some steps you can take:


   The first step you need to take is to evaluate your craft - To sell your crafts online, you must have something that is different from all the other arts and crafts that are being offered online.


   Include lots of pictures - Consumers rarely buy items without first seeing pictures. Increase your chances of making a sale by taking a few pictures of the item you are selling from different angles. Don't use stock photographs, but a picture of the actual item. Accompany that picture with a detailed description.


   Fair selling price - It is tricky to sell arts and crafts. Your goal is to make money, but a low selling price virtually guarantees a sale. Unfortunately, you aren't a mass production line, meaning your supplies and time cost more.


That is why a fair selling price is important. It ensures you make money, but is low enough to generate consumer interest. When setting your price, consider the cost of supplies and the time spend to make each item. Go from there.


   Customization - Since you make your arts and craft


projects by hand, you have a unique opportunity to offer an additional service to your buyers. That is customization. Whether an interested buyer would like a different colored wind chime or their name painted on it, you can do it. In fact, state in your listing description that customization and personalization are available for either no extra charge or a small fee.


   Research what you are going to sell - Hand embroidered dish towels are not going to sell as well to men as they will to women, but intricately tooled leather sheaths for hunting knives would be more likely to sell to men. Identifying your potential customers will help you decide on a venue to utilize for selling your handmade crafts.


   Add up all of the costs involved in making your handmade craft. In addition to supplies, include a reasonable estimate of the time you will spend on it. Stop at that point and ask yourself if people will be likely to pay at least that much for your handmade craft. If not, consider a different item. Otherwise, add in profit for yourself and ask yourself the question again. If you still feel that many customers would find the item an attractive purchase, repeat the process with your next item.


   Estimate how long it will take you to make each item. This will give you an idea of how many items you will be able to produce in a week's time. Assuming you can sell everything you produce this tells you the maximum you could earn.


   Decide whether you are going to offer personalized items. Requests for specific colors or the addition of names or sentiments can require more production time. On the other hand, it may be exactly what you need to set you apart from other crafters that are selling similar items. You


might include the personalization in the cost of the item if all the elements will be personalized. If it is to be an option that is seldom exercised, you might want just to make it a surcharge.


   Sell your items on sites such as eBay, Etsy and Craigslist.


How much can I make from selling homemade items and crafts online?


It really depends on what you are creating and how much time it takes to create as well as the quality.


Smaller items, like bracelets, charms etc. can sell for anything from $5 upwards, while paintings, carvings and objects that take many time to create can sell for $100's or more.


87. Provide Online Homework Help

If you are an expert on any subject, then stop sleeping on it. You can make money online using that knowledge, by providing online homework help during your spare time.


If you did not know, there is a huge demand for online tutors who can help students with their homework, assignments etc.


The reason for the high demands for online tutors is because students are required to submit their assignments on time and sometimes they can fall behind and need help.


You will therefore find that it is challenging for many of them to meet the deadlines of their assignments especially


if they have to prepare for their examinations at the same time.


In order for you to make money with online homework help, here are some steps you can take:


   Apply for Online Homework Help Jobs - Register with freelancing sites such as,,, etc. and apply for the numerous jobs that are available on these sites.


   There are also several companies online that you can select from and apply for jobs with.


Among the numerous companies, you can try applying with, and many others. As  you apply for the jobs, you need to confirm and make sure that the company you want to work with is credible and trustworthy. However, you can start with these two examples since they have a proven track record.


   Create a Website - Start your own website and list all the subjects you can provide homework help with, along with pricing and a way to schedule appointments. Starting your own website can make you more money than working for someone else but it might take time to become established. You can decide to employ other people who are experts like you once you realize that you are getting too many clients.


If you realize that there is someone who is interested in working with you and is experienced in other subjects, do not hesitate to include that person on your website. All you have to do is to update you website and include the additional subject or subjects to your previous list.


   Use a Bulletin Board - You can consider putting your offer on a bulletin board at a nearby school. This is just another way of attracting clients. In this case, you will have to post regularly so that you can get traffic to your website. Again, you need to have superior knowledge of the subject you want to offer the homework help for.


   Provide Excellent Services - After getting clients, you now need to provide excellent service no matter which of the above steps you have taken. This will make you get even more clients since the ones you have served will refer others to you.


How much money can I make from providing homework help?


Depending on your experience and expertise on the subject you choose to offer, you can charge from as little as $3 to

$50 per hour. Most people who do such jobs charge between $10 and $20, but that depends on your influence and the quality of work you do.


88. Play Online Games

The Internet has provided us plenty of fun ways to make money online, but perhaps the best of them is the opportunity to earn a decent sum by playing online games. Casual gamers can eke out extra pocket change while more serious gamers can create a full-time income by participating in tournaments.


In order for you to make money with online games, here are some steps you can take:


   First, you need a decent computer if you plan on playing tournaments or high-end games, preferably a gaming PC. Serious gaming requires a GPU with a good amount of onboard memory, a 3D sound card and a sophisticated speaker system (including a subwoofer). If you wish to play 3D games, an Intel Core i5 or i7 processor, 16 GB of RAM and a minimum of 2GB DDR5 graphics card are highly recommended. The faster your computer is, the better the game will operate.


   Then, get the software of a game that is inexpensive or freely available. Most online games require you to register on their website to start playing, so create an account with them. Play the game regularly to hone your skill set within the game. After some practice, your gaming skills will be good enough to compete with others in tournaments.


   Once you select a game, play it regularly for several hours day. In less than a month, you will master it.


   Once you master the high-action games such as Gears of War, Quake, Unreal Tournament, and Mortal Combat, you become a professional gamer. Keep visiting the game manufacturer's site for details about the upcoming tournaments where you can compete with other gamers like yourself.


At first, prefer smaller tournaments, and once you get enough mastery, favor the competitions that offer cash prizes of at least $1,000.


   If you would rather just get paid for playing simple games, then Google can help you find the top sites. Some of the popular sites include Gamesville and Paid Game Player.


   Once you become proficient in playing a few games, write reviews and tutorials on how to play them. Write a significant number of articles providing helpful tips to readers. You may post these articles on your blog or website and monetize it through advertising such as Google Adsense. Also, interact with experienced gamers in forums to find out how you can improve your skills.


   Gamers who sit for many hours in front of their PC's are prone to stress, muscular atrophy, and weight gain. To avoid these problems, exercise daily for at least one hour. This also keeps your reflexes sharp and gives you an edge over your opponents.


   To know more about playing games for making money, please refer here.


How much money can I make out of playing games?


At first, you will only be able to make petty amounts, but with a steady practice, your monthly earnings can be high enough to pursue online gaming full-time. On top of that, everyone loves to make some extra money by doing something that they enjoy.


89. Review Songs

Slice the Pie is a music review site that was set up in 2007 to enable aspiring musicians and bands to get real reviews from real people about their music whereas before they could only submit them to radio stations or record labels.


As a reviewer, you are paid for the number and depth of reviews that you write for each song. You actually get paid


for your music snobbery. With $2 million paid out to reviewers so far, I would say, it is a good way of making money online.


In order to make money as a song reviewer, here are some steps you can take:


   Join Slice the Pie. As a rater, you will get a random selection of songs by unknown musicians to listen to and rate. You will typically have to listen to a song for about 90 seconds before you can proceed to write a review. After listening to the song, you will provide a written review of the song including aspects such as melody, lyrics, arrangement, instruments, and vocals.


   An important thing to note is that the more detailed your review is, the higher your rater rankings, and the higher your potential income. Beginners will typically start with a base salary of $.02 per review, which will go up to a maximum of $.30 once you start submitting high quality and insightful reviews.


After writing your review, you will also have to rate the song on a scale of 1-10 on a slider. Once you have completed these two tasks, hit the submit button, and the money is immediately deposited in your Slice The Pie account.


   How to increase your earnings - As previously mentioned, the more insightful and detailed your review is, the higher your earning potential. It is therefore important to know a good review from a bad review, to maximize your earnings. Since there are far too many reviews coming in, it is impossible to review them manually – hence the Slice The Pie algorithm.


To get a better score, a few things you have to include in your review, such as musical effects, descriptive phrases, beat, bass, lyrics and vocals, that tell the algorithm your review is informative. Break down and describe every comment you can think of, and include it in the review. For instance, you can say "the song has a light, playful beat that makes me happy listening to it. The artist also has a commercial voice that could be enhanced by adding more bass to the instrumentals."


   I dont know anything about music - Can Slice The Pie work if you do not know anything about music? I believe it can  one of the most beautiful things about music is that you do not have to know anything about putting music together to know good music from bad. A lot of music is about feeling, and people will purchase music not because of it's impressive arrangement, but because of its emotional appeal.


   How to make even more money:


1.    Write as many quality reviews as possible to get a higher ranking that pays better.


2.   Refer other people to join Slice The Pie – this may be more lucrative than writing reviews since you will get a slice of the earnings of anyone you invite to the website without doing the actual work.


How much can I make reviewing songs?


As mentioned above, beginners will typically start with a base salary of $.02 per review, which will go up to a maximum of $.30 once you start submitting high quality and insightful reviews.


The website will deposit your pay into your slice the pie account after each review. However, your payments will accumulate until you reach the minimum payout threshold of $10. When you reach the minimum payment threshold, log into your account, and withdraw the money into your PayPal account.


90. Pay Per click Arbitrage

Pay Per Click arbitrage is an online marketing strategy that involves leveraging Google Adwords or Facebook Ads to drive traffic to your money-making site. Your money making site will include ads that point to other sites. If visitors coming to your site click on those ads, you earn money.


Your goal when using PPC arbitrage is to make more money than you spend. The money you make is the difference between how much you pay for your Adwords ads and, how much an advertiser pays you for every click made on ads placed on your website. It's therefore important that you pay a low amount for an Adwords ad than what you receive for every click made on ads on your site.


A great resource to learn more about PPC arbitrage can be found at arbitrage-what-it-is-and-how-to-pull-it-off/


In order for you to make money with PPC arbitrage, here are some steps you can take:


   Set up a website - You'll need to set up a website which will host the ads. To do this, find a good domain name


which is focused on what your target traffic is interested in. For example, if you intend to target people interested in making money online, your domain name should reflect on this. Besides the domain name, you'll also need to get hosting for the site.


Getting cheap hosting is important if you want to keep expenses low and maximize on income. Finally, create your website. You can use one of the available free site builders or a content management systems such as WordPress.

   Purchase PPC ads on Google, Bing or Facebook.


Once you've got your account, you'll need to purchase PPC ads. Based on your target audience, your ads should have the following features:


-     Target a specific keywords that your target audience uses to find sites within your niche.


You'll need a keyword research tool such as Google Keyword Planner to find these.


-     An eye catching headline.


-     A short description that prompts target visitors to click on the ad.


Purchasing PPC ads involves bidding. That is, you'll need to set a maximum amount that you're willing to pay for every click made. You'll want to keep the bid amount low.

However, you shouldn't set it too low such that it negatively affects where your ads are placed on the sponsored listings in search results.


   Set up Google Adsense or other ads on your site - Once target visitors get to your site, you'll want them to click on


ads placed on it's pages.


Setting up Google Adsense on your site allows Google to place relevant ads on your site. Here are some tips to help you out:


-     Place the ads on strategic locations on every page. For example, on the header and within page content. However, you should test to see which page locations attract the most clicks.


-     Include quality content on your site. This helps Google place relevant ads on your website.


   Get paid for every click made on the ads - Every click made on the ads placed on your site will attract PPC revenue. Your goal should be to maximize on the number of clicks made.


   Make a profit - Your profit is the difference between the PPC revenue you make from clicks made within your site and the amount you pay for every click on your Adwords ads.


How much can you make from PPC Arbitrage?


How much you make depends on several factors including your target niche, the number of ads you place on your site, how much you're paid per click and your bid amount. In general, you can make something between $0.1 and $1 per click.


The key with this is to scale to a large degree.


91.  Currency Trading

Before the internet got sophisticated enough to host various types of commercial enterprises barely two decades ago, it was difficult to imagine how it's monetization aspects would work.


It today stands as one of the most powerful global trade platform where anyone from any part of the world can take part in any business, e-currency trading included.


E-currency is however comparable to stock trading in terms of the risks involved. It's fundamental facet hinges on your ability to speculate the rise and fall of some the most traded currencies in the global money market.


In-depth knowledge of how to go about the online money trade is therefore important if you wish to avoid the pit- falls and embrace success.


In order for you to make money with currency trading, here are some steps you can take:


   Conduct Sufficient Currency Research and Analysis - Currencies are always traded in pairs. If you’re interested in trading the Euros against the US dollar, for example, go for the pair quoted as EUR/USD. In this case, EUR is the base currency while the USD is the quote currency. You will therefore make money if you can rightly predict an increase in the value of the quoted currency or a decrease in the value of the base currency.


This means analyzing significant socio-economic and political factors which may lead to the quoted currency’s appreciation or the base currency’s depreciation before you


buy or sell any currency.


   Keep a Keen Eye on the Global Money Market - The global money market is among the most volatile and dynamic investment moves that one can get involved in. This is because issues to do with shifts in oil prices, political policies, inflation rates and currency devaluation affects it's second-by-second outlook.


It’s important to pay attention to details by keeping a keen eye on the currency prices to make it possible for you to purchase the right pair at the right time. Paying attention to details enables you to decide whether to take your e- currency investment move on a short or a on a long stand.


You can for instance decide to buy the EUR, using USD at a loss, knowing that the EUR value might rise significantly above that of the USD to cover for your loses, granting you the hefty profits that you took the long stand investment move to attain.


   Value Expert Opinion - E-currency trading is affected by a number of factors, all of which no average person can internalize, analyze and then put into practice in the push for success.


Luckily, there are many experts who can help you make the right decisions by giving you empirical advice on how to turn loses into gains or how to avoid ultimate mistakes such as the rush to cash out whenever things may not be going well.


Therefore, other than conducting your own research and analysis, it’s as well significant to take note the experts’ feel on e-money markets'    pulse rate.


   To learn more about currency trading, as well as the basics, refer to the the website here.


How much money can I make out of trading currencies?


The amount of money that you can make as an e-currency trader depends on your level of patience, research and analytical abilities. It also pegs on the amount of money that you are willing to risk and how well you listen to the experts’ advice.


92. Earn Bitcoins

When I say earning Bitcoins, you should not only think of just mining them but consider many of the other ways of generating cash using Bitcoin.


Some of the most common and dependable ways of making money using Bitcoin include:


   Using Bitcoin faucets - this basically entails creating and running your very own faucet. This method is often overlooked but it could earn you a cool $50-$800 a month. The process of managing your own faucet is fairly simple as it only requires you to fill out a captcha and then start earning.


This process is further explained here: money-bitcoin-faucet/


Here are some of the most popular Bitcoin Faucets:


   Quick Faucet - this faucet functions more or less like a normal faucet but is a bit more complex. Join their site then start earning satoshi that will at some point translate to real hard cash.


   Bitcoin Aliens - this game mainly works by you killing bitcoin aliens every ten minutes which earns you satoshis that mostly range from 100-10,000. This is a short process but perhaps the most fun of all.


   Sign up with Coinbase and use it to buy a few bitcoins: this process is often easy but tends to produce plenty of fruits. To start, create an account with Coinbase; make sure to provide your bank account data and then purchase the bitcoins. Once you buy these bitcoins, you can, in turn, sell to the next buyer and make a small profit. This means that for every ten bitcoins you buy, you sell them at a five percent profit.


After Coinbase is done verifying you, it is easier to maneuver your way around hence making it easier for you to build a bitcoin trade advertisement. You do this by going to the LocalBitcoins menu, then clicking on the “post a trade” slot then wait for a response. The main way by which this earns you money is if, for instance, you put up a five percent increase in price of your coins, the price presented to a buyer automatically gets raised by five percent.


   Another way of earning Bitcoins is through the PinkTussy. This mainly works by one earning free coins which translate to 150-2500 satoshi every twenty minutes. This is not that many but if its periodical, you could earn yourself a stunning jackpot.


   Other faucets that are likely to earn you money is the


BitcoStars and the BitcoinZebra - These two faucets almost work in the same way but differ to some extent. With BitcoStars, you earn free online money by filling out captchas hourly. This means that you earn almost six hundred satoshis every hour.


How much money can I make with Bitcoins?


The best thing about Bitcoin is that once you hit the first bitcoin you do not have to wait for a long time to be able to hit the next one. You are therefore assured of consistency in earning money. The steps outlined are easy and quite rewarding.


93. Start A Membership Site

When most people consider starting an online membership site, the first thing they think of is a paid site. They forget about or don't realize that they can make great money with a free membership site.


In this article, we're going to cover three great ways to make money from a free membership site. But first, how can you develop a membership site and invest all that time when it doesn't bring in immediate income?


You can create what's called an "Automatic Content" site that provides weekly lessons to members via autoresponder. These membership sites are very easy to build and once they're completed it runs on autopilot. All you have to do is promote it.


For example, you can create a 4, 8 or 12-week training course solving a key problem of your target market. Once


a week your autoresponder will send out the lesson automatically. There is a great value to the member because they know what to expect. And you don't have to worry about creating additional content on the backend.


In order for you to make money with a membership websites, here are some steps you can take:


   Instead of marketing your content as a course or something of minimal value, promote it as a unique, highly valued membership site. Something that a person interested would expect to pay a nice monthly fee for. But since it's free and presented as a membership site your conversions will go through the roof.


Then you'll be able to profit from your free membership site several different ways. But these three are the best:


1.    Build Your List - You've heard it so often it probably makes you sick, "The money is in the list." The reason you hear it so often is because it's true! Statistics prove that for every person on your email list you can expect $.50 -

$1.00 in revenue per month. Granted there are several factors that play into this, but if you send consistent messages with valuable content, you can expect that number to be closer to the $1.00 range.


2.   Affiliate Marketing - While you're already building your list, you can now market quality affiliate products and programs to your list. Once you've built value, this is taken care of by your free membership site; your list will trust you when you recommend affiliate products.


3.   Sell Your Own Products - Finally, you can, of course, sell your list your products. Why is this last on the list? My experience shows that most people don't want to start out


creating products. It takes too long, and some people perceive that it's difficult to do. So the easiest and fastest way to make money online is by promoting other's people's products. However, at some point, you'll want to create your own products because your profit margins will be so much higher!


   Keep posting contents on a regular basis as long as possible.


As you can see starting your free membership site can be very lucrative and beneficial.


How much money can I make from a membership site?


It really depends on how many subscribers you have and how you monetize them. With a loyal following of several hundred members, you can quite easily achieve an income of $100 a day or more.


94. Review Websites

Among the many ways that you can make money online is by reviewing websites.


If your website or blog is popular and has lots of traffic, you can easily earn money by reviewing other websites for a fee. A lot of people will be willing to pay for the exposure they will get by being reviewed on your site. But to achieve the best out of this business, you must satisfy your clients by providing an in-depth and honest review about the site

-     both good and bad.


In order for you to make money by reviewing websites, here are some steps you can take:


   Post an ad on your website advertising the service - First, you need to let potential clients know about your services. You can do this by posting an ad on your site saying that you are offering reviews for products, blogs, etc. The ad will help you to get the attention from websites and product owners looking for exposure.


   Do research on search engines - You have to make an extra move to get potential clients. Look for clients instead of having them look for you. All websites are readily accessible on search engines such as Google. Do an extensive search to identify the websites that are not performing well in the search engines and those that might need more traffic.


Both websites will be in need of reviews for different reasons. Websites that are not performing well in the search engines will be willing to pay so as to get a quality backlink. Similarly, sites that are already doing well will need your services to maintain their traffic. Send them email/offers and make sure that you have mentioned traffic numbers since that information will be crucial for the clients.

How much can I make out of reviewing websites?


This will depend on how much traffic you get, the authority of your website and what your niche is. You can charge anywhere from $50 to $500 for each review you do.


The amount of traffic, popularity, quality and reputation of your website is paramount to how much you can make.

Work on these three factors, and you will make more out of this method.


95. Website Consultant

Experience with websites can earn you a lot of money if you are creative enough. If you are running a website review service you can upgrade your services to also offer professional reports to websites.


It is very important that you be experienced in all the SEO tools since a consultant is only as good as the knowledge he or she possesses. This expertise and experience can be gained from reviewing multiple websites and blogs. A consultant is able to review the sites of clients and inform them on the best strategy to improve or fix the site to get more traffic, sales, etc.


In order for you to make money with consultant services, here are some steps you can take:


   Post an advertisement on your website - Post on your website that you are taking new clients for private reviews. Ensure that you clarify that the review serves the purpose of improving their site and increasing traffic.


Remember to state it is a consultancy service and the review is for the client’s eyes only. If your website is popular, posting an advertisement could be enough to get people interested. You can also go an extra mile of advertising on other websites. This will cost you but the rewards could definitely worth it.


   Contact your former clients - Contacting your former clients is very easy especially if you had done for them a satisfactory public review.


Inform them of the immense experience you have acquired


and that you can be of great help to their sites. Be professional and sell your skills in the best way possible. You can offer a discount to the former clients and inform them that the discount is for the previous work you did for them. If you are confident about your skills, you can offer a money back guarantee if the advice that you give does not work out.


   Search in Google - The best thing about a consultancy service is that the potential clients are numerous. All you need to do is do a Google search of websites in your niche. There are many websites out there wanting to get increased traffic, more sales etc. Even if a website has high traffic, it may still want to get more or it might want to increase sales conversions.


You need to approach as many websites as you can to increase your chances of getting hired. When sending emails, ensure that the emails are professional and are well detailed. Indicate your achievements that can help their site and be sure to state your website traffic numbers. A client with a website that has low traffic should contact you. Ensure that you overdo it in all your consultancies so as to get recommendations.


How much money can I make as a website consultant?


Do not state the amount you want to charge when sending your applications. Use discriminatory pricing if you want to get the most from your services. You can set the minimum amount of money to charge per client at $100+ per review. If a high profile company decides to employ you, you can charge a substantial fee especially when the site starts getting positive results. You can also price your consulting service depending on how much you can improve a certain site.


96. Mechanical Turk

If you have been looking for ways to make money online, Mechanical Turk is a perfect way to start. Mechanical Turk is from Amazon which pays you for doing small jobs online called HiTs (Human Intelligence Tasks). From their site:, you will get paid for a variety of tasks from transcribing to translating, answering finance questions and writing out research papers.


The tasks available in the Mechanical Turk are usually very straightforward and quick, though the workers there are not big earners since they have to do quite a few tasks in an day to make significant earnings.


Working with the Amazon Mechanical Turk has many benefits. For example, the fact that Amazon is a reputable company means that you can always rely on getting paid for your work. Another advantage is that it is easy to get started, you can work from anywhere, it has flexibility, it has no limits and also doesn't require any specific skills.


On the other hand, payments here are not very high, and you therefore need to how to make the most of Mechanical Turk.

Here are some of the best ways to make money by working on the Amazon Mechanical Turk:


   Work for the Transcription Companies - You will find several transcription companies active on the MTurk and you should make good use of them. These companies always pay the turkers around 50 cents per minute of transcription as they send the end results to the various clients.


   Do Research Jobs - You will find several research projects being conducted and some of the companies that do their research here later sell their research results for a profit. Therefore, MTurk is one of the best sources for research projects.


   Do Some Content Sourcing - Several job requesters build content sites, and the main source for their contents is MTurk. You can, therefore, be one of the workers on MTurk to do the quality check-ups for the content the requesters receive as well as writing it.


   Data Collection Jobs - There are usually various tasks on MTurk that ask people to find information like email addresses or contact information from certain people. You can, therefore, be among those who do this job and make some easy earnings for yourself.


   Take Part in MTurk Related Forums - In addition to the above steps, you can always participate in the MTurk related forums like the MTurk Forum and Turker Nation.


As you join these forums, you will be able to get more information on the experience of other workers, and this will give you some hint on how to improve your earning on the MTurk. In the forums, you are always free to ask questions, read other answers to the people’s questions.

How much can I make from being a Mechanical Turk?


Though the jobs don't usually pay a lot, it is still one of the quickest ways of earning money online. As your work gets approved, you will get paid right into your Amazon account.


97. Medical Research Volunteer

Volunteering to participate in a paid medical research study is not the right choice for every individual. However it could prove to be a perfect fit for you!


Although most medical studies are performed in special facilities, there are some that allow you to stay at home and that's why we've included it here.


In order to make money as a medical volunteer, here are some steps you can take:


   Search Google for "Location Medical Volunteer". Replace location with your own city.


There are ongoing studies that are being conducted in many different cities and these programs are available throughout the year. The paid medical study that you participate in could involve a few hours of your time or it could involve a weekend commitment. There are additional studies being done that can be completed in 1-2 weeks while others can last for 4 weeks, or even longer.


You can browse through the online listings and discover which testing facilities are located closest to your home or be adventurous and search for a facility that is in another city or state. As long as you can make your own travel plans and handle the transportation issues there are few obstacles to prevent you from applying for the study that you most want to join.


   Individuals who are between 18-85 are being recruited for a variety of research opportunities. As a volunteer you will be providing a valuable service and you will be


handsomely paid for your time and participation. Each of the various studies will outline how much time is involved and the amount of money that you will receive at the conclusion of the test. The pay could be as little as $25 or you could rake in several thousand dollars.


   Although an outpatient must arrange their own transportation back and forth for each visit those who are accepted for residential studies will receive free room and board for the duration of the testing procedures. The setting is arranged so that it is much like a college dorm with private sleeping quarters, free entertainment and interaction with those individuals who are also participating in the same research group.


You will not be bored because these facilities furnish televisions, video movies, games, sports activities, books and even internet access to their volunteers. With 3 meals a day, snacks and an abundance of free time you will almost feel as though you have landed a vacation instead of a research assignment.


   Medical care and supervision are also part of the free benefits that all volunteers will receive. As part of a paid medical research project your health and welfare are both going to be monitored very closely. Although the medications that you may be testing have already been judged to be very safe there may be some minor side effects such as changes in blood pressure, a skin reaction or minor GI upsets. The health care team will be constantly watching for any problems and this is why some of the tests are conducted 'on premises.'


   Volunteers will be asked questions; lab work will be done; physical exams must be performed and your intake and output is going to be monitored. As soon as all of the


necessary data has been collected you will be ready to return home with extra money in your pocket.


How much money can I make from being a medical research volunteer?


There are even some individuals who have now made this type of work their full time career, but for most people this is just a part-time gig that can provide them with some extra dollars.


98. Paid Mobile Apps

Just like paid surveys, you can use smartphone apps that will pay you for small tasks as well. Although they pay less than surveys, this is one of the best ways you can use your spare time constructively when traveling on a train, waiting in a queue, etc.


In order to make money with apps on your phone, here are some sites you can start with:


   Google Opinion Rewards - Google Opinion Rewards is an app where you can receive cash rewards through your Google account. Rewards are made after answering questions and surveys.


To begin, you have to install the app from the Google Play store and launch it. Signing in to your Google account is required after which you will receive a test survey. The test survey acts as a way to help you understand how the program works. This is also where your demographic and other information is established.


Surveys are rewarded by this app based on all the


shopping experiences that you have had recently. This shows that you can be in a position to provide quality answers to their surveys. Completion of a single survey takes on average a couple minutes after which you receive payment to your Google account. After working for several days or weeks, the balance on your Google account can be enough to buy Google Play store services.


To be in a better position to participate in different surveys, it is important to make trips to different locations when location services of the app on your Android device are enabled. Different trips can come with new shopping experiences and allow you to do new surveys.


Keep the app updated and set up new locations when on a journey through the app settings. The location is established through mobile networks, Wi-Fi, and GPS. Keep the app open daily to show your interest.




Swagbucks members are rewarded with cash or free gift cards for completing easy online tasks. To earn points, you have to do online shopping, answer surveys, watch videos and search the web. All the points you earn can be redeemed for gift cards at different online retailers such as Walmart and Amazon. You can also redeem the points to cash through PayPal.


Every dollar you spend when shopping with online retailers earns you several SB points. You can also earn SB points through surveys where all you have to do is give your opinions about a certain topic. Swagbucks has a collection of video playlists. You always receive free gift cards after watching them. Using their special search engine earns you several SB points.


After playing games or purchasing games through GSN, which is a partner of Swagbucks, you can always receive free stuff. The app can be easily installed from the Google Play Store.


How much money can I make with paid apps?


Although they won't make you rich, with these apps, you get to make some extra cash during your free time, when traveling, and when waiting in queues.


99. Make And Sell CD Mixes Online

Interestingly, there are many websites that allow the download of audio and video music at no cost. Such sites allow people to legally download and use the music without paying a royalty fee for it. Through such sites, you can download good music, create music mixes and sell them via sites such as eBay.


People can buy the music mixes for either personal use or as gifts for loved ones. This way, you can also support the independent and upcoming musicians by making their music known. Alternatively, you can start a website that creates custom mixes for users. Through such a website, users can select the music that they want to be included in their custom CD mixes.


In order for you to make money with selling CD mixes, here are some steps you can take:


   Search the web for open source music. You can also visit this blog post and check out a list of 14 best sources that offer open source music.


Open source music is music that is freely available on the internet to use legally. For such music, one is not legally bound to purchase a license in order to download and use. There are some websites that purely stock open source music and you don't have to pay for the music that you will use to create your CD mixes.


   Play around with the music and create great mixes - Creating a good mix is all about playing around and finding the most suitable and appealing combinations. Unless you experiment, you will not be able to establish how best different songs mix together. More often than not, if you find a certain mix to be appealing, there is a high likelihood that other people will find it appealing as well. As a result, by playing around with the music, you are able to find better mixes and in the process increase the range of products available for sale.


   Inform your friends, family, and other prospective buyers

-     Anybody that loves music is a prospective client. All you need to do is let them know that you are selling music mixes and you are good to go. Your first client may just be around the corner. If possible, hand out samples that may attract more clients. After all, the more clients you have, the more money you are likely to make.


   Put your CD mixes up for sales on sites like eBay.


How much money can I make selling CD mixes?


Well, it all depends on the volume of customers you get and amount you make per copy.


Charging between $10 and $15 for a normal CD and $30 for custom made CD is not a bad idea. The only cost you will be incurring is the cost of buying the CD, shipping cost


and a few extra costs for preparing the CD. The rest is all profit.


100. SEO Consultant

One of the most lucrative online money making methods is through becoming an SEO consultant. In this career, you will be helping websites rank higher in the Google search engine results when targeted keywords are searched for.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is not an easy task but with a little effort it can be learned.


Your task as an SEO consultant will entail looking at what the clients have on their website and request the necessary changes to make it more SEO friendly.


You can find more details about SEO here:

In order for you to become an SEO consultant, here are some steps you can take:


   Create your website - You need to be able to communicate with your clients and a website is a good place to do so. Creating a website is not easy; you may require the help of web designers. You also need to make use of the services of a reliable web host.


Once you have created your website, the next thing is to fill it with relevant content and optimize it. Well, you will be promising others top ranking on Google and other search engine results and your website must lead by example.


Many companies believe that if an SEO consultants website does not rank highly then they cannot deliver what they promise. This is not far from the truth. Your website therefore is your chance to prove that what you offer actually works.


   Show samples of previous work - Clients are more likely to trust you if you have helped others previously and obtained positive results. Outline these results on your website and whenever possible accompany them with a review from the satisfied client. This way, your target clients will know that you are not just talk but act and deliver on what you promise. Encourage satisfied clients to always leave a review.


   Find the right clients - When marketing your business, do not do this blindly. Instead, use a targeted approach aiming at clients who are not doing so well in terms of their SEO strategies. Approach them and help drive organic traffic to their websites. Let them know that by raising their ranking in search results they will be able to reach more clients and subsequently increase their sales.


   Alternative ways to get clients - Other than marketing your business, you could try looking for and applying for SEO consultant positions on freelancing sites such as,,, etc.


How much can you make as an SEO consultant?


There really is no limit to how much you can make. You could set your prices at an hourly rate (the minimum would be $10/hour) or set a one-off price for when the client website ranks on the first page of Google. The latter could be $500 or more. The much you charge however depends on your level of experience. To attract clients, beginner


SEO consultants should charge less. Once you have build a track record for yourself you can charge higher and you will still get clients. Just start low and watch your business grow.

The End

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