Online Counselor

                      Online Counselor

Many people prefer to go online looking for counseling rather than meeting a counselor in person. The counseling session can occur via e-mail, video conferencing, online


chat or even internet phone.


They feel they can be a little more anonymous that way, and there's also the convenience of not needing to drive anywhere which is a bonus.


If you have the skills and ability to counsel people effectively, this could be an ideal online job for you. You don't need to have any special degree, although it would obviously give you a competitive advantage.


People who make good counselors are usually those who are interested in psychology, self-awareness as well as self- improvement, and also have a strong desire to help others with their problems. A good listening ear also helps.


If you're interested in becoming an online counselor, you should first check the laws in your state or Country to determine the requirements for becoming a counselor.

Learn more about who is qualified to provide mental health care online in this article on the qualifications of online therapists.


In order to become an online counselor, here are some steps you can take:


   Create a website that lists your current qualifications and how you are able to help people. If you do not have a degree or other qualifications to prescribe things to people, let them know.


Many people actually just want to pay you to listen to them so they have a safe place where they can vent their frustrations. Just be sure not to overstep what you're legally allowed to say and do.


   Once you have a website, you can start advertising it on social networks, amongst friends, in local newspapers and with pay-per-click marketing such as Google Adwords and Bing Ads.


Something even as simple as placing an ad in the Yellow Pages or local newspapers can be an effective way to generate new business. If you're having trouble with your marketing and getting new clients, you could even consider hiring an outside consultant to help grow your business.


   Once you start taking new clients, you will start to build up your customer base and see repeat appointments. When first starting out, you should start collecting testimonials from the people you help and then put those testimonials on your website to build your credibility. If you can get a audio or video testimonial, even better.


   There are numerous websites and colleges which offer online counseling courses that you can use to enhance your skills and credibility. Here are a couple of the most popular ones:


-     Blackford Centre for Counseling


They give you the tools and techniques you need to help people as a counselor. The course is full of activities, suggestions, tips and ideas that you can instantly use with your clients.


They also explain how to set up your own counseling practice. They even show you how to launch and market it, and how to get clients. You'd be surprised how many courses don't cover this adequately.


-     The Institute of Counseling


According to their website, the course you choose will extend your natural talents and make you a more effective counselor or carer. Your interpersonal skills - like those of listening, understanding and empathizing - will be explored and developed so that the help and support you ultimately give will be effective. Remember - wherever the problems and concerns of people are involved, just a small change can make a vital difference.


-     Online Counseling College


The Online Counseling College offers opportunities for professional development and personal growth. All of their courses are available to first time students as well as to experienced practitioners.


How much can I make out of being an online counselor?


Depending on your skill level and reputation, you can make anywhere from $25-$200 an hour and upwards.


Just like real-world counseling, the salaries of online counselors can vary quite a lot depending on your location and qualifications. If you're starting out in the field, you shouldn’t expect to be making as much as someone who has 5-10 years of experience, who might make upwards of

$100,000 annually.


Rather, you can expect to make anywhere between

$30,000 and $50,000 annually. If you are working independently as an online counselor, you have the power to set the prices for your services, which means you will have at least a little more control over your income than someone working for an organization.


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