

Podcasting is quite similar to blogging, but you do it via your voice instead of typing or writing.


Podcasts are digital media files (most often mp3 audio), which are typically produced in a series. Listeners can subscribe to your podcasts by using software called a podcatcher.


Podcasting can be used for:


1.    Informational content.

2.   Music.

3.   Talk Shows.

4.   Training.

5.   Story telling.


Many people consider podcasting as an alternative to commercial radio and TV, because of the low cost of producing a podcast which allows more voices and viewpoints to be heard.


You would get the exact same benefits and you should approach it the same way as Blogging, but it's simply a way to suit people who would prefer talking versus writing.


Plus, the other benefit to podcasts is they can be heard while driving, jogging or at times when it is impossible to read.


To get started podcasting, you will need a few basic bits of equipment such as a headphone, microphone, and software with which to record your audio files.


You can make decent money with podcasting in exactly the same way you would with blogging – via advertisements and by recommending affiliate products directly in your podcast that offer commissions.


Another more lucrative way to get paid to podcast is with sponsorships. This is the way most prominent podcasters are monetizing their podcast these days. With this method, you simply promote your sponsor and get paid directly from them.


The most important number to sponsors isn't actually the size of your audience, but how engaged your audience is and how likely they are to take action on the sponsors message from the presenter.


In order for you to become a paid podcaster, here are some steps you can take:


   Create a website or blog with which to put your podcasts on.


   Plan out and record your content  you can use a good free recording program called Audacity if you don't already have something else.


   Create or convert your recordings to mp3 format.


Upload your mp3 files along with good a description to your website.


Now you can start sharing it with your friends, on social media etc.


Remember to add content as frequently as possible so that you can build up a regular listener base and potentially find those sponsorship deals.


   There are many great tutorials out there that show you how to do each of these steps in-depth.


Cliff Ravenscraft, aka the Podcast Man has a free video series, "Learn How To Podcast 101", which is a video tutorial with more than 120 minutes of instruction that will help you lay a solid foundation for setting up a podcast for future success. This podcasting tutorial will give you all the building blocks to help you understand what is needed to launch your podcast business properly.


Another really great free resource can be found at http://howtopodcasttutorial.com/. They provide information of setting up a podcast, as well as detailed guides on promoting and making money with your podcasts.


Here are some more ways to monetize your podcasts:


   You can ask for donations. Don't expect to make too much money with this method though.


   Give some quality information away free, charge for the rest. One popular method being used today is to offer every 2nd podcast for free and charge a monthly fee for the rest.


   Allow listeners to partially listen to your show for free and pay for full access. With this method you could offer the first 10-20 minutes of your podcast for free and charge for the rest.


   Build your brand to sell your own products and services. If you run your own business you can promote those on your podcasts.


How much can I make podcasting?


It can take some time to establish a decent podcast audience, but the profit potentials can be quite large if you become popular.


Your earnings will vary based on the amount of listeners you get, how interesting your content is, how often you podcast, and the types of advertisements you offer.


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